Safety Management Systems Flashcards
The 5 basic concepts that underline most workers’ compensation legislation in Canada. Known as the Meredith Principles (5)
No fault compensation
Security of benefits
Collective Liability
Independent Administration
All audit observations should be documented in a clear, concise manner and should be supported by …
Applying a set of principles, framework, processes, and measure to prevent accidents, injuries and other adverse consequences that may be caused during and because of its operations
Safety Management
The two levels of culture within an organization
Observable and Core
Every role in the organization shares the responsibility to ‘know and Blank’ with the health and safety requirements
Know and Comply
Defined as those parties that are potentially affected by its results and are therefore interested in its content and effectiveness
The NCR/CAR should include these 3 items:
- A brief statement (defining the nonconformance)
- The objective evidence (to substantiate the nonconformance)
- Reference to document or relevant standard
These types of barriers are may exist and should be considered by safety professionals who have a duty to provide information:
Legislative requirements
Freedom of informaiton
Workplace equity and diversity obligations
Privacy considerations
Contractual requirements
Contracts and tenders
This ‘View’ on organizational conflict believes that conflict not only has the potential to become positive, but that it is the central part of any organization
The Interactionist
The role is responsible for the actual implementation of safety measures within the workplace
What is ‘Act’ in PDCA
Management Evaluation
Wiegmann, determined there were this many commonalities found in most definitions of safety culture
Common external factors that can have an impact on the organization’s success as well as the health and safety of its workers (6)
Legal and Statutory requirements
Government agency and certification parameters
Cultural, regional and local issues
Political and economic policies
Key industry drivers
Competition and market conditions
The 5 basic concepts that underline most workers’ compensation legislation in Canada. Known as the Meredith Principles (5)
No fault compensation
Security of benefits
Collective Liability
Independent Administration
This type of audit is performed within an organization to measure its strengths and weaknesses against its own procedures or methods and/or against external standards adopted by or imposed on the organization.
First-party audit
This person (1) recognized that because safety is so complex, it cannot be a bolt to corporate culture. He believed that corporate and safety culture must (blank, 2) to be effective
(1)Patrick Hudson
(2) Integrate
This is issued by an officer where there is an immediate danger where a risk of serious personal injury or illness could result.
Stop Work Order or Prohibition
The hollistic workplace-managed processes from the employer and medical management team, from the time of injury to facilitate an efficient response and maintenance in or return to suitable employment
Injury and Illness Management
Consideration of the internal and external influences the organization is required/chooses to respond to in relation to its OHS Management System
Context of the Organization
A serious incompatibility between two or more opinions, principles or interests
Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances
These types of audits are used for larger audits, complex systems, or organizations or where many sites are being audited.
A Team Audit
A research agency focused on the study of worker safety and health, and empowering employers and workers to create safe and health workplaces
NIOSH - National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
3 examples of lagging indicators
Injuries or ill health days in terms of LTI Frequency
Production days lost through sickness absence
Incidents or near misses
Complaints about work in an unsafe manner
Number of early retirements
AKA Notices of Contraventions. These notices outline contraventions either at the time they are issued or in the past but is likely to be continued or repeated.
Improvement Notices
3 examples of leading indicators
Number of workplace inspections
Number of OHS audits
Percentage of workers with adequate OHS training
3 Examples of positive lagging indicators
Percentage of productive planned workdays realized
Number of hours worked
Number of working days since the last incident
Employee satisfaction (survey)
Law is used in Occupational Health and Safety for two reasons, what are they?
- To prevent harm to workers
- To compensate workers and their families fairly if workers are injured or die from work related causes
This ‘indicator’ provides feedback on performance, before a health and safety problem arises, so that action can prevent it.
Leading indicators
This seeks fairness in how things are distributed in society - all persons are entitled to human rights, all workers entitled to equal pay for work of equal value.
Distributive Justice
Workers’ compensation is based on these principles and is…?
Meredith Principles
No-fault compensation
A repeatable, harmonized, agreed and documented way of doing something
A Standard
During an incident investigation, the emphasis should be on ‘this’ so that so the event can be prevented from happening again.
Finding the root cause
Who defined Organizational Culture, and what is the definition?
Edgar Schein
‘The system of shared beliefs and values that develops within an organization and guides the behavior of its members’
What is ‘Check’ in PDCA
Review and Certification
Assessment of an OSH process through periodic sampling of corporate documentation, procedures and records, conducted by a competent person or organization independent of that process
This differs for jurisdictional legislative OHS offences. This is when the defense has the burden of proof and it must be proved on a balance of probabilities. ‘Guilty until proven innocent’.
Burden of Proof
This law focuses on redressing civil wrongs through an award of damaged to compensate for types on injuries
Tort Law
This type of law is an action between individuals with one party initiatiating proceedings against another with the aim of the claimant (plaintiff) to seek restitution for wrongdoing from the defendant.
This type of audit is an external audit performed on a supplier by a customer, or by a contracted organization on behalf of a customer.
A second party audit
This refers to ‘fairness’ in balancing the relations of individuals when one party has harmed another.
Compensatory, corrective or commutative justice
In this type of law, an employer is under a duty to take reasonable care for the health and safety of its employees, with this duty covering both physical and mental injuries.
Common Law
If an employer cannot get motivated to protect workers by one of the many non legal reasons, then, in the end, action must still be taken under threat of… (3)
Threat, fines or imprisonment
Inter-personal conflict
Conflict that occurs between individuals within an organization
Decision to allocate specific responsibilities should fall to who?
The Executive Management Team
A form of restorative justice that moves away from a traditional punitive model of fines and seeks to address causal factors by putting in place a prevention paid for by the offender
Creative Sentencing
A federally regulated workplace will have its workers’ compensation dealt with by ….
The province in which the workplace is located
This ‘indicator’ shows when a desired outcome has failed, or when an health and safety objective is not achieved.
A lagging indicator
This group was charged with investigating, recommending, and annual reviewing exposure limits for chemical substances
Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances committee
Bonus: was established in 1941
The 5 basic concepts that underline most workers’ compensation legislation in Canada. Known as the Meredith Principles (5)
No fault compensation
Security of benefits
Collective Liability
Independent Administration
Intra-group conflict
conflict that takes place within a team or group of individuals
Intra-organizational conflict
Conflict that is inclusive of all conflict within an organization
A potential charge to the organization or its peoples. If guilty, fine or imprisonment can result.
Conviction or Indictment
Inter-group conflict
Conflict that occurs between groups, departments or divisions within a company
Wiegmann, further proposed that there were 5 global components of safety culture, which are..?
Organizational Commitment
Management Involvement
Employee Empowerment
Reward Systems
Reporting Systems
These are Penalties issued by officers that can be handed out immediately. ‘Tickets’ are handed out to employers, supervisors, etc.
Summary Offences
A standard or point of reference against which things may be compared
Internal Responsibility System (IRS)
underlaying philosophy of OHS Legislation. Everyone in the workplace, workers and employers, is responsible for his or her own safety and for the safety of co-workers
The key to a successful organization is to have culture(s) based on a strongly held and widely shared set of beliefs that are supported by (blank) and (blank)
Strategy and structure
Employer’s Duty of Care
Providing a safe workplace, and taking reasonable steps (due diligence) to prevent incidents from happening.
Heinrich, Bird and Reason are all names associated with what?
Management Models, or, Domino Models
These 5 assertive and cooperative styles of conflict are what make up the Thomas Kilmann conflict model
This conflict management model recognizes that conflict resolution strategies can be reflected in direct proportion to the amount of ‘assertiveness’ and ‘cooperativeness’ used in resolving conflict
The Thomas Kilmann Model
This type of survey provides leaders with an indication of the views, attitudes, and sentiments of those who work in their teams and functions.
Climate Surveys
Hudson’s Ladder of Safety Culture Levels
Bottom Up (PRCPG)
An effective Information Management System is supported by procedures that detail the structure of the system and how documents are classified for each component. The procedures will identify the processes such as: (4)
Document Storage
Identification protocols
Security and access
This management tool (‘program’) is aimed at managing the real and potential losses associated with employee illness and injury
Disability Management Program
This is the proactive measures to prevent or reduce loss evolving from accident, injury, illness and property damage.
Loss Control
A scientific organization that advances occupational and environmental health
ACGIH - American Conferences of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
The 5 basic concepts that underline most workers’ compensation legislation in Canada. Known as the Meredith Principles (5)
No fault compensation
Security of benefits
Collective Liability
Independent Administration
Too low of a level of conflict within an organization can lead to these two things (2)
Complacency and Reduced Performance
Organizational culture is also referred to as..?
Corporate Culture
This type of survey enables you to review the unique beliefs, behaviors and practices of your company against how they are perceived by your employees of the organization
Culture Surveys
This type of negotiation is one that can take competitive form where one party can gain only if another party loses. This type of negotiating is based on the fixed pie view, the idea that limited resources are to be divided and typically focuses on win lose scenario
Distributive Negotiation
ISO9001and ISO14001 are which standards
Quality Standard and Environmental Standards
Examples of this could be:
outputs from audit findings, as part of the PDCA cycle when looking to implement change, as an output from an investigation, or as a fluid document used by the safety team on a daily basis to direct activities
Action Plans
technical provisions for the design and construction of new buildings and for the alteration, change of use and demolition of existing buildings
Canadian National Building Code
This type of audit is performed by an audit organization independent of the customer-supplier relationship and is free of any conflict of interest. May be in certification, registration, recognition,etc.
A third party audit
The sharing of information on health and safety matters between employers, workers and other stakeholders. It’s purpose is to provide opportunity for workers and other stakeholders to express their opinion on matters that concern their health, wellbeing and safety while working.
The 5 basic concepts that underline most workers’ compensation legislation in Canada. Known as the Meredith Principles (5)
No fault compensation
Security of benefits
Collective Liability
Independent Administration
Accident theory is based on this, and not on ‘fault’
In Canada, most workers in most industries have the legal right to join a union. This is protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and is called:
Freedom of Association
A global self funded non for profit organization devoted to eliminating death, injury, property, and economic loss due to fire, electrical and related hazards.
NFPA (National Fire Protection Association)
What does ANSI stand for
American National Standards Institute
This type of dispute has some form of legal entitlement (labour laws, employment contracts, or common civil law)
Dispute of Rights
The audit report should be issued when, after the audit?
As soon as possible
These are included in what part of an audit:
Determining the purpose for the audit
Background reading
Determining the Scope
Pre Audit
What is ‘Plan’ in PDCA
Safety Policy and Planning
Who theorized on what was required to engineer a safety culture - defined the components and principles required to create a ‘just culture’ that supports learning from unsafe acts and views them as opportunities to improve safety and production.
James Reason
What is ‘do’ in PDCA
Realization and Operation
The audit report should include the following 3 items:
Audit plan details
Audit findings
Corrective Action Requests
This role has the overall responsibility as well as a legal obligation to provide a safe and working environment for all workers and people affected by the business or undertaking
The Employer
This is the key to contributing and improving consultation and communication processes within an organization and OHS professionals and technicians must consider the organizations cultural and industrial environment (or attitude) towards safety when providing information or contributing to the consultative arrangements
Provision of Information
This is conducted on a management system. It can be described as a documented activity performed to verify, by examination and evaluation of objective evidence, that applicable elements of the system are appropriate and effective and have been developed, documented and implemented in accordance and in conjunction with specified requirements.
A systems audit
This is the fairness in how penalties are matched to the seriousness of the offense
Retributive Justice
The audit phases (3)
Pre Audit
Post Audit
This is thought of as the shared values and beliefs in an organization that define how the tension between competing goals - such as productivity, research, marketing and SAFETY - is managed
Safety Culture
Generic steps of an incident investigation are: (4)
Immediate Action
Conduct the Investigation
Report Findings
This is conflict that is well managed and works to serve organizational interest
Functional Conflict
This sets forth the roles and responsibilitie, expected activities, deliverables and timeframes of the audit, as well as audit scope, and objectives, audit team members, audit instrument, etc,
Audit Plan
At common law, these claims - are assessed against a negligence standard, rather than a strict liability standard. To succeed in a claim for negligence, a plaintiff must establish the following: defendant owed a duty of care, they breached that duty, the plantiff suffered damaged and those damaged caused by the defendants breach of their duty of care
Product Liability
A written statement by an inspector, tells the duty holder they have committed and offence and gives them the opportunity for improvement
Formal Cautions
This provides standardized information regarding an organization’s OHS policies and practices and allows organizations to compare their OHS performance with that of other, often similar, organizations OR evaluation of something by comparison to a standard
Biological Exposure Indices
This is the fairness in how decisions are made - the rules of evidence and the rules of civil, regulatory, and criminal procedure are the best examples of how law is designed to fulfil the principles of this.
Procedural Justice
This is to sight and examine sufficient hard copy, or electronic records to verify, observe behaviour and document evidence of compliance with the management system procedures and effective implementation of process and internal controls.
Audit Activities
This type of dispute is one which neither party has a legal entitlement or right for what they are requesting, as the conflict is based on a matter of opinion regarding entitlement to specific resources
Dispute of Issue
This type of law outlines considerations for health and safety such as concepts of discrimination and equality, disabilities, etc.
Employment Law
The main information management standard developed for Management systems for records
ISO 30300 Series
The 5 basic concepts that underline most workers’ compensation legislation in Canada. Known as the Meredith Principles (5)
No fault compensation
Security of benefits
Collective Liability
Independent Administration
Exclusive Jurisdiction
Inter-organizational conflict
Conflict that occurs at the level of different organization (direct competition with another organization)
Discord that arises when goals, interests or values of different individuals or groups begin working towards opposite or incompatible objectives
Organizational Conflict
This type of negotiation is based on a win win orientation. It tries to find a way for all claims to be satisfied if possible. Also known as the ‘expanded pie approach’.
Integrative Negotiation
Intra-personal Conflict
conflict that occurs within an individual
This ‘check’ provides a snapshot in time, on the engagement within their organization or team.
Pulse Checks
an organization whose primary function is developing, coordination promulgating, revising, amending, reissuing, interpreting, or otherwise producing technical standards to address the needs of a group of affected adopters
Standard Body/Organization
The technical provisions regulating activities related to the construction, use or demolition of buildings and facilities, the condition of specific elements of buildings and facilities, and the design or construction of specific elements of facilities relayed to certain hazards as well as the protection measures for the current or intended use of buildings
Canadian National Fire Code
Key Elements of ISO45001 are (7):
Context of the organization
Leadership and Worker Participation
Performance Evaluation
This focuses on absences from work because of illness, injury or disability and on preventing the risk that cause these abcenses.
Disability Management
The identification, application and dissemination of valid and reliable information is the foundation that this is built upon. The employer must ensure that there are effective strategies and tools in place to collect, analyze, implement and review information
Risk Management
This ‘View’ on organizational conflict saw it as a natural and inevitable part of working within an organization.
The Human Relations View
NFPA standards are legally mandatory: true or false?
False. NFPA does not have any enforcement authority of its own, which means on the surface, these codes are not legally mandatory however, some codes and standards are referenced in legislation across north America and other areas of the world.
This is the iterative process for continually improving products, people and services
The PDCA cycle
A conflict resolution strategy that involves a neutral third party who is appointed to review the stakeholder issues and develop options to resolve them.
Non-binding arbitration
X% of canadian employees belong to labour unions
ISO45001 says there are 3 types of benchmarking. They are: (SPP)
Performance; and,
This conflict is counterproductive and often to leads to waste of company resources and negatively impacts interpersonal relations.
Dysfunctional Conflict
Also known as the Deming Wheel or Shewhart Cycle
PDCA - Plan Do Check Act
This law in OHS ensures tenants have a safe, pleasant place to live. The law required private property owners to fulfil numerous responsibilities related to upkeep and safety of the building, and privacy of tenants.
Property Law