SA-227 Metroliner Limitations - Sierra West Airlines Flashcards
Garrett TPE331-11U-612G rated at 1000 SHP dry; 1100 SHP wet
Full Reverse Operations on Engines
limited to a speed below 90 KIAS.
*Subtract 1 kt for every 1 dF above 90 dF.
Allowed Fuel
Jet A Jet A-1 Jet B JP-1 JP-4 JP-5 JP-8 *100LL
Limitations on 100LL
Not to exceed 250 gal per 100 hrs of operation
*total used limited to 7000 gal per engine overhaul.
Oil brand
Hydraulic Brand
Brayco MIL-H-83282
Useable Fuel
648 gal / 4342 lbs
Max Fuel Imbalance
DOWTY - 500 lbs
McCauley - over 2000 lbs total, 200 lb imbalance; under 2000 lbs total, 400 lb imbalance.
When fueling how much fuel imbalance can you allow before switching to the other side?
125 gal
Can you takeoff with the “fuel transfer pump caution” annunciator(s) illuminated?
No. It’s prohibited.
CAWI (continuous alcohol water injection)
Time Limit
5 min
CAWI (continuous alcohol water injection)
Max Torque
CAWI (continuous alcohol water injection)
650 dC
CAWI (continuous alcohol water injection)
-6 dC
CAWI (continuous alcohol water injection)
Approx. Freeze Point
-24 dC
CAWI (continuous alcohol water injection) is limited to what type of operations?
Takeoff Operations Only
CAWI (continuous alcohol water injection)
Max Usable Quantity
16 gal
CAWI (continuous alcohol water injection)
Min Usable Quantity
8 gal
CAWI (continuous alcohol water injection)
Dilution Ratio
40% Methanol / 60% Distilled Water
Do not use CAWI (continuous alcohol water injection) within 1 hour of temp reaching?
-24 dC or below
Temperature Limit - All Altitudes
Min for Engine Start
-40 dC
Temperature Limit - All Altitudes
Max Temp
ISA +40 dC
Temperature Limit - All Altitudes
Min for Engine Operation
-54 dC
Starter Duty Cycle
First Attempt: 30 On, 60 Off
Second Attempt: 30 On, 60 Off
Third Attempt: 30 On, 15 minutes Off
Max Continuous Load for EACH Generator
Ground Ops and Takeoff Ops to 1000’ AGL
200 amps
Max Continuous Load for EACH Generator
300 amps
Max Continuous Load for EACH Generator
Cross Generator Start
100 amps
Current Limiters:
Generator to Battery Bus
325 amps
Current Limiters:
Battery Bus to L/R Essential Bus
225 amps
Current Limiters:
Battery Bus to Non-Essential Bus Circuit Breaker
150 amps
28 V DC
26 V AC and 115 V AC
Battery: 24 V DC
Temperature Limiter:
Max Altitude for Prolonged Operation
Temperature Limiter:
RPM with Bypass Open
99-101% OR 96-98%
*Do NOT takeoff with either fuel bypass valve failed open.
Airstart Envelope:
Max Pressure Altitude with Boost Pumps Operating
Airstart Envelope:
Max Pressure Altitude without Boost Pumps Operating
Airstart Envelope:
Airspeed Limits for Airstart
100-180 KIAS
Max EGT for Engine Start
770 dC for 1 sec
Max Operating Pressure Altitude
SWA Max Operating Pressure Altitude
Avoid Engine RPM Between
Max Normal Cabin Differential Pressure
7 psi
Relief Valves Open At:
7.25 psi
Dump Valve Open At:
7.3 +/- 0.1 psi
0.52 Mach
Tail Height
59’ 3’’
Min Required for 180 Degree Turn
Distance Between Outboard Main Tires
The maximum operating gross weight is limited by the MOST RESTRICTIVE of what three things?
- Maximum certified gross takeoff weights
- Single engine climb requirements
- Takeoff runway length requirements
The landing weight is restricted by what three things?
- Max landing weight
- Landing distance available
- Braking energy limit