Muscles Flashcards
Soft palate muscles which CN are inervided
CN V3 y el X el vago
Cuáles son los palate muscles
Músculus uvylae
Tensor celu platine
Levator veli palatine
Palatopharyngeus origin, insertion action
Origin palatine aponeurosis
Insertion upper border of thyroid cartilage and Pharyngeal wall
Action pulls pharynx and larynx upwards
Palatopharyngeal and palatoglusus
Just behind palatine tonsil forms the palatopharyngeal arch which is post pillar of the fossess and forms the beginning of the paharynx
palatogloso the anterior pillar of the fossees
Musculus uvulae: origin insertion action
Origin palatine aponeurosis
Insertion uvula
Action shortens and broadens the uvula to help closes nasopharyngeal during the swallowing
Tensor veli palatine origin, insertion action
CN -> V3
Origin -> scaphoid fossa
Cartilaginous part of auditory tube
Insertion -> Palatine aponeurosis
Action -> Tenses the soft palate
Opens the auditory tube to
Equalize air pressure between the middle ear and the nasopharynx
The auditory connects between
With the middle ear and the nasopharynx
Caminando trekking la elevación del air pressure está moldeado por
Tensor veli palatini
Tensor veli palatine is responsible for
Forming the sheet of tissue palatine aponeurosis across the soft palate
Tendon of tensor veli palatini calls
Pterygoid hamulus
Levator veli Palatini Origin insertion action
CN -> X
Origin -> Petrous part of temporal bone
Cartilaginous part of auditory tube
Insertion-> palatine aponeurosis
Action -> elevates the soft palate to close nasopharynx during swallowing
Salpingopharyngeus origin insertion and action
CN -> X
Origi -> cartilaginous part of the auditory tube
Insertion -> upper boarder thyroid cartilage
Pharyngeal wall
Action -> equalize air pressure
Salpingopharyngeus refers to
Salpingo Eustaquio o auditory tube
Pharyngeus where it inserts
Muscles of the facial expression responsable de
Smiling and frowning
Características de muscles of the expression
Formed from paraxial mesoderm 2nd arch
Originate from bone
Insert to the dermis
Generally named by action or location
Muscles of the expression CN
Epicranial muscles are
Occipitofrontalis muscles also named
Epicranius muscles
Occipitofrontalis origin and inserts
Origin eyebrows
Se extiende hasta back to head
connects frontal and occipital bellies
Forms middle layer of the scalp
Action -> pulls the forehead up
Retracts the scalp
Temporoparietalis o
Latterally of the skull it runs transversely and perpendicular to de O
Sits over
The temporalis muscle
Cuáles son los Smiling muscles
Zygomaticus major
Zygomaticus minior
Orbicularis oculi
Levator labii Superioris
Levator Anguli Oris
Todos 2
Zygomaticus major
Origin -> zygomitic bone
Insertion -> modioulus
Action -> pulls up the corners mouth
For smiling laughing displaying teeth
Masa the tejido fribromuscular denso compacto móvil formado por el entrelazamiento or intersection bunch of facial muscles lateral and slightly superior to each corner of the mouth
Important moving the mouth
Zygomatic minior
same action to the Zygomatic major
Orginates little middle to the Zygomatic major
Orbicularis oculi
Eye sphincter that closes the eyelids
Palpebral portion blinking
Orbital portion tight closure
Protects cornea
Levayor paloebrae do de opposite of this muscle
Levator labii superioris
Broad flat elevate the upper lips
Levator Anguli Oris
Deep muscle raise the corners of the mouth medially
Origin -> canine fossa below the infraorbital
Inserts in Modiolus
Action elevate the angle of the mouth
Pulls lip laterally without displaying the teeth
Insert modiolus
Which muscles inserts in modiolus
Smiling muscles
Levator Anguli Oris
Zygomaticus major
Frowning muscles
Orbicularis Oris
Other muscles buccinator
Cuál es el músculo que se encuentra en smiling muscles and frowning muscles
Orbicularis Oris
Orbicularis Oris
Action-> puckers the lips, compresses lips against teeth used in speech
Blends with buccinator laterally
Inserts modiolus
Which muscle participate in speech
Orbicularis Oris
Depressor Anguli Oris
Origin mental tubercle and lower border of the mandible
Action Pulls down the lips
Insert modiolus
Depressor labii inferior is
Action pulls down lower lip
Superficial muscles
Action pulls down the lips and mouth
Wrinkles the skin or portions of the lower face
Overlaps sternocleidomastoid neck muscle
Mentalis muscle
Deep triangular muscle
Origin —> mental tubercle of mandible
Action—> pouts lower lip
Mentalis strain on lips closure -> sign of lip incompetence
Can displace a lower denture
Corrugator supercilli
Draws eyebrows together to furrow eyebrow
Pyramid shaped muscle
Action —> wrinkles bridge of nose
Origin—>maxillary and mandible process
Insertion—> modiolus
blends with the Orbicularis Oris
Action—> tenses the cheek to keep food between teeth
Pierced by parotid duct
Deep portion of the buccinator attaches posteriorly to the pterygomandibular raphae -> ligamentous band of fascia that attaches buccinator to the superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle
Flares nostrils and compresses nose
Tongue muscles
Formed paraxial mesoderm that eventually becomes from occipital somites
Tongue muscle divided
Extrinsic muscle
Outside the tongue and attach to
Function alter the position tongue