Sale & Supply Of Alcohol 2012 Flashcards
What are the 4 types of licenses?
On, off, club & special
What are the signs for intoxication?
Appearance, behaviour, coordination, speech. (ABCS)
What is a license premises?
Any premises where a license is held
What is a supervised area?
An area where minors just be accompanied by a parent/guardian.
What is a restricted area?
U18 must not be admitted.
What is the offence of allowing a person to be on a license premises outside licensing hours? (Time)
30min past close time
What is vicarious liability?
Management is liable for all employees actions.
What is the defence for an intoxicated person to be or remain on a license premises? (s252)
If licensee/manager prices they took reasonable steps to take the person to a place of safety, or remove person when they became aware of the situation.
what are acceptable IDs?
Nz driver license
Kiwi access card
who commits an offence for supplying alcohol to minors on or from a licensed premises?
A licensee or manager or other person, sells or supplies or allows alcohol to be sold or supplied, on or from a licensed premises, to any person under 18.
(Every person commits an offence who supplies alcohol to a minor)
What is the difference between “any time” and “any reasonable time”?
Any time = reasonable GTB that any offence against this act is being committed.
Any reasonable time = opening hours, ensuring compliance of the act.
What is the power of entry section? (Sale and supply alcohol act 2012)
Section 267
What is the power to close and how long for under the SASAA 2012?
S266 - 24 hours starting from the end of the day the order was made
What are the powers under S269 (SASAA 2012)?
Power to demand details (name, address, DOB).
What is the power of arrest of someone’s refusal under S269 (SASAA 2012)?
S269(3) - refuses to give name, address & DOB, or knowingly supplies false details - caution - person persists - k9
What can you consider for a person faulting to admit any constable into a license premises (S267)?
Can consider obstruction (267 is not a power to arrest)
What are the offences for a minor?
Drinks alcohol in any public place while not accompanied.
Possesses alcohol for consumption in any public place.
Found in a restricted area/licensed premises.
Purchases alcohol.
What is the offence of alcohol on public transport?
Drinks or possesses for consumption, offers to supply or supplies, in or on any public transport (train, vessel, trains carrying passenger for reward, chartered transport)
When is a person capable of being detoxed (detained)?
Incapable of protecting themselves from physical harm, likely to harm another persons likely to cause significant property damage.
What is the procedure when you find an intoxicated person in a public place?
Health concerns MUST go to hospital otherwise;
1. Take home, 2. Take to shelter, 3. Police station (last option)
How long can a detox stay at the station?
12 hours + medical practitioner can advise up to another 12 hours