S3 Flashcards
- Backup and storage
- Disaster Recovery
- Archive
- Hybrid Cloud storage * Application hosting
- Media hosting
- Data lakes & big data analytics * Software delivery
- Static website
Amazon S3 Use cases
Amazon S3 allows people to store __________ in ___________.
objects (files)
“buckets” (directories)
Buckets must have a ___________ (across all regions all accounts)
globally unique name
What level are Buckets defined at?
region level
Amazon S3 Objects (files) have a ______?
What is the max size of an Object?
5TB (5000GB)
If uploading more than 5GB, must use _____________?
“multi-part upload”
3 things that an object can have other than the body??
- Metadata (list of text key / value pairs – system or user metadata)
- Tags (Unicode key / value pair – up to 10) – useful for security / lifecycle
- Version ID (if versioning is enabled)
2 ways to grant access to a S3 bucket?
Which API calls should be allowed for a specific user
IAM Policies (User-Based)
What are the 3 Resource-Based Amazon S3 – Security?
Bucket Policies
Object Access Control List (ACL)
Bucket Access Control List (ACL)
Bucket wide rules from the S3 console - allows cross account
Bucket Policies (Resource-Based)
Which resouce based security is finer grain and can be disabled
Object Access Control List (ACL) (Resource-Based)
Which resouce based security is less common and can be disabled
Bucket Access Control List (ACL) (Resource-Based)
an IAM principal can access an S3 object if …..
- The user IAM permissions ALLOW it OR the resource policy ALLOWS it
- AND there’s no explicit DENY
S3 Bucket Policies JSON based policies (4)
- Resources: buckets and objects
- Effect: Allow / Deny
- Actions: Set of API to Allow or Deny
- Principal:The account or user to apply the policy to
Bucket Policies JSON based policies - buckets and objects
Bucket Policies JSON based policies - Allow / Deny
Bucket Policies JSON based policies - Set of API to Allow or Deny
Bucket Policies JSON based policies - The account or user to apply the policy to
Use S3 bucket for policy to:
- Grant public access to the bucket
- Force objects to be encrypted at upload
- Grant access to another account (Cross Account)
Can be set at the account level
Bucket settings for Block Public Access
S3 can host __________ and have them accessible on the Internet
static websites
f you get a _________ error, make sure the bucket policy allows public reads!
403 Forbidden
Amazon S3 - Versioning is enabled at what level???
Bucket Level
2 best practices to version your buckets
- Protect against unintended deletes (ability to restore a version)
- Easy roll back to previous version
Any file that is not versioned prior to enabling versioning will
have version ______
Suspending versioning does OR does not delete the previous versions
2 types of Amazon S3 – Replication
- Cross-Region Replication (CRR)
- Same-Region Replication (SRR)
When using S3 replication, you must enable Versioning in _______ AND ________ buckets
Can buckets be in different AWS accounts??
Replication copying what kind of synchronized???
DO you need to give proper IAM permissions to S3
Compliance, lower latency access, replication across accounts
Log aggregation, live replication between production and test accounts
After you enable Replication, only __________ are replicated
new objects
You can replicate existing objects using __________?
S3 Batch Replication
Replicates existing objects and objects that failed replication
S3 Batch Replication
- Can replicate delete markers from source to target (optional setting)
- Deletions with a version ID are not replicated (to avoid malicious deletes)
Replication DELETE operations
There is no _________ of replication
* If bucket 1 has replication into bucket 2, which has replication into bucket 3
* Then objects created in bucket 1 are not replicated to bucket 3
S3 Storage Classes (7)
- Amazon S3 Standard - General Purpose
- Amazon S3 Standard-Infrequent Access (IA)
- Amazon S3 One Zone-Infrequent Access
- Amazon S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval
- Amazon S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval
- Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive
- Amazon S3 Intelligent Tiering
Can you move between classes manually or using S3 Lifecycle configurations
- 99.99% Availability
- Used for frequently accessed data
- Low latency and high throughput
- Sustain 2 concurrent facility failures
- Use Cases: Big Data analytics, mobile & gaming applications, content distribution…
S3 Standard – General Purpose
- For data that is less frequently accessed, but requires rapid access when needed
- Lower cost than S3 Standard
S3 Storage Classes – Infrequent Access
- 99.9% Availability
- Use cases: Disaster Recovery, backups
Amazon S3 Standard-Infrequent Access (S3 Standard-IA)
- High durability (99.999999999%) in a single AZ; data lost when AZ is destroyed
- 99.5% Availability
- Use Cases: Storing secondary backup copies of on-premises data, or data you can recreate
Amazon S3 One Zone-Infrequent Access (S3 One Zone-IA)
2 types of S3 Storage Classes – Infrequent Access
Amazon S3 Standard-Infrequent Access (S3 Standard-IA)
Amazon S3 One Zone-Infrequent Access (S3 One Zone-IA)