Salvary Gland Flashcards
Salvar y gland
Serous acinus
Mucous acinus
Mixed acinus
Myoepithelial cell
Intercalated duct
Striated duct
Serous acinus contain
Spherical cells
Mucuos acinus contain
Lipid heavy secretion
Tubular cells
Mixed acinus
Combination of the two
Half moon cells
Myoepithelial cells
Little thin cells at the edge of the tube they help squeeze out secretions
Intercalated duct
Traveling through the salivary gland
Open up into the oral cavity
Smaller lumen
Striated duct
Intersection of a bunch of intercalated ducts larger lumen
Parotid duct
*Stensen’s duct— > pierces the buccinator and open the parotid papilla of buccal mucosa
*Serous secretion
*Adjacent to second molar and has a little of tissue that usually the patients bite
* Wraps around the post border of the ramus
*Cn—> IX —> inferior Salvatory nucleus—> lesser pretrosal nerve
* within the parotid gland
- branches of CN VII
-Retromandibular nerve
- Auriculotemporal nerve
- Termination of External Cartoid Artery
*Largest salivary gland
Submandibular Gland
*Wharton’s duct open in the floor of the mouth at submandibular curruncles
This travels around the floor and crosses sup the lingual nerve of V3
*Mixed secretion
*CN VII —> superior salvatory nucleus —> chorda tympanic
*Produces the mayority of the saliva
*Most common to produces sialolith calcification within the gland
*Wraps around the post of the mylohyoid muscle . The bulck of this gland is below the muscle just a small portion is above the muscle
Sublingual gland
*Bartolini’s duct ( rivineus) open directly at the floor of the mouth at the currncles
*Mucous secretion
*CN VII —> superior salvatory nucleus—> chorda tympanic
*Located above the mylohyoid muscle