Salle De Bains Flashcards
Bathroom: private
Restroom: public
Water Closet
it to talk about this room. We never say (m bing)
Powder Room
Girls Room
Toilettes cabines
Égout, canalisation, siphon, drain.
Exemples en anglais :
1. The rainwater flows into the drain on the side of the road. 2. The drain in the bathroom sink is clogged, and it needs to be cleared. 3. The plumber will inspect the drains in the house to check for any blockages. 4. It’s important to keep your gutters clean to ensure proper drainage. 5. In some areas prone to flooding, there are large drains to divert excess water.
Expressions synonymes en anglais :
1. Sewer 2. Pipe 3. Conduit 4. Piping 5. Channel
Plug the drain to fill in the sink
Boucher le drain.
Exemples en anglais :
1. You should plug the drain to prevent water from going down. 2. I’ll need to plug the drain temporarily while I work on fixing the pipe. 3. Please remember to plug the drain in the bathtub before running the water. 4. It’s essential to plug the drain when you’re cleaning a sink with chemicals. 5. Can you help me plug the drain in the kitchen sink? It’s leaking.
Expressions synonymes en anglais :
1. Block the drain 2. Seal the drain 3. Close off the drain 4. Stop up the drain 5. Obstruct the drain
Toilet lid
Toilet seat
Toilet bowl
Flusher or toilet handle
Chasse d’eau
Exemples en anglais :
1. A plunger is a useful tool for clearing clogged drains. 2. I used the plunger to unclog the toilet. 3. The plunger creates suction to dislodge blockages in pipes. 4. You can buy a plunger at the hardware store for plumbing emergencies. 5. If the sink is blocked, try using a plunger to clear it.
Toilet brush
Balai brosse
Toilet paper holder
Présentoir de pq
Squatty potty
A “Squatty Potty” is a brand of toilet stool or step designed to help with more natural and comfortable bowel movements. It’s meant to be placed at the base of the toilet to raise your feet and legs, allowing for a squatting posture while using the toilet. This posture is believed by some to be more ergonomic and can make elimination easier
Exemples en anglais :
1. I like to relax in a warm bath in the tub after a long day. 2. The tub in the hotel room was quite spacious. 3. Our bathroom has a shower and a separate tub. 4. Can you fill up the tub with hot water for me, please? 5. The kids love playing with their toys in the tub during bath time.
Expressions synonymes en anglais :
1. Bathtub 2. Soaking tub 3. Bath 4. Shower-bath 5. Bathing vessel
Shower curtain
Shower door
Rideaux de douche
Porte de douche
Shower head
Shower handle
Pomme de douche
Poignée de douche
Exemples en anglais :
1. I use a squeegee to clean the windows. 2. The squeegee is a handy tool for removing excess water from glass surfaces. 3. After showering, I like to use a squeegee to prevent water spots on the shower door. 4. We keep a squeegee in the car to quickly remove condensation from the windshield. 5. You can find a squeegee in most cleaning supply stores.
Shower scrub
Éponge ou brosse de douche.
Exemples en anglais :
1. I use a shower scrub to exfoliate my skin. 2. A good shower scrub can help remove dead skin cells and leave you feeling refreshed. 3. You can apply soap to the shower scrub and use it to lather up in the shower. 4. Consider using a gentle shower scrub if you have sensitive skin. 5. A long-handled shower scrub can help you reach your back easily.
Expressions synonymes en anglais :
1. Shower brush 2. Bath sponge 3. Exfoliating scrubber 4. Cleansing brush 5. Body loofah
Liquid soap
Bar soap
Savon liquide
Éponge végétale
Gant de toilette.
Exemples en anglais :
1. I use a washcloth to scrub my face in the morning. 2. Washcloths are handy for cleansing your body in the shower.
Exemples en anglais :
1. The grout between the tiles in the bathroom needs to be cleaned. 2. When tiling a kitchen backsplash, be sure to apply grout evenly. 3. Over time, grout can become discolored and may need to be replaced.
Shower stall
Cabine de douche (publique )
Bath towel
Serviette de bain
Towel hook,
Towel rack ,
Towel bar
Crochet pour serviettes
Porte serviette
Barre pour serviette
Soap dispenser
Distributeur de savon.
Exemples en anglais :
1. The soap dispenser in the kitchen sink is automatic. 2. You can refill the soap dispenser with liquid soap when it’s empty. 3. The restroom at the restaurant had a touchless soap dispenser. 4. A wall-mounted soap dispenser is a convenient addition to any bathroom. 5. The soap dispenser in the public restroom was out of order.
Expressions synonymes en anglais :
1. Soap pump 2. Soap container 3. Liquid soap dispenser 4. Hand soap dispenser 5. Soap bottle
Toothbrush holder
Porte-brosse à dents.
Exemples en anglais :
1. The toothbrush holder on the bathroom counter keeps our toothbrushes organized. 2. I bought a new toothbrush holder with slots for each family member’s toothbrush.
Linge de maison.
Exemples en anglais :
1. The hotel provides fresh linens for each guest. 2. We need to change the linens on the bed. 3. The linens in the bathroom are soft and fluffy.
Linens include sheets, towels, blankets
Fingernails clippers
Coupes ongles
Nail file
Lime à ongle
Bobby pin
Barrette ou épingle à cheveux
Curling iron
Fer à friser.
Exemples en anglais :
1. She used a curling iron to create beautiful waves in her hair. 2. A curling iron is a hairstyling tool that heats up to curl the hair. 3. You can adjust the temperature settings on a curling iron to achieve different curl styles.
Lisseur à cheveux.
Exemples en anglais :
1. She used a straightener to make her hair sleek and smooth. 2. A straightener is a hairstyling tool that straightens curly or wavy hair. 3. You can adjust the temperature settings on a straightener to achieve different levels of straightness.
Hair dryer
Sèche cheveux
Air drying
Séchage cheveux à l’zir
Lessive, buanderie.
Exemples en anglais :
1. I need to do the laundry today; my clothes are piling up. 2. The laundry room is equipped with washing machines and dryers. 3. Don’t forget to separate your whites and colors when doing the laundry. 4. She uses a specific detergent for sensitive skin when doing her laundry. 5. The laundry basket is overflowing with dirty clothes.
Panier à linge, corbeille à linge.
Exemples en anglais :
1. I toss my dirty clothes into the hamper when I change. 2. The hamper in the bathroom is getting full; it’s time to do laundry. 3. She has a stylish wicker hamper in her bedroom. 4. Don’t forget to empty the hamper before doing the laundry. 5. The kids’ room has a separate hamper for their clothes.
Expressions synonymes en anglais :
1. Laundry basket 2. Clothes basket 3. Dirty clothes container 4. Washing basket 5. Laundry bin
Dirty laundry
Linge sale, secrets honteux.
Exemples en anglais :
1. I need to sort the dirty laundry and get it ready for washing. 2. It’s not polite to air your dirty laundry in public. 3. Keeping your dirty laundry hidden is essential for maintaining privacy. 4. The politician’s scandalous behavior became dirty laundry for the media. 5. We should address our problems privately instead of airing our dirty laundry for everyone to see.