What is quantitative data?
Measurements are numerical qualities of an object or phenomenon called quantitative data. It involves senses and measurements taken using instruments.
What is qualitative data?
Observations made by our senses (sight, hearing etc.) that describe the object or phenomena are called qualitative data. They are usually descriptive.
What is a hypothesis and what is its purpose?
A hypothesis is a proposed explanation to a scientific question regarding an observation. Its purpose is to explain a phenomenon or propose solutions to a problem.
What is accuracy?
Readings that are very close to or the same as the true value.
What is precision?
Multiple readings taken that are very close to one another or the same.
What are the 2 unpredictable errors?
Human reaction time and environmental errors.
What is the zero error?
Zero error is a type of error in which an instrument shows a non-zero reading when the measured quality should be zero. Zero error is due to an error in the measuring instruments.
What is the parallax error?
Parallax error occurs when the marking of an instrument is viewed from the wrong angle due to the wrong positioning of the eye.
What does the 1st symbol of the picture represent and what does it mean?
The symbol represents gases under pressure. This means that the gas is stored in pressurised cylinders, may explode when heated and may cause oxygen deficiency if the gas is leaked in an enclosed space.
What does the 2nd symbol of the picture represent and what does it mean?
The symbol represents environmental toxicity. This means that the substance had potential to cause harmful effects on the environment.
What does the 3rd symbol of the picture represent and what does it mean?
The symbol represents acute toxicity. This means that the substance can cause toxic or harmful effects to the body when breathed in, swallowed or in contact with skin. Moreover, the degree of exposure can affect the level of health implications, and it may be fatal.
What does the 4th symbol of the picture represent and what does it mean?
The symbol represents a substance which is harmful or an irritant. This means that The substance can lead to irritation, allergic reactions or inflammation on the skin, eyes, nose or respiratory system, and may cause drowsiness and dizziness. The substance also has harmful health effects, and can cause harm to the ozone layer.
What does the 5th symbol of the picture represent and what does it mean?
The symbol represents flammable substances. This means that the substance is highly flammable, and may cause fire or produce poisonous gas when reacted with air, water or chemicals.
What does the 6th symbol of the picture represent and what does it mean?
The symbol represents oxidising substances. This means that the substance releases oxygen easily which can cause a fire and/or explosion.
What does the 7th symbol of the picture represent and what does it mean?
The symbol represents explosives. This means that the substance may cause fire or explosion in contact with heat.
What does the 8th symbol of the picture represent and what does it mean?
The symbol represents carcinogenicity/aspiration hazards. This means that the substance can cause breathing difficulties, infertility, birth defects, damage to organs, or cancer.
What does the 9th symbol of the picture represent and what does it mean?
The symbol represents corrosives. This means that the substance is a corrosive chemical and may cause severe damage when in contact with body parts.
What is the purpose of a filter funnel?
The purpose of a filter funnel is to filter mixtures, together with filter paper.
What is the purpose of a test tube?
The purpose of a test tube is to hold and contain substances.
What is the purpose of a flat-bottomed flask?
The purpose of a flat-bottomed flask is to mix and heat chemicals and liquids evenly.
What is the purpose of a retort stand?
The purpose of a retort stand is to hold and support apparatus.
What is the purpose of a round-bottomed flask?
The purpose of a round-bottomed flask is to mix and heat chemicals and liquids evenly.