S1_L4: Examination of the Shoulder Joint Flashcards
Shoulder pain could be the result
of different shoulder conditions. What are they?
A. Bursitis, labral tear, ad caps
B. Muscle rupture, Joint sprains
C. Dislocation, Impingement syndromes
D. Rotator Cuff, bicipital, supraspinatus Tendinitis
E. All of the above
modified T/F. There are a lot of shoulder conditions, how to know which one is the true cause of shoulder pain
(1) conduct a thorough interview
(2) run a comprehensive PT examination
A good history is the cornerstone of proper diagnosis especially in shoulder pain as there are a lot of possible causes
the ff are the correct age on which the condition may occur
Condition (age)
Rotator Cuff Syndrome (40-50)
Adhesive Capsulitis (45-60)
Shoulder Tendinitis (35-50)
Bicipital Tendinitis (40)
Rupture of SITS muscle (40)
Calcific deposits (20-40)
identify the gender bias of each condition
- Supraspinatus Tendinitis
- Bicipital Tendinitis
- Adhesive Capsulitis
All F > M
match the Condition to its Medical condition
2. ischemic heart disease
3. Inflammatory disease
(due to intake of steroids)
A. Adhesive capuslitis
B. Tendon rupture
- A
- A
- B
match the Chief complaint to its Associated conditions
- Labral disorder, rotator cuf tears, snapping scapula, subacromial bursitis, biceps tendon disorders
- Dislocation
- Labral tear
- Bursitis
- Adhesive capsulitis, calcific tendinitis
- Subluxation, dislocation
- Almost all shoulder conditions
A. Pain
B. Instability
C. Stiffness
D. Deformity
E. Locking
F. Swelling
G. Catching
- G
- D
- E
- F
- C
- B
- A
match the Quality of pain to its Associated conditions
- Radicular pain (sharp, burning, radiating)
- Deep, boring, localized
- Hot and burning
- Diffused, aching, poorly localized
A. Nerve
B. Bone
C. Tendon
D. Vascular
- A
- B
- C
- D
match the Intensity of pain to its Associated conditions
- Difficulty tucking in shirts
- Pain with movement above 90 degrees of abduction with horizontal abduction
- Difficulty with arm elevation in abduction, ER, and IR
- Constant pain and worst at night
A. Adhesive Capsulitis
B. Posterior capsular stiffness
C. Vascular
- B
- C
- A
- A
match the Weakness to its Associated conditions
- Muscle strain
- inflammation
- Neurologic problems
- myopathies
- Delayed onset muscle soreness DOMS
A. Painful weakness
B. Painless weakness
- A
- A
- B
- B
- A
match the Occupation/
Activities to its Common musculoskeletal conditions
- Triceps/ Biceps rupture
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
- Labral tears, dislocation
- Impingement
A. Pitchers
B. Swimmers
C. Lifters
D. Secretary/ Clerical work
E. Painters
- C
- D
- E
- A
- B
match the Occupation/
Activities to its Common musculoskeletal conditions
- Median or Ulnar nerve pathology
- Ulnar nerve palsy
- Raynaud’s disease
- Spondylolisthesis
- Lateral Epicondylalgia
A. Musicians
B. Bikers
C. Construction workers (jackhammer)
D. Gymnasts
E. Tennis player
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
Why do we have to ask a
lot of questions?? Does the pt. need to
answer all of them???
Yes, since we will assure them that all the information that they share
with us will be treated with utmost confidentiality
match the ff ocular findings
- Deltoid atrophy
- Balled-up appearance
- Prominent clavicle
- Swelling of the anterior aspect of the shoulder
- Atrophy of the serratus anterior
A. High-riding clavicle
B. Fountain sign
C. Popeye sign
D. Squared appearance of the shoulder
E. scapular winging
- D
- C
- A
- B
- E
modified T/F
muscle guarding is noted during no activity, passive (hypertonicity)
muscle spasm is noted during active movements
muscle SPASM is noted during no activity, PASSIVE (hypertonicity)
muscle GUARDING is noted during ACTIVE movements
which of the ff are NOT true on ROM
A. (+) capsular pattern means there’s capsular pathology
B. (-) capsular pattern means it’s non capsular & might be tendon, muscle, soft tissues pathology
C. capsular pattern of shoulder
follows Abd>ER>IR
D. None of the above
C. capsular pattern of shoulder
follows ER>ABD>IR
- ER is the most limited shoulder movement
T/F the ff myotomes are correctly matched
C5: elbow flexors
C6: elbow extensors
C7: wrist extensors
C8: Finger flexors
T1: Finger abductors
C6: wrist extensors
C7: elbow extensors
modified T/F
Masked weakness is painless weakness due to nerve problem
True weakness is painful weakness due to inflammation/muscle strain
TRUE weakness is PAINLESS weakness due to nerve problem
MASKED weakness is PAINFUL weakness due to inflammation/muscle strain
the ff are the correct dermatomal distribution
C3: Supraclavicular area
C4: AC joint
C5: Lateral shoulder/ arm
match the ff special test
(can have multiple answers)
1.Anterior Instability
2. Multidirectional Instability
A. Load and shift test
B. Crank test
C.Anterior drawer test
D. Sulcus sign
E. Feagin test
- A, B, C
- D, E
- Impingement
Posterior Internal
Labral tear
Clunk test
Anterior slide test
Active Compression test of
match the ff special test
(can have multiple answers)
- Muscle pathology
- Scapular staility
A. Speed’s test
B. Lateral scapular slide test
C. Yergason’s test
D. Wall-floor push up
E. Drop arm test
F. Scapular protraction test
G. Lift-off sign
H. Spring back test
- A, C, E, G, H
- B, D, F
which of the ff are true about special test
A. 2 confirmatory and 1 rule out tests
B. Usually done last (with palpation)
C. Exercise prudence in choosing from
among the many special test
D. All of the above
modified T/F on postural assessment
When assessing, you should start from
the head down to the feet
When documenting, write the findings
from the feet up to the head
When ASSESSING, you should start from
the FEET up to the HEAD
When DOCUMENTING, write the findings
from the HEAD down to the FEET
which of the ff are part of the functional assessment
A. Level of dependence (indep or
B. Degree of difficulty (Min, mod or
max difficulty)
C. Number of assistance (+1, +2, +3)
D. ADLs (combing, donning/ doffing
clothes, reaching overhead, wearing
undergarments, tucking shirts, reaching
for the back pocket, etc)
E. All of the above
match the ff OMTs
- 30 items, self-report questionnaire that measures physical function and symptoms
- For pain level and extent of difficulty (13 item- questionnaire)
- 12 questions related to ADLs For INSTABILITY
4. Responses are added on Scores of 12 (best function) to 60(worst function)
- (expressed as %) with Pain: 50 points, Disability: 80 points & 0= best result; 100= worst, Any question missed should be taken out of the total score of each subscale
- Disability section (30 items; 1-5 points [(sum of n responses/n) - 1] x 25,
n= number of completed responses, NOT CALCULATED if >3 missing items
A. Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH)
B. Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI)
C. Oxford Shoulder Instability Score (OSIS)
- A
- B
- C
- C
- B
- A