Safety Limits Flashcards
What are the Safety Limits associated with acceptable fuel design limits? With the reactor steam dome pressure less than 686 psig OR less than 10% rated core flow:
THERMAL POWER shall be less than or equal to 23.8% RTP. With the reactor steam dome pressure greater than or equal to 686 psig AND core flow greater than or equal to 10%
rated core flow:
The Minimum Critical Power Ration(MCPR) shall be greater than or equal to 1.07.
What is the Safety Limit associated with Reactor Vessel water level? Reactor Vessel water level shall be greater than the top of active irradiated fuel.
What is the Safety Limit associated with Reactor Coolant System Pressure?
2.1.2 Reactor Steam Dome pressure shall be less than or equal to 1325 psig.
What are the actions required if a Safety Limit is violated?
2.2 Safety Limit Violations:
With any Safety Limit violation, the following actions shall be completed within 2 hours:
2.2.1 Restore compliance with all Safety Limits; and
2.2.2 Insert all insert all insertable control rods.