S8 L2 - Pituitary Disorders Flashcards
- *Pituitary Disorders**
- Main cause for pituitary disorders
- Two types of tumours and symptoms of each type of tumour
They are mainly caused by pituitary adenoma, a benign pituitary tumour.
These tumours can be:
- Non-functioning (don’t produce anything), but cause inadequate production of one or more pituitary hormone due to the physical pressure of the growing tumour on the glandular tissue
Symptoms of a pituitary adenoma (due to mass effect on local structures):
headaches, nausea, visual problems, vomiting
- Functioning tumours: ‘hyper-secreting’ tumours
Rarer, clinical symptoms depend on which pituitary hormone they are over-secreting
Symptoms of a pituitary adenoma (due to mass effect on local structures)
headaches, nausea, visual problems, vomiting
How to investigate pituitary tumours
3 things
- MRI scan
- Assessment of visual fields
- Blood tests measuring hormone levels
- *Investigations:**
1. Assessment of field of vision
INVESTIGATIONS: Assessment of field of vision
- Field of vision will suggest where pituitary tumour is:
- *Investigations:**
2. INVESTIGATIONS: Dynamic assessment of HPA and GH excess - Adrenal axis deficiency
- Adrenal axis for excess
- GH deficiency
- GH excess
INVESTIGATIONS: Dynamic assessment of HPA and GH excess:
- Stimulation test: suspected hormone deficiency
- Suppression test: suspected hormone excess
*Remember these and then work out the test
Adrenal axis:
- Deficiency: 2 tests:
—- SynACTHen test: Direct stimulation of adrenal by ACTH (use synACTHen test) – see if adrenal gland produces cortisol in response to this
—- Insulin Stress test: Inject adrenaline, this will lower insulin, measure if ACTH rises. ACTH is meant to rise when low insulin levels (think – stress hormone)
- Excess:
—- Dexamethasone suppression test: Suppress ACTH axis with steroids (as cortisol is a steroid). Give patient steroid, measure if cortisol decreases. Cortisol should decrease in this example.
GH axis:
- Deficiency:
—- Insulin stress test: GH should increase
GH increases when low glucose
- Excess:
—- Glucose tolerance test: GH should decrease
GH decreases when high glucose
—- Also, Elevated IGF-1 level (age related reference range)
—- Growth Hormone Day Curve – elevated mean GH
- *Hypopituitarism**
- Cause
- Which order are the hormones effected…
- Cause: Pituitary adenoma putting pressure on the pituitary glandular tissue – the ‘lump’ means the hormone from the hypothalamus (the releasing and inhibiting hormones) can’t get from the hypothalamus to the anterior pituitary gland.
Brief effect of this:
- *GH deficiency**
- Symptoms
- Causes in adults
- Causes in children
- Blood test
(usually subtle)
Symptoms: Decreased exercise tolerance, decreased muscle tone, increased body fat, reduced sense of well-being
Hard to diagnose: because GH is released in pulses
Cause in adult: Usually pituitary adenoma
Cause in children -> see PITUARY DWARFISM: Usually idiopathic (may be genetic mutation or autoimmune inflammation). In age 1-10, result in poor growth and short stature, can be treated with GH (manufactured by recombinant DNA technology)
Blood test: GH/IGF-1, more info under dynamic assessment of HPA and GH axes
- *Pituitary dwarfism**
- Description
- Causes
- Signs and symptoms
- Treatment
In childhood
Proportionate type of dwarfism
Complete or partial deficiency
Cause: USUAULLY IDIOPATHIC (may be genetic mutation or autoimmune)
GH deficiency (Somatotropin deficiency)
Signs and symptoms: Height below 3rd percentile on standard growth charts
Growth rate slower than expected for age
Delayed or no sexual development during teen years
Treatment: GH therapy (manufactured by recombinant DNA technology)
- *LH and FSH deficiency**
- Cause
- Signs and symptoms
- Blood test
Cause: Pituitary adenoma
Signs and Symptoms:
Low libido, infertility, oligomenorrhea (infrequent menstrual periods), loss of sexual characteristics (e.g. loss of pubic hair), amenorrhea (when women doesn’t have her periods in people at reproductive age). In men – decrease libido, impotence
Blood test: LH, FSH. Testosterone – men, oestrogen – women (basal blood test – has to be measured at specific time)
- *TSH deficiency:**
- Cause
- Symptoms
- Blood test
- *Cause:** Pituitary adenoma, can lead to hypothyroidism (this cause of TSH deficiency is RARE)
- *Symptoms:** Feeling cold, weight gain, bradycardia
- *Blood test:** TSH levels, fT4 (basal blood test – has to be measured at specific time)
- *ACTH deficiency:**
- Cause
- Symptoms
- Blood test
Cause: Pituitary adenoma (this cause of cortisol deficiency is RARE)
Symptoms: Leads to low cortisol - Tiredness, dizziness, low blood pressure, low sodium
Blood test: 09:00 Cortisol blood test (dynamic blood test – try to stimulate the hormone to see if it responds as expected)
- *Hyperprolactinaemia: (caused by mass effect – non-functioning pituitary adenoma)**
- Cause
- Symptoms
- Treatment
- Blood
- *Cause:** Non-functioning pituitary adenoma (mass effect) (see other causes below)
- *Symptoms** – same as under hyperprolactinaemia under hyperpituitarism
- *Treatment:** SURGERY (as the mass have to be removed) – drugs will not work against a non-functioning mass!!
- *Blood:** Serum prolactin (Basal blood test – can be measured at ANY time)
- *ADH deficiency:**
- Cause
- Symptoms
- *Cause:** Hypothalamic tumour or pituitary tumour that has extended up into the hypothalamus. Or, cranial radiotherapy, pituitary surgery, autoimmune infiltration, infections like meningitis
- *Symptoms:** Excess secretion of dilute urine, resulting in dehydration, increased sensation of thirst.
- *Hyperpituitarism:**
- Cause
- Hormones most affected
Hypersecreting pituitary adenoma
Hormones most affected:
Three hormones most commonly affected: prolactin, GH, ACTH
- *Hyperprolactinaemia:** (caused by pituitary adenoma secreting prolactin)
- Two types of prolactinoma
- Causes
- Symptoms
- Treatment
Macro-prolactinoma – large tumour (>1cm)
Micro-prolactinoma – small tumour (<1cm)
Cause: Prolactinoma (a pituitary adenoma that secretes prolactin), [also a non-functioning pituitary adenoma via mass effect – covered in different card]. Other causes: pregnancy, suckling during breastfeeding, stress and exercise, medication (e.g. anti-sickness and anti-psychotic drugs are dopamine antagonists)
Increased conc. of prolactin (PRH), increases negative feedback on the hypothalamus, this increases production of PIH (Prolactin inhibiting hormone, also called dopamine).
ALSO: Prolactin directly inhibits LH secretion (mechanism of this – increase prolactin, increase of PIH, decreases the release of GnRH: this causes diminished LH and FSH production too).
Symptoms: Galactorrhoea (milky discharge from breast unassociated with child birth or breast feeding), gynecomastia, hypogonadism, amenorrhea (women – loss of menstrual cycle), erectile dysfunction,
Men usually presented later – as women get concerned and see doc when noticed they’ve lost their period.
Treatment: Cabergoline (dopamine receptor agonist), this will shrink the tumour - Don’t operate on a hyperprolactinaemia
NOTE – Must work out if this is a prolactinoma or a pituitary adenoma causing it through mass effect, as treatment options are different.
Usually: If prolactin is <5000 more likely to be due to ‘stalk effect’
If prolactin is >5000, more likely to be due to active prolactin secretion (prolactinoma)
- *GH excess:**
- Cause
- Reason for symptoms
Cause: large growth-hormone secreting pituitary adenoma
Local mass effects (due to pressure): headaches, visual field defects, cranial nerve palsies
Reason for symptoms: Excess GH, increases IGF-1 production. IGF-1 causes symptoms of ACROMEGALY (see above) in adult and GIGANTISM (see above) in children
- *Gigantism**
- Causes
Causes: Often caused be a pituitary adenoma
GH is in excess in childhood
As occurs before epiphyseal growth plates have closed, long bones also grow lotss
- *Acromegaly**
- Causes
- Signs
- Three types of treatment from acromegaly
- Long-term complications if untreated
Causes: Often caused by a pituitary adenoma - GH is in excess in adulthood
Growth plates have fused, so height is not affected
Signs: Broad nose, coarse facial features, thick lips, prominent supraorbital ridge, enlarged head and feet, greasy skin, excessive sweating, deepening voice
Three types of treatment from acromegaly: surgery to remove the adenoma (called transsphenoidal hypophysectomy – through nose and sphenoid bone into the sphenoidal sinus cavity), radiation therapy, drug therapy (e.g. GH receptor antagonist or somatostatin (GHIH) to prolong GH suppression)
Long-term complications if untreated:
Premature cardiovascular death, increase risk of thyroid cancer and colonic tumours, disfiguring body changes, hypertension, diabetes (as GH antagonises insulin)
- *ACTH excess:**
- Cause
- Signs and symptoms
- Blood test
Cushing’s disease
Cause: ACTH-secreting pituitary tumour, steroid medication
Signs and symptoms:
Blood test: Record cortisol levels at midnight for Cushing’s disease
- *Diabetes Insipidus**
- Two main types
- Causes of each diabetes inspidus
- Signs and symptoms
- Treatment of cranial diabetes inspidus
Two main types:
- Cranial diabetes insipidus – where the body does not produce enough ADH (vasopressin), so excessive amounts of water are lost in large amounts of urine. If don’t produce ADH, the body can’t express aquaporins, so water if filtered out but can’t be resorbed (so get a huge loss of water)
(- Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus – where ADH is produced at the right levels, but, for a variety of reasons, the kidneys do not respond to it in the normal way)
Causes of cranial diabetes insipidus: Inflammation, infiltration, malignancy, infection
Signs and Symptoms: Extreme thirst due to fluid loss, large quantities of pale (insipid) urine
RISK: Dehydration and hypernatremia – leading to coma and death
Treatment of cranial diabetes insipidus: Synthetic vasopressin (desmopressin nasal spray, tablets or injection)
- *Pituitary Apoplexy**
- Description
- Clinical presentation
- Treatment
Apoplexy – old-fashioned word for stroke
- *Description:** Sudden VASCULAR event in a pituitary tumour
- Bleeding within the tumour – haemorrhage
- Blood supply cut off – infarction
- *Clinical presentation:** Sudden onset headache, double vision, visual field loss (particularly loss of field vision – bitemporal hemianopsia), cranial nerve palsy (dropping eye), hypopituitarism (CORTISOL DEFIECENCY – VERY DANGEROUS)
- *Treatment:** IMMEDIATE