Safety Flashcards
Study the hazards of welding and how to minimize your risk on the job.
Are inspectors exposed to the same hazards as welders?
The acronym OSHA stands for:
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
What document covers safety in welding and cutting?
ANSI Z49.1
Safety training is required by what organization?
occupational safety and health administration
The acronym PPE stands for what?
Personal protective equipment
What type of clothing is suitable for the welding environment?
Wool, cotton, denim, fire retardant material
In general, what should welding gloves be made of?
The valves of compressed gas cylinders are made of what?
The notches on this fitting signify what?
Left-hand threads
What type of gas is stored in tanks filled with a porous mass and dissolved acetone?
Acetylene must never be used above ____ psi.
15 psi
On a cutting torch, these devices prevent fuel gas from traveling into the oxygen line and causing what?
The fuse plugs in the top and bottom of acetylene cylinders that melt at 212 F to prevent explosion in case of a fire are called:
Rupture discs
Do fuel gas hoses have regular threads?
If an acetylene cylinder has been laying down, it must stand upright for at least ____ minutes before being used.
15 minutes
Fuel gas cylinders should never be opened more than how many turns?
Two turns
Is oxygen a flammable gas?
No - it is an oxidizer
What safety feature are the red and black buttons on this electrical outlet?
ground fault circuit interrupter
If the insulation on an electrical cable is nicked, is it acceptable to wrap it with tape and continue work?
Above how many milliamps are electrical currents considered harmful?
6 milliamps
What is the third prong on an electrical cord?
The safety practice that blocks potential energy going to machinery while it is being worked on is:
Lock out, tag out
Ensuring the floor is dry, using wooden platforms or rubber mats are all ways of mitigating:
Do employers have to make SDS’s (safety data sheets) available to employees?
A person other than the welder who scans the area for fires is called what?
Fire watch
When entering a confined space, is an attendant required?
A space that has limited means of entry or exit and is not designed for continuous occupancy is called what?
Confined space
What does CPR stand for?
Cardio-pulmonary resusitation
What does SDS stands for?
Safety data sheet
What does LEL stand for?
Lower explosive limit
What does TLV stand for?
Threshhold limit value