Invitations Flashcards
I was wondering if by any chance, are you free on Saturday?
By any chance
possibly; used to ask politely
By any chance, can I borrow $10? I forgot my wallet.
“L’expression “by any chance” en anglais est utilisée pour introduire une question ou une demande de manière polie et ouverte. Elle peut être traduite en français par des expressions telles que “par hasard” ou “par quelque chance”. Par exemple, si vous demandez à quelqu’un : “Do you have a pen by any chance?” (Est-ce que vous auriez un stylo par hasard ?), vous demandez de manière courtoise si la personne a éventuellement un stylo à prêter, sans exiger ou supposer qu’elle en a un. C’est une façon de laisser place à une réponse positive ou négative sans pression.
Let me check my schedule
to make sure you don’t have plans
I’d love to have coffee with you.
Let me check my schedule, but I think I’m free.
“Laissez-moi consulter mon emploi du temps” en français.
Exemples en anglais :
1. Let me ask my schedule if I’m available for a meeting tomorrow. 2. Before committing to anything, I need to ask my schedule to see if I have any prior engagements. 3. Let’s ask our schedules and find a suitable time for our conference call. 4. If you want to make plans, ask your schedule first to avoid double booking. 5. She said, “I’ll have to ask my schedule about dinner plans tonight.”
Synonyme : “Consult my calendar”
I think we’re free.
available to do something
It’ll be 10:30 to noon-ish.
That shirt is red-ish.
roughly; not exactly
We’re open the whole day
you have no plans
We’ll be there
this is a commitment, you are saying yes
Well be there
this is a commitment, you are saying yes
I’m so excited that you invited me to your wedding, I’ll be there!
No pressure, you don’t need to bring a present or anything.
You’re welcome to bring
used to suggest something that they could bring
You’re welcome to bring him a little snack,
The loves food.
The more the merrier the more of something, the more fun
The more people that are at a
party, the merrier.
Here goes here I go,
I’m doing it!
I’m going to do this, I’m going to ask her on a date…
here goes!
Are you free to come?
are you available to come to this thing?
Are you free to come to Freddie’s birthday?
I would love to however / but
used to politely decline
I would love to, however, I’m going to be working during that time.
That sounds good
yes, I like that plan
Sorry, you can’t come
I wish you could come
Sorry, you can’t come
[wish you could come
Sorry you can’t come, we’ll miss you!
At some point
used to talk about flexible future plans
But hopefully we’ll see you at some point next week.
“À un certain moment” ou “À un moment donné” en français.
Exemples en anglais :
1. At some point, we’ll need to discuss our future plans. 2. I’m sure at some point you’ll find the right opportunity. 3. At some point, everyone faces challenges in life. 4. At some point, I hope to travel the world. 5. At some point, we all have to make important decisions.
What a bummer / bummer
slang term meaning
“that’s a shame”
Cette expression est une expression d’argot qui signifie “C’est vraiment dommage” ou “C’est vraiment décevant” en français. C’est utilisé pour exprimer la déception ou la frustration face à une situation négative.
Exemples en anglais :
1. What a bummer, it’s raining on the day of the picnic. 2. What a bummer, I missed the last train home. 3. I was looking forward to the concert, but it got canceled. What a bummer! 4. What a bummer, the restaurant is closed today, and I was hungry. 5. I lost my wallet. What a bummer.
What a bummer /bummer
slang term meaning
“that’s a shame”
What a bummer
/ Bummer
that you can’t come to Disneyworld with us.