S10 L2 Conditions involving the Larynx and Airway Management Flashcards
Conditions Affecting the Larynx
- *Laryngitis:**
- What is this?
- Signs and symptoms?
- Treatment
- How to diagnose?

Laryngeal nodules
- What are these?
- Caused by…
- Investigation…
Laryngeal cancer
- Investigation

What is:
- Laryngeal oedema?
- Epiglottitis (more detail next FC)
- Croup (more detail next FC)
Conditions causing swelling of the larynx can present an immediate threat to the
airway, which signs and symptoms?

- What is the epiglotis?
- Causes
- What happens in epiglottitis?
- Signs and Symptoms?
- Main first aim when looking after these patients…

- What is this?
- Causes
- What happens in epiglottitis?
- Signs and Symptoms?
- Treatment

Airway Management
- Why is this needed sometimes?
- What is the basis of this?
- What are some protective reflexes of the airway?
- How can consciousness affect the airways?

What can happen to the airways if someone is in a supine condition and are unconscious…

Airway Management
2 types:
- Planned
- Emergency
Give examples of each
Managing an airway
– Planned (elective) e.g. in preparation for surgery involving a general anesthetic
– Emergency- acute/immediate threat to airway- conscious e.g. laryngeal oedema /
unconscious patient e.g. cardiac arrest
Ludwig’s Angina
- What is this?
- Concern about airway, because…
- Need to secure the airway before…
- What can threaten the airway?
Ludwig’s Angina:
What is this?
Ludwig’s angina is a rare skin infection that occurs on the floor of the mouth, underneath the tongue. Swelling of tongue too. This bacterial infection often occurs after a tooth abscess, which is a collection of pus in the center of a tooth. It can also follow other mouth infections or injuries.
Worry about airway:
Oedema, distortion, and obstruction of airway and may arise as a consequence of airway management mishaps.
What can threaten the airway?
• Oral cavity
• Phraynx
• Larynx
ETC - anything in that region
Need to secure airways before the airway blocks off completely e.g. due to swelling
Airway Management:
- Simple airway maneuvers
- Airway adjuncts (2 types)
What are each of these, explain how it helps with airway management

Airway Management - securing the airway:
- Supraglottic airway
- Definitive airway = intubation
Explain each type, how do they work?

ET tube: More detail
- Anatomy about how it is inserted?

Airway Adjuncts:
- *Orophrayngeal airways…**
- How does it work
- What does it look like?

Airway Adjuncts:
- *Nasophrayngeal airways…**
- How does it work
- What does it look like?

- *Supraglottic airway (iGel)**
- How does it work
- What does it look like?

Name the airway adjunct/device