sakai-Enzymes Flashcards
What are the properties of the active site of an enzyme regarding its size, structure, and specificity?
The active site of an enzyme takes up a relatively small part of the enzyme.
It is a cleft formed by amino acids that are apart from each other in the primary structure.
The specificity for the substrates is high and can include optical configuration.
[human enzymes use mainly L-amino acids and D-carbohydrates. It is not clear
whether the compounds were first or the enzymes]
What is the difference between a holoenzyme and an apoenzyme?
A holoenzyme contains the apoenzyme plus the necessary coenzyme.
Some apoenzymes need metal ions in order to become the holoenzyme.
What happens after the substrate binds to the active site? What is an enzymatic transition state complex? Do all reactions go via a transition state?
After the substrate binds to the active site of the free enzyme, an enzyme-substrate
complex (ES) is formed.
The transition state complex is formed from the ES-complex by additional bonds. All reactions (catalyzed or uncatalyzed) have to go via a transition state.
Discuss the action of enzymes related to the G of a reaction and related to the energy of activation! [What can change the G of a reaction?]
Enzymes do not change the G of the reaction. Enzymes reduce the energy of activation.
[The G of the reaction can be changed by concentrations of substrates
and products or coenzymes.]
Is the reaction catalyzed by lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) reversible? Which coenzyme (cosubstrate) is needed for LDH in order to form lactate from pyruvate?
Lactate dehydrogenase catalyzes a reversible reaction, the direction depends
on the concentrations of substrates, coenzymes and products.
LDH needs NADH when pyruvate is used as substrate and in this direction, LDH forms lactate and NAD+ as products.
Explain oxidation and reduction related to electrons and hydrogen. Is pyruvate oxidized or is it reduced to lactate? Why are coenzymes absolutely necessary for oxidoreductases?
Simplified: Oxidation means donation, loss of electrons or hydrogen,
reduction means uptake, gain of electrons or hydrogen.
The structure of pyruvate is changed to the structure of lactate by uptake (gain) of hydrogen (from NADH + H+). Therefore, pyruvate is reduced to lactate. In this reaction, NADH is oxidized to NAD+
In the oxidation-reaction mechanism, there are always two compounds needed, one compound that is oxidized and another compound that is reduced at the same time.
When the substrate is oxidized, then the coenzyme is reduced. When the substrate is reduced, then the coenzyme is oxidized.
What is the velocity? Why is Vmax reached at very high substrate concentrations?
The velocity represents the product formation over time. It is expressed in
concentration (M/min), [whereas the rate of a reaction is expressed in actual
amounts (g/min) of products formed over time].
In specific experiments, the velocity points are measured under conditions that the enzyme concentration is kept at a constant level in all vials, but the respective substrate concentrations are increased in different vials. At very high substrate concentrations, there is no free enzyme left and all the enzyme is bound in the ES complex. With that, no more ES can be formed, even at a further increased substrate concentration. As the ES complex is needed for the product formation, a maximal product formation over time (Vmax) is reached.
In reactions that follow the Michaelis-Menten kinetics, what is Km? Can it be
calculated using the Michaelis-Menten equation?
Km is the Michaelis constant and it is the substrate concentration at half Vmax.
It indicates the affinity of the enzyme for the respective substrate.
Km can be derived from a graph where the velocity is plotted against the substrate concentrations. It can also be calculated via the Michaelis-Menten equation. The Michaelis-Menten equation is
Initial velocity V= Vmax [S] divided by Km + [S]
[when the equation is mathematically changed to the initial velocity at half Vmax, then Km is the respective substrate concentration]
Describe Michaelis-Menten kinetics and explain the steady state assumption.
The Michealis-Menten kinetics was described over 100 years ago originally for
one substrate and a reversible binding of the enzyme to the substrate.
The enzyme forms reversibly an ES-complex which can dissociate back to enzyme and substrate, or can also dissociate into product and free enzyme.
Enzyme and substrate are in fast equilibrium with their ES complex, and it is assumed that the ES concentration does not change (steady state kinetics)
Is Vmax or is Km affected by the enzyme concentration in the assay?
The enzyme concentration changes Vmax but it does not change Km which is a
constant for a particular substrate for the investigated enzyme.
Vmax is affected by the enzyme concentration in the assay, as more enzyme leads to more product formation over time. Vmax is larger in an assay that contains more enzyme.
[That is why the enzyme concentration has to be kept constant and only the substrate concentration is increased in the Michelis-Menten kinetics in order to determine Km.]
Km is a constant and is not affected by the enzyme concentration in the assay. Km is the substrate concentration at half Vmax (no matter how large the respective Vmax is in these experiments) and represents the affinity of the enzyme for the tested substrate.
[The enzyme has a high affinity for the substrate when half Vmax is reached at a low substrate concentration, whereas when the enzyme has a low affinity for the substrate, a higher substrate concentration is needed to reach half Vmax.]
As an example, the enzyme A has a smaller Km than enzyme B for the same substrate. Does enzyme A have a higher or smaller affinity for the substrate than enzyme B? Explain!
Enzyme A with the smaller Km for the same substrate, has a higher affinity for the substrate than enzyme B. Less substrate is needed to achieve half Vmax
[an example is hexokinase (enzyme A) which has a much smaller Km for glucose than glucokinase (enzyme B).
Hexokinase, which is found in most cells, has a much higher affinity for glucose than glucokinase which is found mainly in the liver and -cells of pancreas. Glucokinase is a special type of hexokinase that has a large Km and large Vmax for glucose.]
What is the significance of the Km for a specific substrate?
Km is a constant and once established for the enzyme, it can be used in different laboratories as indicator of the affinity of the enzyme for this substrate. Also, the affinity for similar substrates can be discussed and compared, including drugs.
Describe an allosteric enzyme. Do allosteric enzymes follow Michaelis-Menten kinetics and show a hyperbolic curve? If not, how does the curve look like? Is
Vmax reached?
Allosteric enzymes consist of several protein subunits and show cooperative substrate binding. Their kinetics do not show a hyperbolic curve, the curve is
As it is an enzymatic catalysis, a Vmax is reached where all enzyme is in the ES
complex. The substrate concentration at half Vmax, is named K 0.5 (instead of Km), and is an indicator for the affinity of the allosteric enzyme for the substrate.
What is the reason for the sigmoidal shape of the curve for allosteric enzymes?
The velocity suddenly increases at higher substrate concentrations due to the cooperative substrate binding.
[compare to cooperative oxygen binding in the protein hemoglobin]
Back to Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Does a competitive inhibitor directly interfere with the formation of the ES complex, or does it directly interfere with the product formation? Can a competitive inhibition be overcome at high substrate concentrations? What is an apparent Km?
A competitive inhibitor interferes directly with the formation of the ES complex and competes with the substrate for binding to the enzyme. The inhibited product formation is the result of less ES formation due to competition.
[ The experiments are performed with constant enzyme concentrations and constant inhibitor concentrations, whereas only the substrate concentration is increased.]
At very high substrate concentrations, less inhibitor molecules can form the EI complex as more S is competing for formation of the ES complex and even the already formed EI complex is changed to the ES complex in reversible inhibitions. The inhibitor molecules are by far outnumbered.
With that, the competitive inhibition can be overcome at high substrate concentrations. Km is a constant and represents the affinity of the enzyme for the substrate. In competitive inhibition, we find a larger, apparent Km as the inhibitor interferes with the normal formation of the ES complex and the substrate concentration at half Vmax is higher. The inhibitor does not change the affinity for the substrate, but more substrate is needed in this condition to result in half Vmax due to the competitive inhibitor
Describe the binding and action of a noncompetitive inhibitor. Do you find an apparentVmax or an apparent Km?
A noncompetitive inhibitor binds to the enzyme or to the ES complex at another site which is not the catalytic site for the respective substrate.
Product formation is not possible from the ESI complex, and the Vmax of the uninhibited reaction is not reached, even at high [S]. Thereached apparent Vmax is smaller. Km, the substrate concentration at half Vmax, is the same, as the inhibitor does not interfere with the formation of the ES complex.
[The half Vmax of the uninhibited reaction and the half apparent Vmax of the inhibited reaction are both achieved at the same substrate concentration.]
Sometimes it is described that Km is increased in competitive inhibition and that Vmax is not reached in noncompetitive inhibition. How can you discuss this and be more correct?
Km is the substrate concentration needed for half Vmax.
A higher substrate concentration is needed in competitive inhibition, and we find
a larger apparent Km
[in this case we focus regarding Km on the actual substrate concentration and not
on the affinity of the enzyme for the substrate. The affinity is not changed, only
the substrate concentration to reach half Vmax is larger]
The Vmax of the uninhibited reaction is not reached, but a smaller Vmax is
reached in noncompetitive inhibitions.
What is the Lineweaver-Burk plot? How is it plotted and what is represented at
the x-axis and the y-axis, respectively? What is the advantage of this plot
regarding the amount of necessary velocity measure points in order to determine
Vmax or Km?
The Lineweaver-Burk plot is a double-reciprocal plot. Instead of plotting velocity
versus substrate concentration like in the Michaelis- Menten plots, 1/ velocity is
plotted on the y-axis and 1/ substrate concentration is plotted on the x-axis.
The advantage of presenting the experimental data as double-reciprocal plot is that by using the same experimental data, a hyperbolic curve is changed into a straight line.
The hyperbolic curve of the Michaelis-Menten plot needs many measure points at higher substrate concentration in order to draw the curve and establish Vmax.
Less measure points are needed to draw a straight line and to determine 1/Vmax using the Lineweaver-Burk plot.
How can you determine Vmax and Km via the double-reciprocal plot?
The intercept with the y-axis is 1/Vmax and the intercept with the x-axis is
–1/Km. Mathematical conversion leads to Vmax and Km.
[Please use the Michaelis-Menten graphs for the understanding of the inhibitions, and then apply it to a double-reciprocal form so that you can read and discuss the inhibitions if shown in the Lineweaver-Burk graph.]
Statins are drugs that inhibit cholesterol synthesis. The enzyme HMG CoA reductase is competitively inhibited. Is the structure of these drugs similar to
the structure of the substrate for HMG CoA or is the structure of statins similar to cholesterol?
As it is a competitive inhibition, the drug competes with the substrate for binding to the active site of the enzyme. The structure is an analog to the original substrate
(HMG CoA) and is not similar to cholesterol, which is the end product of a long
Draw separately the kinetics for a competitive and also for a noncompetitive
inhibition using the Michaelis-Menten graph!
Describe it for a low and for a high concentration for the respective inhibitor!
Competitive inhibition: same Vmax, larger apparent Km.
The higher the inhibitor concentration is, the larger the apparent Km becomes.
Noncompetitive inhibition: same Km, apparent Vmax is smaller The higher the inhibitor concentration is, the smaller the apparent Vmax becomes.
Draw the same kinetics in form of the Lineweaver-Burk plot and discuss.
Competitive inhibition: all straight lines meet at the intercept with the y-axis
which represents 1/Vmax [which is unchanged].
The uninhibited reaction has the largest negative numerical value of the group at
the intercept with the x-axis which leads mathematically to the smallest Km.
The higher the inhibitor concentration is, the smaller is the negative numerical
value at the intercept with the x-axis which leads mathematically to a larger
apparent Km.
Noncompetitive inhibition: all straight lines meet at the intercept with the x-axis which represents -1/Km [which is unchanged].
The uninhibited reaction has the smallest numerical value of the group at the
intercept 1/Vmax at the y-axis which leads mathematically to the largest Vmax.
The highest inhibitor concentration will lead to the highest numerical value for
1/Vmax which leads to the lowest Vmax
Compare reversible inhibition to irreversible inhibition! What is often found as three possible binding sites of an irreversible inhibitor?
What is needed to overcome an irreversible enzyme inhibition?
A reversible inhibition of the enzyme allows the dissociation of the inhibitor, and the restoring of the original conformation of the protein.
In contrary to this, an irreversible inhibitor covalently binds to the enzyme. The binding can involve the active site, sulfhydryl groups or often binding and interference with metal cofactors for apoenzymes.
[The irreversible inhibited enzyme is mostly degraded after it is recognized as being modified and abnormal] Irreversible inhibition can only be overcome by protein synthesis leading to a new enzyme that did not have contact with the irreversible inhibitor.
Discuss the mode of inhibition related to aspirin and the organophosphorus nerve gas DFP! Which enzyme is irreversibly inhibited by aspirin, and which enzyme is inhibited by DFP?
Aspirin and DFP inhibit their respective target enzymes by covalent modification
of a serine residue in the active site.
The target enzyme for aspirin is cyclooxygenase. This enzyme is needed for the formation of prostaglandins and thromboxane.
Aspirin irreversibly acetylates a serine residue in the channel of cyclooxygenase and prevents normal product formation. Aspirin is used as drug for pain treatment.
[At a low dose, however, it can be used as daily treatment for reducing thromboxane synthesis in platelets.
Thromboxane formed by platelets favors blood clotting whereas prostacyclin, a special prostaglandin formed mostly by endothelial cells, prevents blood clotting.
Aspirin inhibits cyclooxygenase in all cells and this inhibition can be overcome by synthesis of new enzyme.
In endothelial cells, the modified cyclooxygenase is degraded and a new enzyme is synthesized. Platelets on the other hand do not contain a nucleus and
cannot synthesize new cyclooxygenase.
This leads to a higher than normal prostacyclin/thromboxane ratio in the blood and to less blood clotting.]
The nerve gas poison DFP binds covalently and blocks a serine residue which is needed in enzymatic catalysis in the active site of acetylcholinesterase. This enzyme cleaves acetylcholine to choline and acetate.
This inhibition leads to accumulation of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. DFP poisoning results in death due to continuous overstimulation of the autonomic nervous system and continuous muscle contractions.
Discuss the enzymatic activities for pepsin, trypsin and alkaline phosphatase at different pH levels! What can be the reason (related to pH) for low activity of pepsin or for low activity of trypsin in some individuals?
In these experiments, the velocity is measured under constant enzyme and substrate conditions, only the pH is different in the vials
Pepsin, is an enzyme that is active in the stomach lumen and has an acidic pH
optimum (pH 2)
Trypsin, an enzyme that is active in the duodenum, needs a more neutral pH for activity. Alkaline phosphatase was named after the fact that it cleaves phosphate groups and has an alkaline pH optimum.
An increase of the pH of the stomach lumen by antacids can reduce the activity of pepsin. It can also reduce the activation of pepsinogen to pepsin. Also, the generation of gastric acid can decline in the elderly leading to less pepsin activity.
The acid chyme (from the stomach) needs to be neutralized in the duodenum to generate a pH that is favorable for trypsin activity (pH 6-7). A deficiency of the release of bicarbonate from the pancreas can lead to less trypsin activity in the duodenum due to an acidic pH.
[as examples, less bicarbonate reaches the duodenum in patients with deficiency of secretin or in patients with cystic fibrosis]
What are four general concepts of enzyme regulation?
Changes of concentrations of substrates or of products
Modulation of enzyme concentration
Covalent modification of enzymes
Modulation of a metabolic pathway
Why is the substrate availability and also the increase of substrate concentration a regulator for enzyme activity?
The velocity of an enzyme increases with substrate concentration as more product
can be formed. If the substrate is not available, then the product cannot be formed.
[Sometimes the substrate for a pathway has to be generated in the correct cell compartment. As an example, the cytosolic enzyme for the regulated step of fatty acid synthesis needs acetyl CoA in the cytosol. When this substrate is not present, then the pathway cannot be performed]
Which response is faster: covalent enzyme modification or enzyme induction?
Covalent enzyme modification is faster than enzyme induction. Covalent enzyme
regulation acts on the present enzyme, whereas enzyme induction acts via an increased amount of enzyme and needs the processes of transcription and translation in order to synthesize a new enzyme.
Regarding covalent modification by phosphorylation or dephosphorylation: do protein kinases catalyze irreversible or reversible reactions?
Do protein phosphatases catalyze irreversible reactions? Why is this important?
The catalysis of a protein kinase is irreversible. The enzyme is a transferase that
transfers a phosphate group from ATP to the protein.
Yes, the catalysis of a protein phosphatase is irreversible. The enzyme cleaves a phosphate group from the protein. This is important as it allows hormonal control that can assure that the protein stays phorphorylated or on the other hand, following the action of another hormone, the enzyme is reversed to its dephosphorylated form.
Is the enzyme regulation via phosphorylation / dephosphorylation in itself reversible? Does the enzyme structure change back to its original form?
The enzyme regulation via phosphorylation/dephosphorylation in itself is
Two different enzymes are needed, a protein kinase and a protein phosphatase. As an example: When the enzyme is phosphorylated by a protein kinase, then a conformational change takes place which can either activate or inhibit the enzyme. When the phosphorylated enzyme is changed back to the unphosphorylated form of the enzyme by a protein phosphatase, then the original enzyme conformation is again obtained.
Is the activity of a human enzyme affected by temperature? Is there a clinical relevance?
Yes. Increase in temperature leads to an increase in velocity until the denaturation of human enzymes starts at high fever.
On the other hand, heart surgery is often performed with cardiac arrest solutions and cooling of the heart in the open chest with ice in order to reduce enzyme activity and save energy.
What is enzyme induction? How is enzyme induction used by hormones? Does glucagon (low blood glucose) induce in the liver the synthesis of key enzymes for gluconeogenesis or does it induce the key enzymes for glycolysis? Explain and compare it to insulin.
Enzyme induction means more enzyme synthesis than normal, often following as response to a hormone. This regulation uses the modulation of the concentration of the available enzyme.
Glucagon signals low blood glucose and it leads in the liver to induction of key enzymes for gluconeogenesis. This pathway forms and releases glucose into the blood and more enzymes can lead to more products.
Induction of enzymes of glycolysis is not wanted after glucagon action, as glycolysis in the liver reduces blood glucose.
Insulin signals high blood glucose levels and leads in the liver to induction of key enzymes for glycolysis.
What is special about proteolytic activation and what is an advantage of this type of regulation?
Proteolytic activation leads to a covalent modification of the proenzyme by cleavage of a protein part and to refolding of the now smaller enzyme.
This activation is irreversible and the activated enzymes can only be inactivated by degradation of the active enzyme or sometimes by specific inhibitor proteins.
The advantage of this regulation is that an irreversible and highly specific cascade mechanism can be used involving specific enzymes.
Name two big groups of enzymes that contain some enzymes that can be activated by proteolytic cleavage! How can these enzymes be inhibited if needed?
Blood clotting factors
Digestive proteases and pancreatic phospholipase
1 Blood clotting has to be performed fast in case of bleeding. The inactive blood clotting factors are already available in the blood, but their activation shall be highly specific and controlled.
In the blood clotting cascade, there is a logical activation of finally prothrombin to thrombin for the formation of the fibrin clot.
The enzyme thrombin has a small window for its action before it gets inactivated by antithrombin III.
[Blood clotting has to be performed fast and locally directed and on the other hand it has also to be stopped. Heparin accelerates the inactivation of thrombin and is often used as drug during surgery to prevent blood clotting.]
2 The digestive pancreatic proteases and phospholipase are powerful enzymes and meant to degrade dietary proteins and phospholipids. They are synthesized inside of pancreatic cells in their inactive forms and are meant to be later activated only in the lumen of the duodenum.
As example, the inactive trypsinogen reaches via the pancreatic juice the duodenum and is there proteolytically activated. The enzyme enteropeptidase is highly specific to cleave trypsinogen to trypsin. This local separation normally prevents premature formation of trypsin in the pancreatic cells.
This is important as trypsin itself is able to perform proteolytic activation of digestive proenzymes.
[After the dietary protein is digested, the digestive enzymes, which are proteins, will be degraded by their fellow digestive proteases and the amino acids are taken up into intestinal mucosal cells in addition to the amino acids from dietary proteins.]
Regarding allosteric enzymes, does the substrate in general act as a homotropic
effector or does it act as a heterotropic effector ?
A homotropic effector is “one of the same” of the molecules encountered by the
allosteric enzyme. The substrate for the enzyme can act as homotropic effector.
A heterotropic effector is a different kind of molecule, it is not the substrate and it is not the product of the allosteric enzyme. A heterotropic effector is formed by another enzyme. The allosteric enzyme has a very specific binding site for the respective heterotropic effector, which could lead to feedback inhibition or feed-forward activation of pathways, dependent on the molecule.
[the regulated allosteric enzyme “wants to be informed about the metabolic situation of the total pathway”]
Can you find both, binding sites for homotropic effectors and also binding sites for different heterotropic effectors in an allosteric enzyme?
Yes, an allosteric enzyme can have binding sites for a homotropic effector, like the substrate, and in this case, the binding site is in the active site.
It can also have in addition different binding sites for several heterotropic effectors
Why are allosteric enzymes often found at critical regulatory sites of a pathway?
Allosteric enzymes can perform a conformational shift after binding of
heterotropic effectors.
For example, a pathway can be down-regulated when the end product (or a related compound) of the respective pathway binds to a specific binding site of the allosteric enzyme at the rate-limiting step. This can induce a conformational shift which leads to less activity of the enzyme, (often the affinity for the substrate is reduced by the conformational change that follows after the binding of the respective heterotropic effector.)
For allosteric enzymes one can determine K0.5 which is the substrate concentration at half Vmax . Does a small K0.5 indicate a high or a low affinity of the allosteric enzyme for the substrate?
K 0.5 gives similar information as Km does: a small K 0.5 indicates a high affinity
of the allosteric enzyme for the respective substrate.
Allosteric enzymes can make a conformational shift, like in case of feedback inhibition, after binding of a specific heterotropic effector.
In this new conformation with the feedback regulator bound, the affinity of the allosteric enzyme for the substrate can decrease, leading to a larger K 0.5
Back to regulation of a pathway: an allosteric enzyme is feedback regulated (inhibited) by binding of a specific heterotropic effector. This could lead to a smaller Vmax but often leads to a change in K 0.5.
What can be described when K 0.5 is changed as result of the conformational change during feedback inhibition? Is this substrate concentration larger or smaller when compared to the normal reaction?
When an allosteric enzyme is feedback inhibited, and when as the result K 0.5 is
changed, then the substrate concentration at half Vmax , [which is K 0.5 ] is larger
than in the normal reaction. The enzyme has less affinity for the substrate due to a
conformational shift and the pathway is feedback inhibited.
[the curve is shifted to the right}
Please DO NOT mix up feedback regulation of specific allosteric enzymes with competitive inhibition of enzymes. !!!
[both lead to a higher substrate concentration to reach half Vmax, but both are totally different inhibitions]
A competitive inhibitor is mostly a synthesized drug and competes with substrate binding. The affinity of the enzyme for the substrate is not changed, (Km is a constant) but we find a larger apparent Km, which is the value of a larger substrate concentration needed to reach half Vmax due to the competition for formation of the ES complex.
On the contrary, a feedback regulation is achieved by a natural compound which has already a specific binding site at the regulated allosteric enzyme and this molecule does not compete with the substrate binding.
In this case of feedback inhibition, the actual affinity of the enzyme for the substrate is reduced due to a conformational shift of the enzyme and K0.5 is increased
As an example: an allosteric enzyme is feed-forward activated by binding of a heterotropic effector, and the substrate concentration that is found at half Vmax is changed as result of a conformational change.
Why is this substrate concentration smaller than in the reaction without bound heterotropic effector?
Feed-forward activation of an allosteric enzyme leads to a conformational shift
after binding of the respective heterotropic effector
In this case, the affinity of the enzyme for the substrate is increased, and half Vmax is reached at lower substrate concentration than for the not feed- forward activated enzyme. [ note: feed-forward activation of an allosteric enzyme is different than the cooperative substrate binding where the substrate acts as a homotropic effector leading to a sigmoidal curve. Feed-forward activation shifts the already sigmoidal curve to the left.]
Purified enzymes from bacteria living in hot springs can be used for research as they tolerate high temperatures during experiments.
The drugs acetaminophen and ibuprofen inhibit reversibly COX and are used for pain treatment and reduction of inflammation. Aspirin as irreversible inhibitor can be used in long term low dose to reduce blood clotting.