sakai-Carbohydrate Structure and Function Flashcards
Outline the classification of monosaccharides based on number of carbon atoms, name four hexoses. Which pentoses found in RNA and DNA and which linkage is used in nucleosides?
Trioses (3C), Tetroses (4C), Pentoses (5C), Hexoses (6C), Heptoses (7C).
Hexoses are glucose, fructose, galactose, and mannose. RNA contains ribose and DNA contains deoxyribose, these pentose sugars are linked to the purine or pyrimidine base by a -N-glycosidic linkage.
Which functional group is characteristic for aldoses in comparison to ketoses? Name three sugars that are substrate for aldose reductase and explain why this enzyme does not use fructose.
Aldoses contain an aldehyde group on carbon #1, ketoses contain a keto group on carbon #2.
Aldose reductase forms sugar alcohols and it can use glucose, galactose or mannose as substrates. It cannot use fructose as substrate as fructose is a ketose and not an aldose.
What is mutarotation? Which form of glucose is predominant in solution? What are enatiomers? Is glucose in the L- form or is it the D-form that is predominant in humans? What is a pyranose and what is a furanose?
Mutarotation is the process of the inter-conversion of the two cyclic forms ( and ) when the ring is opened at the anomeric carbon.
The predominant form of glucose in solution is the -form.
Enantiomers are mirror images of each other (L-form and D-form).
The D-form of sugars is the predominant form in humans. (note and compare: it is the L-form for amino acids)
The cyclic form of monosaccharides allows the distinction into pyranose: which refers to a six-membered ring (glucopyranose) and also into furanose: which refers to a five-membered ring.
What is a reducing sugar? Is the disaccharide sucrose a reducing sugar? Is the disaccharide lactose a reducing sugar? Explain!
Monosaccharides are reducing sugars as they can open their ring structure and react with their functional group (aldehyde or keto group) and reduce a specific chromogenic agent.
The disaccharide sucrose is not a reducing sugar, as both anomeric carbons of glucose (C#1) and fructose (C#2) are linked to each other via an 1,2 glycosidic bond and the opening of the ring structure is not possible.
The disaccharide lactose is a reducing sugar, as although the anomeric carbon of galactose (C#1) is in the -1-4 linkage, the anomeric carbon (C#1) of glucose is not locked in the glycosidic bond and can open and react with its aldehyde group (Benedicts test).
When you find a reducing sugar in urine, which abnormality and clinical condition can be the reason? Name three.
Sugars are not normally present in urine but can be detected in clinical conditions.
- Glucose is found in urine in diabetic patients.
- Fructose is found in urine in fructosuria or in patients with hereditary fructose
intolerance ( fructokinase deficiency or aldolase B deficiency) - Galactose is found in urine in patients with galactosemia or with classical
galactosemia (galactokinase deficiency or uridyl transferase deficiency).
⦁ In a diabetic patient, what is the respective sugar alcohol of glucose that can accumulate in lens and nerve endings and kidney? Which enzyme is involved?
High concentrations of serum glucose as found in diabetic patients, leads in the lens, nerve endings and kidney to accumulation of the sugar alcohol sorbitol, formed by aldose reductase from glucose. This reaction is minute at normal glucose concentrations in these cells but is increased at elevated blood glucose levels. Aldose reductase has a large Km for glucose and acts at high intracellular glucose levels.
[note: Sorbitol formation is wanted in hepatocytes after a carbohydrate-rich meal . Aldose reductase in the liver forms sorbitol at high glucose levels. The liver contains as follow-up the enzyme sorbitol dehydrogenase which is not found in the lens or nerve endings or kidney.
Sorbitol dehydrogenase forms fructose from sorbitol. This fructose is trapped in the liver by fructokinase and fructose 1-P is formed.
Aldose reductase and glucokinase trap glucose in the liver cell (sorbitol and glucose 6P) at high blood glucose concentration.]
[Note: sorbitol dehydrogenase is also found in seminal vesicle cells and allows there the eventual formation of fructose from glucose via sorbitol. GLUT-5 in these cells facilitate the release of fructose into the seminal fluid. Sperm cells use fructose for their energy metabolism.]
⦁ In a patient with classical galactosemia, which enzyme is deficient, what is the respective sugar alcohol of galactose and where does it accumulate?
Classical galactosemia results from the deficiency of galactose 1-P uridyl transferase.
High blood levels of galactose are an abnormality and in these patients, galactose is substrate for aldose reductase. Galactitol accumulates in the lens, nerve ending and kidney and also in the liver.
[In contrary to sorbitol, which does not accumulate in the liver, galactitol accumulates also in the liver, there is no liver enzyme to get rid of galactitol. This sugar alcohol was not meant to be formed by aldose reductase and damages the liver cells.]
⦁ Does sucrase generate equal amounts of glucose and fructose? What is HFCS 55?
Sucrose contains equal amounts of glucose and fructose and is cleaved by sucrase in the digestive tract.
HFCS 55 is High Fructose Corn Syrup with 55% fructose and 42% glucose. It is special that HFCS is a mixture of the monosaccharides fructose and glucose.
[note: The monosaccharide fructose is perceived as tasting sweeter than glucose or sucrose. Fructose is used as sweetener in soft drinks or it is found naturally in higher concentration in sweet fruits, fruit sugar]
⦁ Which sugar is the C-4 epimer to glucose? Which sugar is the C-2 epimer to glucose? Which sugar is an isomer form of glucose?
Glucose is C-4 epimer to galactose and glucose is C-2 epimer to mannose. Glucose is an isomer form of fructose.
[note: UDP-glucose can be changed in humans to UDP-galactose in a reversible reaction by an UDP-hexose-4-epimerase.
Glucose 6-P can be changed in a reversible reaction to fructose 6-P by phosphoglucose isomerase]
⦁ Which digestive enzyme generates maltose and which monosaccharides are found in maltose? What is isomaltose?
Maltose is formed during the digestion of starch and glycogen by salivary and pancreatic -amylase. Maltose contains two glucose units linked by an (1-4) glycosidic bond.
Isomaltose contains glucose units linked by an (1-6) glycosidic bond which formed the branch point of starch or dietary glycogen.
⦁ Which food is rich in lactose and which monosaccharides are found in lactose? Which enzyme cleaves lactose? When is this enzyme most active?
Lactose is found in higher quantities in milk (milk sugar) with about 11g per cup.
Lactose contains galactose and glucose in a 1-4) glycosidic bond.
Lactase cleaves lactose at the brush border of intestinal mucosal cells.
Lactase is most active after birth and important for milk digestion.
[Natural decline of lactase activity can lead to primary lactose intolerance in children and adults. Loss of lactase due to severe diarrhea can lead to secondary lactose intolerance.]
⦁ Can humans form a sugar alcohol from fructose? Explain!
No, fructose is a ketose and it is not a substrate for aldose reductase.
Aldose reductase forms sugar alcohols from aldoses [glucose (sorbitol), galactose (galactitol) and mannose (mannitol)]
⦁ Describe the composition of starch
Starch is a plant polymer of glucose composed of amylose [linear, unbranched, 1-4) linkages] and amylopectin [branched with 1-6) linkages at branch points].
⦁ Describe the composition of glycogen
Glycogen is an animal polymer of glucose with linear (1-4) glycosidic linkages and with (1-6) linkages at branch points. It is used for storage of glucose in animals and it is found in cytosolic glycogen granules that are highly branched.
⦁ Which type of linkages do you find at branch points of starch and glycogen?
Branch points contain (1-6) glycosidic linkages.
[note: In starch or dietary glycogen, these linkages are not cleaved by -amylase during digestion but later on by isomaltase at the mucosal brush border]
[note: In the cellular metabolism of cytosolic glycogen, these linkages are not cleaved by glycogen phosphorylase during glycogen degradation and need the glycogen debranching enzyme for cleavage]
⦁ Compare amylopectin and glycogen to each other.
Amylopectin has fewer branches than glycogen.
Amylopectin is a plant carbohydrate, glycogen is the glucose storage form in animals and is mainly found in the liver and in muscle.
⦁ Humans cannot digest cellulose. Give the reason!
Cellulose is a plant polysaccharide with glucose units linked by glucose 1-4) glucose bonds.
Salivary and pancreatic -amylase cleave only glucose (1-4) glucose linkages and cannot cleave cellulose which is excreted as dietary fiber in feces.
[The (1-4) glycosidic linkage between galactosyl-glucose found in lactose can be cleaved by the human enzyme lactase]
⦁ What are two examples for sugar acids? What is an amino sugar?
An example for a sugar acid is glucuronic acid. Ascorbate can also be seen as a sugar acid as it can be synthesized from glucuronic acid in most animals, but not in humans where it is known as vitamin C.
An amino sugar contains an amino group. Common are glucosamine and galactosamine. The amino group can be acetylated and is then uncharged.
⦁ What is a glycosaminoglycan (GAG)? What is hyaluronic acid? What is heparin? What are chondroitin and chondroitin sulfate?
GAGs are also named mucopolysaccharides and they consist of repeating disaccharide units of mostly glucuronic acid (or iduronic acid) and an amino sugar.
GAGs are negatively charged and are found in the extracellular matrix (ECM) as proteoglycans (many GAGs bound to little protein) together with the fibrous proteins collagen and elastin.
Hyaluronic acid is a GAG that is unsulfated and not bound to proteins. It is found extracellular and is part of the ECM or can be used for shock absorbance in joints.
Hyaluronic acid provides the central strand in the larger proteoglycan aggregates.
Heparin is a GAG that is stored in mast cells and is highly sulfated.
It can be released and acts as anti-coagulant during blood clotting. It may be also involved in defense functions against invasion by bacteria during injury.
[Heparin is often medically used via injection during surgery or post-operative. Prothrombin is proteolytically activated and the formed thrombin is eventually inactivated in blood in order to stop blood clotting. Blood clotting has to be performed fast and efficiently, but it has only a certain time frame, then it needs to be stopped]
Chondroitin and chondroitin sulfate are GAGs that are commonly used to form proteoglycans. They are an important part of the ECM and can form proteoglycan aggregates together with hyaluronic acid.
⦁ Proteins can contain sugars in O-linkage or in N-linkage. How can you compare the two to each other?
O-linkage means that the sugar is linked to the hydroxyl group of a serine or threonine residue in the protein
N-linkage means that the sugar is linked to an asparagine residue in the protein. [Note: but not to a glutamine residue]
Glycoproteins with O-linkage obtain their sugars individually.
Glycoproteins with N-linkage obtain all first the same precursor sugar assembly which is rich in mannose. Later on this general precursor is modified and we find N-linkage of mannose-rich sugars or also of complex sugars.