SAM Obsectric Flashcards
How long does the canine sperm(s) survive inside the uterus?
- 1-2 hours
- 10-12 hours
- 1-2 days
- 10-12 days
10-12 days
How many oestrus occurs during one cycle?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- Occasionally 4 can also be observed
Mark the INCORRECT statement regarding estrogen effect in the male dog
- It can be caused by testicular Sertoli cell tumor
- It can be caused by testicular Leydig cell tumor
- It can be caused by testicular Seminoma
- The hormonal effect reduces the risk of benign prostatic hyperplasia
The hormonal effect reduces the risk of benign prostatic hyperplasia
Mark the INCORRECT statement regarding Autoimmune orchitis
- It can develop as a result of blood-testicular barrier injury
- It may also develop as part of systemic autoimmune process
- It can be effectively treated with corticosterioids
- It leads to total infertility
- It leads to total infertility
In which cycle phase is it typical: in the vaginal smear the rate of cornified cells is higher than 80-90% - Prooestrus - Oestrus - Dioestrus - Anoestrus
When do secondary morphological abnormalities develop?
- During spermatogenesis
- During the ripening process
- Both
- None (during transport and storage within the epididymis)
- None (during transport and storage within the epididymis
hat does the term azoospermia mean?
- Decreased pH of the sperm
- Lack of motile spermatozoa in the sperm
- Blood or urine contamination
- Lack of spermatozoa in the sperm
Lack of spermatozoa in the sperm
What is the shape of a healthy testicle?
- Globular with smooth surface
- Oval with smooth surface
- Oval with nodular surface
- Globular with nodular surface
Oval with smooth surface
Mark the INCORRECT statement
- Benign prostatic hyperplasia predisposes to malignant prostate tumour
- Adenocarcinoma and transient cell carcinoma are the most common forms of
prostate cancer in dogs
- Castration reduces the size of the non-neoplastic prostate but does not affect the
progression of neoplastic processes
- Prostate carcinoma in a dog is NOT an androgen-dependent tumour
Benign prostatic hyperplasia predisposes to malignant prostate tumour
What type of contamination can/do we suspect if the sperm is green coloured?
- Purulent exudate
- Urine
- Blood
- No contamination
Purulent exudate
In which cycle is it typical: small vulva, pink, flat mucosa?
- Prooestrus
- Oestrus
- Dioestrus
- Anoestrus
Which word describes the healthy motion of sperm cells?
- Circular
- Straight
- Vibratory
- Intermitted
- Straight
Which factor is not involved in the development of benign prostatic hyperplasia?
- Testosterone levels decrease with age
- Testosterone levels increase with age
- Increasing estrogen : testosterone level
- Increased 5-alpha reductase activity in prostate cells
- Testosterone levels increase with age
n which cycle phase does the bitch show receptivity?
- Prooestrus
- Oestrus
- Dioestrus
- Anoestrus
Which test method cannot be used to examine the prostate?
- Rectal palpation
- Abdominal palpation
- Ultrasound
- Inspection
What is NOT typical of epididymitis caused by Brucella canis?
- The pathogen can be excreted with the ejaculator for up to 2 years
- Bacteriemia can last intermittently for up to 64 months
- The pathogen is not present in Europe
- Zoonosis
The pathogen is not present in Europe
What causes pseudoherphrodrodism?
- Androgen effect in the early stages of individual development
- Persistent Müllerian tube
- Failure of normal masculinization
- Androgen resistance
- Androgen effect in the early stages of individual development
Mark the CORRECT statement regarding vaginitis
- In the case of vaginitis, bacterial culture and antibiotic resistance testing are required
- The pathogens that cause vaginitis are most often the constituents of the normal
vaginal flora
- E.coli and Staphylococcus aureus never appear as part of the normal vaginal flora
- Gonadectomy reduces the risk of chronic vaginitis
The pathogens that cause vaginitis are most often the constituents of the normal
vaginal flora
Mark the INCORRECT statement regarding vestibulovaginal stenosis
- Mild stenosis is still physiological
- Its formation is characteristic of the area of junction of the Wolffian tube and the
urogenital sinus
- This may be formed by an incomplete perforation of the hymen or a vertical septum
- Its formation is characteristic of the area of connection between the Müllerian tube
and the urogenital sinus
Mild stenosis is still physiological
Where are the following anatomical structures located in the vagina: ostium urethrae
externum, fossa clitoris?
- On the ventral wall of the vagina
- On the dorsal wall of the vagina
- The ostium urethra externum is located on the ventral wall of vagina and the fossa
clitoris is on the dorsal wall of vagina
- The ostium urethra externum is located on the dorsal wall of vagina and the fossa
clitoris is on the ventral wall of vagina
On the ventral wall of the vagina
At what temperature do we store chilled semen?
- 0°C
- 2°C
- 5°C
- 8°C
What is the meaning of preovulatory luteinization
- An increase in plasma progesterone level prior to the LH peak can be observed
- The plasma progesterone level starts to increase after the ovulation
- Pathological condition, which can occur in young bitches
- None of the above
- An increase in plasma progesterone level prior to the LH peak can be observed
What factors affect the amount of sperm?
- The size of the dog
- Frequency of sperm collection
- Both
- None
What is the progesterone value during anoestrus?
- < 1ng/ml
- 2 ng/ml
- 5-8 (10) ng/ml
- 10-90 ng/ml
< 1ng/ml
Optimally, what is the minimum quantity of spermatozoa in the sperm (in million)?
- 50
- 100
- 150
- 300
- 300
In which cycle phase is it typical: slight swollen vulva, the vaginal mucosa is whitish “dry” and wrinkled? - Prooestrus - Oestrus - Dioestrus - Anoestrus
Which of these statements does not indicate testicular tumour?
- Bilateral symmetric alopecia
- Atrophy of the contralateral testicle
- Concurrent benign prostatic hyperplasia
- Changes in dog’s bark or voice
Changes in dog’s bark or voice
In which cycle phase is it typical: small vulva, red vaginal mucosa, rosetta-like appearance
- Prooestrus
- Oestrus
- Dioestrus
- Anoestrus
In which cycle phase can we measure the highest progesterone levels in case of a healthy cycle? - Prooestrus - Oestrus - Dioestrus - Anoestrus
How many fractions does the ejaculation have in dogs? - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4