S10 L2 - Thyroid conditions Flashcards
- *Goitre**
- What is this?
- When does it develop pathologically?
- When may it develop physiologically?
Goitre = enlargement of the thyroid
- May accompany hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism (but not necessarily present in either).
- *When does it develop pathologically?** Develops when the thyroid gland is overstimulated
- *When may it develop physiologically?** Pregnancy and menopause
- *Hypothyroidism**
- Signs and symptoms
- *Infants – SEVERE hypothyroidism**
- What condition can this lead to?
- Cause
- Signs and symptoms
- *Adults – SEVERE hypothyroidism**
- What can this lead to?
- Cause
- Symptoms
- *Primary hypothyroidism**
- What is the name of one of the causes of primary hypothyroidism?
- Cause
- Patient type
- Blood test
- Goitre
- Treatment
Hashimoto’s Disease
- *Secondary hypothyroidism**
- What is this? Failure of what?
- Blood test
- Goitre present?
Subclinical hypothyroidism
Blood test
Blood test: TSH level above the upper limit of normal despite normal levels of serum free thyroxine
- *Other causes of hypothyroidism**
- List of 4
- Post-partum hypothyroidism (can result in post-natal depression)
- Dyshormonogenesis – babies born with an underactive thyroid gland
- Medication
- Autoimmune atrophic thyroiditis
- *Treatment of hypothyroidism**
- Treatment
- Risk
- *Hyperthyroidism**
- Signs and symptoms
- *Primary hyperthyroidism**
- Name one cause
- Other Symptoms
- Goitre present?
- Blood test
- Other investigation
- Role of TSI in Grave’s Disease
- *Secondary hyperthyroidism – excess Hypothalamic or anterior Pituitary failure**
- Hypothalamic failure
- Anterior pituitary failure
- Blood test
- Goitre
- *Hypothalamic failure** – causes high TRH, and therefore high TSH
- *Anterior pituitary failure** – causes only High TSH
- *Blood test:** High T3 and T4, High TRH and/or High TSH
- *Goitre:** Yes (usually)
- *Subclinical hyperthyroidism**
- What is this condition?
Subclinical hyperthyroidism is a condition in which you have low levels of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) but normal levels of T3 and T4
- *Hypersecreting thyroid tumour**
- What is this?
- Blood test
- Goitre
- *What is this?** Adenoma that has developed in the thyroid and produced T4 (Thyroxine)
- *Blood test:** High T3 and T4, Low TRH and Low TSH
- *Goitre:** No
- *Thyroiditis**
- What is this?
- May occur
What is this? Inflammation of the thyroid e.g. from viral infection
Release of T4 into circulation
T4 is high, then low, then recovers again
May occur: After child-birth, medication (e.g. Amiodarone)
- *Ectopic Thyroid tissue**
- Also called…
- Leads to…
- Why does it occur?
- *Multinodular goitre**
- Key point about this…
- Cause
- What may happen after a number of years?
- Other complication of multinodular goitre
- *Hot nodules**
- What is this?
- Cancerous?
- *Investigating Thyroid Disorders**
- One method and how does this work?
- What substance does it use?
One severe complication of hyperthyroidism
Name of this
How urgent?
Name: Thyroid crisis or ‘thyroid storm’
Mortality is 10%
Symptoms: Hyperpyrexia, tachycardia, cardiac failure, liver dysfunction, pulmonary oedema
How urgent? EMERGENCY
- *How is hyperthyroidism treated (incl. Grave’s Disease)**
- Medication name
- Role of this medication
- Risk of this medication
- Surgery route - reasons why may choose this route? Risk of surgery?
One way to work out if the lump in the neck is to do with the thyroid gland?
Blood tests – what does fT4 mean? When do blood tests for thyroid disorders need to be taken?
One way to work out if the lump in the neck is to do with the thyroid gland
Thyroid moves when swallowing, so lump will move when swallowing
Note – can only feel the thyroid when it is enlarged
Blood tests – what does fT4 mean? When do blood tests for thyroid disorders need to be taken?
fT4: Free T4
Thyroxine is a stable hormone – it does not change during day or night, so test can be taken at any time
- *Thyroglossal cyst**
- Signs that it is a thyroglossal cyst?
- *Thyroid cancer**
- Red flag signs
- Examination
- Investigation
- Thyroid surgery risk