Safety Flashcards
What are the components of the adventure experience paradigm?
- Exploration and experimentation
- Adventure
- Peak adventure
- Misadventure
- Devastation and disaster
6 Key aspects of the Western Australia Department of Education Outdoor Education and Recreation?
- Identifying risks.
- Supervision strategies.
- Qualifications of instructors.
- Information to be provided by parents/guardians.
- Emergency response planning.
- Communication strategies.
Definition of the Adventure Activity Standards (AAS).
The AAS benchmark the minimum industry requirements and responsibilities for organisations and leaders conducting outdoor adventure activities for commercial and non-commercial groups in which participants are dependent on the provider.
Purpose of the Adventure Activity Standards (AAS).
To allow the outdoor adventure sector to work within agreed standards and provides a measure of quality for the purposes of assisting the various stakeholders including; consumers, training organisations, media, insurance and legal scrutineers.
Features of the Adventure Activity Standards (AAS).
• guidelines/benchmarks for outdoor adventure activities
• outline expected requirements and responsibilities
• indicate industry best practice, common safe practice
• aimed at providers taking groups with dependent participants (not only commercial
Meaning of: Identifying Risks.
Identifying risks:
Teacher in charge must conduct a risk analysis of the environment; students’ capacity; activities to be conducted; equipment; capabilities.
Meaning of: Supervision Strategies.
Supervision strategies:
Must always ensure safety and well-being of students maintained. Teacher is to determine number of supervisors.
Meaning of: Qualifications of Instructors.
Qualifications of instructors:
A member of the supervising team must hold current first aid certificate, including current CPR accreditation. E.g. for a mountain biking trip, it is recommended teachers gain cycling coach accreditation.
Meaning of: Information to be Provided by Parents/Guardians.
Information to be provided by parents/guardians:
Parent/guardian consent is required; info must be provided to enable an informed decision. Must be reminded to provide info about child’s health/fitness. Guidelines: consent may b e obtained for duration of the program.
Meaning of: Emergency Response Planning.
Emergency response planning:
Teacher must develop response plan that ensures access to emergency support without compromising group safety. Guidelines include plans with location of nearest hospital, roads, phones etc. Also requires participant contact and medical details.
Meaning of: Communication Strategies.
Communication strategies:
Guidelines include strategies that enable regular communication among all members of the group. These may include hand signals, voice signals, whistles etc.
Importance of Peak Adventure.
Peak Adventure:
Participant experiences optimal arousal, and may be on edge, results in maximum performance, outcome is thinly-balanced, risk and competence is balanced.
Importance of Adventure.
Contains an element of risk and the outcome is uncertain, participant’s attention becomes more fixed on the task, competence outweighs risk.
Importance of Misadventure.
Challenge becomes too difficult, immediate reactions of participant to the experience are negative, risk outweighs competence, can occur due to participant overestimating skill levels.
What is the definition of the Exploration and experimentation phase of the AEI?
Task is easy and the individual has opportunity to develop new techniques/skills without significant risk, competence significantly outweighs risk, participants may become bored