Salivary Glands Flashcards
Borders of Parotid Bed
✓Anterior; Ramus of mandible, masseter
✓Posterior; Mastoid process
✓Superior; External acoustic meatus and
zygomatic process of temporal bone
✓Medially; styloid process, posterior belly of
digastric muscle, stylohoid m, styloglossus m,
stylopharyngeus m.
✓Laterally; parotid fascia & skin
Parotid Duct pierces
Buccinator muscle
Surfaces of Parotid Gland
➢Superior surface
➢Superficial surface
➢Anteromedial surface
➢Posteromedial surface
Auriculotemporal nerve is closely
related to
superior surface
auricular nerve,
Superficial Surface
Facial nerve emerges
Anteromedial surface of parotid
Posteromedial Surface
Related to ;
• mastoid process
• Scm muscle
• Posterior belly of
digastric muscle
• Styloid process &
ascociated muscles
Internal carotid a. and
internal juguler vein
are seperated from
the gland by the
styloid process and its
External carotid
artery grooves
Posteromedial surface
Structures Transversing The Parotid
✓External carotid artery
✓Retromandibular vein
✓Facial nerve
External Carotid Artery gives branches…………………… in parotid gland
Superficial temporal artery maxillary artery
Sometimes posterior auricukar artery
Terminal branches of
facial nerve;
- Temporal
- Zygomatic
- Buccal
- Marginal mandibular
- Cervical
Vessels of Parotid Gland
External Carotid Artery ! External Juguler Vein !
Lymphatics of Parotid Gland
To superficial and
deep cervical lymph
Innervation of Parotid Gland
• Tympanic branch of the
glossopharyngeal nerve to
otic ganglion
• From the otic ganglion
auriculotemporal nerve
carries the secretory
fibers to the gland