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Certain medical disorders and conditions in pregnancy predispose a patient to preeclampsia and these include the ff: except:
A. Renal disease
B. Multiply gestation
C. Fetal hydrops
D. Hydatidiform mole
Treatment for vulvar CA:
A. Radical hysterectomy
B. Radical vulvectomy with inguinosacral lymph node removal
29 y/o G1P0 consulted on her 8th week AOG. On internal examination, the cervix was closed and the corpus was enlarged to 8 weeks AOG. There was a palpable mass on the right adnexa measuring 5 x 4 cm which was moveable and slightly tender.
Most likely diagnosis?
A. Cystic teratoma
B. Corpus luteum cyst
C. Mucinous cyst
D. Endometriotic cyst
Which of the following patients most probably has a benign lesion?
A. A 60 year old who has cyclic vaginal bleeding
B. A 22 year old G1P1 whose uterine mass increased in size by 1.0 cm in 2 years
C. A 30 year old febrile patient with a necrotic fungating cervical mass measuring 4.0 cm
D. A 35 year old with a colored lesion 4x4cm at the vulva with irregular borders
True of methyldopa except:
a. Causes drowsiness
b. Centrally acting anti-adrenergic agent
c. Incompatible breastfeeding
d. Crosses the placenta and achieves fetal concentrations
a 23 yo primigravid in her 23rd weeks AOG. She consults your clinic for her first prenatal check up. Her mother is a diabetic. what will be the appropriate glucose test for this px?
a. 50 g GCT
b. 75g OGTT
c. 100g OGTT
d. Hb1Ac
According to American Diabetic Association, insulin therapy may be recommended for pregnant women who fail to maintain
a. FBS > 95
b. FBS < 95
c. Hb1Ac > 6.5
d Hb1Ac < 6.5
The likelihood of a GDM patient developing overt diabetes after 20 years
a. 10 %
b. 20 %
c. 30 %
d. 50 %
a 36 yo G1P0 on 38th weeks AOg was noted to have uncontrolled 2 hrs post prandial blood sugar reaching 200 mg/dl. What is the best management for her condition?
a. metformin
b. diet
c. insulin
d. deliviery of fetus
asthma related complications during pregnancy except;
a. perinatal mortality
c. pre eclampsia
d. low birth weight
fetal complications of heart disease during pregnancy
a. premature delivery
b. complex congenital malformation
c. fetal edema
d. poor APGAR
Normal physiological change of the cardiovascular system during pregnancy
a. cardiac output increases by 20%
b. heart rate decreses
c. systemic vascular resistance decreases
d. BP increases
which is the best screening test for SLE
a. anti-Sm antibodies
b. cardiolipin anti bodies
c. anti platelet anit bodies
d. anti nuclear anti bodies
which of the following pregnancy complications is not increased in those with asthma?
a. preterm labor
b. perinatal mortality
c. low birth weight
d. congenital abnormality
for which reason is the pregnant women with asthma more likely to develop hypoxia
a. increase residual capacity
b. decreased functional residual capacity
c. decreased tidal volume
d. increased inspiratory capacity
Risk of preterm delivery with surgery increases with the following EXCEPT:
A.Long operations
B. Spinal anesthesia
C. AOG < 12 weeks
D.AOG > 24 weeks
A G5P4 was admitted in active labor, 8 cm dilated, intact BROW. Presuming normal progress of labor, when is vaginal delivery expected to occur?
A. within 1 hour
B. in two hours
C. in four hours
D. in six hours
A 68 year old previously diagnosed with myoma consulted for rapid abdominal enlargement. She had postmenopausal bleeding 3 months ago. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Endometrial carcinoma
B. Myoma uteri
C. Uterine sarcoma
D. Ovarian carcinoma
Birth asphyxia accounts for ____ of approximately 5M neonatal deaths each year worldwide
A. 1%
B. 19%
C. 50%
D. 21%
Lack of oxygen or gaseous distention will result to:
A. Vasodilation of pulmonary arterioles
B. Sustained constriction of pulmonary arterioles
C. A & B are correct
D. None of the above
The following are possible risk factors for perinatal asphyxia EXCEPT:
A. Maternal preeclampsia
B. Multiple gestation
C. LGA infant
D. Abnormal presentation
The following are strategies to prevent reperfusion injury
A. Head cooling
B. Sedation
C. Hyperoxia
D. hypercarbia
Pathophysiology of neonatal pneumonia:
A. can be caused by aspiration or ingestion of infected amniotic fluid
B. lungs are found to contain areas of cellular exudates, vascular congestion, necrosis
C. usually viral in etiology
D. A and B
E. A and C
Vertical modes of transmission in sepsis neonatorum, EXCEPT:
A. transplacental
B. ascending intraamniotic infection
C. environmental fomites
D. passage through a colonized vaginal canal
Most common etiologic agent in late onset sepsis (USA data):
A. group B strep
B. coagulase negative Staph
C. Staph aureus
D. Gram (-) enteric bacilli
Differential diagnosis of sepsis:
A. respiratory distress syndrome B. transient tachypnea of the newborn C. necrotizing enterocolitis D. AOTA E. None
Risk of neonatal herpes with primary maternal infection:
A. 4-5%
B. 10-15%
C. 20-30 %
D. 40-50%
The following changes occur during delivery EXCEPT
A. clamping of the cord eliminates the placenta
B. expansion of the lungs causes decreased pulmonary vascular resistance
C. increased in the right atrial pressure leads to closure of the foramen ovale
D. increased systemic vascular pressure causes closure of the ductus arteriosus
True of apnea EXCEPT
A. causes include both respiratory and non-respiratory
B. a common presentation of illness in neonates
C. related to prematurity and control of respiration
D. metabolic causes include hyperglycemia and acidosis
A 25 yo patient with severe preeclampsia delivered by outlet forceps extraction to a preterm baby weighing 1400 grams. At birth, the baby was noted to have blue extremities, limp had a heart rate of 60, with note of slow and irregular breathing and grimace. The APGAR score is
A. 4
The Apgar score at ___ minute/s can help predict the neurologic outcome of the baby
A. 1
B. 5
C. 10
D. 15
The following are criteria to define an intrapartum event sufficient to cause cerebral palsy EXCEPT:
A. Evidence of metabolic acidosis in fetal umbilical cord arterial blood
B. Early onset of severe neonatal encephalopathy in infants born ≥34 weeks AOG
C. Multiorgan dysfunction during the first 24 hours of life
D. Cerebral palsy of spastic quadriplegic type