SAC 1 Flashcards
Burden of Disease
A measure of the impact of diseases and injuries, specifically it measures the gap between current health status and an ideal situation where everyone lives to an old age free of disease and disability.
difference between disease and illness
Disease relates to physical or mental symptoms whereas illness relates to how a person experiences disease
Health and wellbeing
Relating to the state of a person’s physical, social, emotional, mental and spiritual existence and how they feel about their lives in relation to the various dimensions
Individual benefits
- increased ability to run a household
- increased self esteem
- more time to attend school/work
- reduced healthcare costs
- increased productivity/ income
- sense of purpose, fulfilment, success
national benefits
- healthy populations help to build a productive workforce increasing national income through taxation
- reduced burden on the healthcare system
- reduced levels of stress
- increased economic development
-improvedlife expectancy
-reduced absentees in workplace
Health Status
‘An individual’s or a population’s overall health, taking into account various aspects such as life expectancy, amount of disability and levels of disease risk factors.
Health Adjusted Life Expectancy (HALE’s)
A measure of burden of disease based on life expectancy at birth but including an adjustment for time spent in poor health. It is the number of years in full health that a person can expect to live, based on current rates of ill health and mortality.
Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs)
A measure of burden of disease, one DALY equals one year of healthy life lost due to premature death and time lived with illness, disease or injury. (YLL+YLD=DALY)
Life expectancy
the number of years of life, on average, remaining to an individual at a particular age if death rates do not change. The most commonly used measure is life expectancy at birth
Under 5 mortality rate
The rate of deaths occurring in children under 5 years of age per 1000 live births.
Death in an individual or the level of death in a population or group in a given period
Refers to ill-health in an individual and the levels of ill-health in a population or group.
The number or rate of new cases of a condition during a given period of time.
‘The number or proportion of cases of a particular disease
or condition present in a population at a given time.’
Social health and wellbeing
relates to the ability to form meaningful and satisfying connections with others and the ability to adapt to other social situations eg supportive friends and family
global/ international benefits
- decreased emergence/ reemergence of communicable diseases
- increased global economic development and trade
- increased access to human rights
-increased global security/freedom
-increased global social development
physical health and wellbeing
relates to the functioning of the body and its systems; it includes the physical capacity to perform daily tasks eg healthy body, strong immune system, adequate energy levels and appropriate levels of fitness.
emotional health and wellbeing
relates to the ability to express emotions and feeling in a positive way. ability to display resilience. The degree to which individuals feel emotionally secure and safe. eg high level of resilience, respond and manage emotions, have appropriate emotions
mental health and wellbeing
the current state of mind or brain and it relates to the ability to think and process information. Aim to have low levels of stress and anxiety, positive self-esteem as well as confidence and optimism eg using logic, positive thoughts
spiritual health and wellbeing
relates to ideas, beliefs, values and ethics that arise in the minds and conscious of human beings. a sense of belonging and connection. peace and harmony. acting according to values and beliefs.
explain what dynamic means in terms of health
this means that your health is constantly changing or can constantly change depending on the situation. eg sick or healthy. broken bone will eventually heal.
explain what subjective means in terms of health
this means that your health can be viewed many different ways. eg opinions of your own health age, gender.
disease definition
is a term associated with illness. can be physical or mental in nature and range from mild discomfort to severe pain. (This could affect the degree of illness) eg cold, flu
illness definition
is the experience of being in a state of poor health, usually due to the presence of disease or injury. it is a more subjective concept. eg ability to cope with a disease or injury.
absence of conflict within community or country eg they have access to healthcare, more security, more education
structure that provides protection from the elements. eg adequate shelter means decrease in pverty, disease and better mental health
by increasing education, people have greater access to resources and greater awareness.
food security- access to nutritious, affordable, appropriate food. increased immunity, increased capacity to work and attend school
adequate money to have decent standard of living, increased access to resources, food, healthcare etc
stable ecosystem
is a community that consists of all living and non-living components of a particular area. provides food, air, water and sustainable resources.
sustainable resources
meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (UN)
social justice
equal rights for all, regardless of sex, income, ethnicity, religion, age etc
minimum level of resources that all people should have access to
hospital separation
episodes of hospital care that start with admission and end at transfer, discharge or death.
years of life lost (YLL)
a measure of how many years of expected life is lost due to premature death
Years lost due to disability (YLD)
a measure of how many healthy years of life is lost due to disease, injury or disability
mortality rates
the measure of the proportion of a population who die in a one-year period
infant mortality rates
the rate of deaths of infants before their first birthday, usually expressed per 1000 live births.
maternal mortality rate
the number of mothers who die as a result of pregnancy, childbirth or associated treatment per 100,000 women who gave birth.
self-assessed health status
an individual’s own opinion about how they feel about their health, their state of mind and their life in general.
maternal mortality
death of a mother during pregnancy, childbirth or 6 weeks after giving birth