S1 Religion (Mark’s Gospel Passages) Flashcards
What is the Opening Verse?
“This is the Good News about Jesus Christ, the Son of God.”
Recall the story of the Baptism. Include key points from the start, middle and end. (5)
• Jesus arrived from Nazareth and was baptised by John in the River Jordan.
• When Jesus came up out of the water the Heavens opened and the spirit came down on him like a dove.
• The voice from Heaven said, “You are my own dear Son. I am pleased with you.”
• The Spirit led Jesus to the desert where he was tempted by Satan for 40 days and nights.
Recall the story of “A man with an Evil Spirit”. Include key points from the start, middle and end. (5)
• Jesus and his disciples came to the town of Capernaum, where, on the next Sabbath Jesus began to teach.
• When Jesus was teaching a man with an evil spirit came running into the synagogue.
• The spirit screamed, “What do you want with us Jesus of Nazareth? Are you here to destroy us? I know who you are — You are God’s holy messenger!”
• Jesus ordered the spirit, “Be quiet, and come out of the man!”
• The spirit shook the man hard, let out a scream and came out of him.
• The people in the synagogue were stunned and asked one another, “What is this? Is it some kind of new teaching? This man has authority to give orders to the evil spirits and they obey him!”
Recall the story of “Jesus heals a man”. Include key points from the start middle and end. (5)
• A man suffering with a dreaded skin disease came to Jesus, knelt down and begged him for help. “If you want to, you can make me clean.”
• Jesus was filled with pity, and stretched out his hand and touched him, “I do want to, be clean.”
• At once the man was clean, then Jesus spoke to him sternly and sent him away at once, “listen, don’t tell anyone about this. Go straight to the priest and have him examine you; then in order to prove to everyone that you are cured, offer the sacrifice that Moses ordered.”
•but the man spread the news everywhere. He talked so much that Jesus could not go into town publicly and had to hide out in lonely places, but people still came to him from everywhere.
Recall the story of “The Paralysed Man”. (5)
• Four men came to Jesus carrying a paralysed man, due to the large crowd outside the house however they could not get the man to Jesus.
• So they made a hole in the roof above the place where Jesus was, they then let the man down through the opening lying on his mat.
• Jesus said to the man, “my son, your sins are forgiven.”
• Some teachers of the law were angered by this, accusing Jesus of blasphemy, saying, “God is the only one who can forgive sins!”
•Jesus asked them, “is it easier to say to a paralysed man, ‘your sins are forgiven’, or to say, ‘get up, pick up your mat and walk’ ? I will prove to you that the Son of Man has authority to forgive sins.”
• “I tell you , pick up your mat and go home!” And while they all watched the man got up, picked up his mat and hurried away.
Recall the story of “The Calming of the Storm”. (5)
• The disciples got in the boat in which Jesus was already sitting, and they took him with them.
• Suddenly a strong wind blew up and waves spilled over into the boat. Jesus was in the back of the boat, sleeping with his head on a pillow.
• The disciples woke him up and said, “Teacher, do you not care that we are about to die?”
• Jesus then stood up and told the wind to “be quiet!” and the waves to “be still!” He then asked the disciples, “Why are you frightened? Have you still no faith?”
• The disciples asked one another, “Who is this man? Even the wind and waves obey him!”
Recall the story of the ”Man with the Evil Spirits”. (5)
• There was a man who wandered among the tombs and hills, screaming and cutting himself with stones every day and night, for he had an evil spirit in him.
• When he saw Jesus he ran to him and fell to his knees before and screamed, ”Jesus, Son of the Most High God! What do you want with me? For God’s sake, I beg you, don’t punish me!”
• Jesus asked, “What is your name?” “My name is ‘Mob’ — there are so many of us!” He kept begging Jesus not to send the spirits out of that region.
• The spirit begged Jesus, “send us to the pigs, and let us go into them”
• Jesus allowed them to go into the herd of pigs, then the whole herd of 2000 pigs ran into the water and drowned.
• Upon hearing what happened the townspeople asked Jesus to leave their territory.
• The man, now in his right mind, begged Jesus to let him go with them but Jesus just told him, ”Go back to your family and tell them all the Lord has done for you and how good he has been to you.”
Recall the story of the “Woman with the Haemorrhage”. (5)
• Jesus began to walk to the house where Jairus’ daughter was.
• A woman in the crowd, who had been suffering with terrible bleeding for 12 years, even though she had been seen by many doctors.
• She had heard about Jesus so came in the crowd behind him saying, “if I can just touch his clothes I will get well.
• So she touched his cloak and immediately her bleeding stopped.
• At once Jesus knew that power had gone out of him so he turned to the crowd and asked, “who touched my clothes?”
• The disciples were confused by this but the woman knew what had happened so she came forward, and trembling with fear, knelt at Jesus’ feet and told him the truth.
• Jesus said to her, “my daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace and be healed of your trouble.”
Recall the story about “Peter’s declaration”. (5)
• Jesus and the disciples went to the villages near Caesarea Philippi.
• On the way Jesus asked them, “who do the people say I am?”
• They answered, “some say that you are John the Baptist, others say that you are Elijah, while others say that you are one of the prophets.”
• He asked them then, “who do you say I am?”
• Peter answered, “you are the messiah.”
• Jesus ordered them, “do not tell anyone about me.”
Recall the story of “The Boy with the Evil Spirit”. (5)
• After coming down the mountain with Peter, James, and John, Jesus saw some teachers of the Law arguing with the rest of the disciples, Jesus asked them, “what are you arguing with them about?”
• A man in the crowd came forward and said, “Teacher, I brought my son to you because he has an evil spirit in him and cannot talk, I asked your disciples to heal him, but they could not.”
• Jesus said to them, “how unbelieving you people are! How long must I put up with you? Bring the boy to me!”
• When the spirit saw Jesus it threw the boy into a fit, so that he fell on then ground and rolled around, foaming at the mouth.
• Jesus asked the man, “how long has been like this?” “Ever since he was a child,” he replied, “have pity on us and help us if you possibly can!”
• Jesus said “yes, if you yourself can! Anything is possible for the person who has faith.” The father cried out “I do have faith, but not enough. Help me to have more!”
• Jesus commanded the spirit, “deaf and dumb spirit, I order to come out of the boy and never go back into him!”
• The spirit screamed, threw the boy into a bad fit and came out, leaving the boy looking like a corpse. Everyone said, “he is dead!”
• But Jesus took the boy’s hand and helped him to rise. The disciples then asked Jesus, “why couldn’t we drive the spirit out?” Jesus responded, “only prayer can drive this kind out,nothing else can
Recall the story of Blind Bartimaeus
- Jesus & his disciples went to Jericho. As they were leaving they were followed by a large crowd. A blind beggar by the name of Bartimaeus son of Timaeus was sitting beside the road
- When he heard that it was Jesus from Nazareth, he shouted, “Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me!” Many people told the man to stop but he shouted even louder.
- Jesus stopped and said, “Call him over!” The crowd said, “Don’t be afraid! Come on! He is calling for you!”
- The man threw off his coat as he jumped up and ran to Jesus. Jesus asked, “What do you want me to do for you?” He answered, “Master I want to see!” Jesus told him, “You may go. Your eyes are healed because of your faith.”
- At once the man could see, and he went down the road with Jesus
— Explanation —
- Bartimaeus knew who Jesus was
- Jesus was no longer concerned about keeping his identity a secret
- Encourages Christians to continue seeking God’s help in tough times
Why did Jesus keep the Messianic secret?
- The Jews were expecting a military Messiah, not the suffering servant that Jesus was
- He didn’t want to be confused with military leaders or Kings, like King David was
- He wanted to be at the same level as his followers in terms of his title (son of man). If Jesus openly said he was the messiah, ordinary people could be alienated
- If he admitted his true identity, the Jewish authorities would have arrested him for blasphemy, thus halting his missionary journey
Is Son of David an appropriate title for Jesus?
- The Jews expected that the Messiah would be a descendant of King David so it makes sense (although Joseph is not Jesus’ birth father) for Jesus to have this title however David was a military leader who conquered Jerusalem and this was not the type of person Jesus wanted to be associated with
- This title confuses him with a military Messiah who would defeat the Romans however Jesus was a suffering servant Messiah
- This title isn’t appropriate as revealing the Messianic secret and who Jesus really was threatened Jesus’ ministry and mission.
- Using this title would have been considered blasphemy to the Jewish authorities
Recall “The Request of James and John”. (5)
• James and John came to Jesus and said, “teacher, there is something we want you to do for us.”
• “What is it?” Jesus asked them. They answered, “when you sit on your throne in your glorious kingdom, we want you to let us sit with you, on your left and right.”
• Jesus said to them, “you don’t understand what you are asking for. Can you drink the cup of suffering that I must drink? Can you be baptised the way I must be baptised?”
• “we can” they answered. “You will indeed drink the cup that I must drink and be baptised the way I must be baptised. But I cannot choose who will sit at my right and left. It is God who will give these places to those whom he has prepared them for.”
• When the 10 heard about this they were angry with James and John, so Jesus called them all together and said:
• “You know those considered rulers of the heaven have power over them, and leaders have complete authority. However this is not how it is for you. If one of you wants to be great, he must be the servant of the rest; and if one of you wants to be first he must be the slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served; he came to serve and give his life for many.”
Is Son of Man an appropriate title for Jesus?
- Jesus wanted to show that he was an ordinary person and that he was no different to anyone else. This title is appropriate as it reminds his disciples and his followers that he was a normal person just like them and possessed human qualities (son of man means ‘I’ in Hebrew)
- Son of Man is used in the prophecy of Daniel 7:13 to describe a figure with authority from God. Many people connected this prophecy with the idea of the coming Messiah. Jesus will return as the Son of Man, as a judge to set up God’s rule on Earth
- Jesus uses this title when talking about his ministry on Earth when he talked about his suffering and death and when he spoke about his ascension into Heaven
- By using this title Jesus was able to keep the Messianic Secret
Is Son of God an appropriate title for Jesus?
- In Jewish scripture, the King of Israel was sometimes called God’s son but Jesus never used this himself
- This title is used by Mark at Jesus’ Baptism and the Transfiguration
- This title threatened his ministry and mission as this would be considered blasphemy to the Jewish authorities
Recall the story of a Man with a Dreaded Skin Disease
- A man suffering from a dreaded skin disease came to Jesus, knelt down, and begged him for help. “If you want to, you can make me clean.” Jesus was filled with pity, and reached out and touched him. “I do want to, Be clean!” At once the disease left the man, and he was clean. Then Jesus spoke sternly to him and sent him away at once, after saying to him, “Listen, don’t tell anyone about this. But go straight to the priest and let him examine you; Then in order to prove to everyone that you are cured, offer them sacrifice that Moses ordered.” But the man went away and began to spread the news everywhere. Indeed, he talked so much that Jesus could not go into a town publicly. Instead, he stayed out in lonely places, and people came to him from everywhere
— Explanation —
- This was the only time where Jesus healed out of pity
- Example of Jesus trying to keep the Messianic secret and how it affects his ministry if it is revealed
- The Jews would have been shocked that Jesus touched an ‘unclean’ person
Why did Jesus perform miracles?
- To show the compassion Jesus had for people and to prove that God’s Kingdom is an example of universalism
- These miracles are signs pointing to a greater reality. They prove the claims of Jesus to be the Son of God
- Provide examples for people to follow and learn from
- Proved that Jesus’ teachings were true
- Demonstrates the close relationship Jesus had with God
How did miracles cause conflict?
- Jesus healed outcasts
- Jesus showed respect to women
- Jesus healed on the Sabbath, eg The Man with an Evil Spirit
- Jesus’ popularity annoyed Pharisees
- Jesus acts like God
- People started to question Judaism
Why were people marginalised at the time of Jesus?
- Many illnesses were seen as ‘unclean’ such as in The Man with a Dreaded skin disease
- People believed that illnesses were caused by sin and so these people were outcasted
- Gentiles were seen as outlaws, in the Syrophenicians (Greek) woman’s daughter, Jesus refers to her as a dog
Explain the importance of faith and prayer
- In the boy with an evil spirit, the father could not heal his son as he didn’t pray to God
- In many of Jesus’ miracles such as Blind Bartimaeus, Jesus explains that their faith is the reason they were cured
- However, you could argue that faith is not important as in the story of a man’s with a dreaded skin disease, Jesus healed out of pity, not because of faith
Recall the story of “The Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem”. (5)
• As they came to the Mount of Olives Jesus sent two disciples on ahead with the instructions: “Go to the village there ahead of you. As soon as you get there you will find a colt tied up who has never been ridden. Untie it and bring it here, if anyone asks why you are doing that tell them the Master needs it and will send it back at once.”
• so they did as Jesus instructed and brought the colt back to Jesus, threw the cloaks over the animal and Jesus got on.
• Many people spread their cloaks or branches they cut from fields on the road. Those behind and in front called, “Praise God! God bless him who comes in the name of the Lord! God bless the coming kingdom of David, our father! Praise God!”
• Jesus went into Jerusalem, went to the Temple and looked around, but because it was already late in the day he and the 12 went to the town of Bethany
What do miracles highlight about Jesus’ identity?
- They demonstrate the close relationship Jesus has with God
- That Jesus has the power of God to perform these miracles
- They confirmed that Jesus’ teachings were true, and that he truly is the Son of God
Are Christians today still influenced by Jesus’ attitude to the sick?
- Christians continue to believe in prayer and look Jesus for healing in times of need
- Priests bring Holy Communion to the sick
- Christians today still donate to charities and special causes that they believe in
- However, people believe that there is too much illness, suffering and death in the world that miracles do not exist
- You could argue that there is suffering because people don’t show enough faith in today’s world
- The more science develops, the less likely people are to believe in miracles
How do miracles demonstrate Jesus’ universal mission?
- Jesus healed outcasts and showed compassion to those who were seen as ‘second class’ citizens at the time of Jesus
- Jesus even healed Gentiles such as in the Greek woman’s daughter
- In the story of the woman with a haemorrhage, Jesus says to her ‘Talitha cumi,’ (which means ‘little girl get up’ a term of great respect towards women
Retell the story of Jesus calling Levi (5)
- Jesus went to the shore of lake Galilee
- a crowd came to him and he started teaching them
- as he walked along he saw a tax collector, Levi son of Alphaeus, sitting in his office
- Jesus said “follow me” and he did
- later Jesus had a meal with Levi and a number of outcasts and tax collectors had followed him, so he let them join them
- Pharisees saw this and asked his disciples “why does he eat with such people”
- Jesus heard them and answered ”people who are well do not need a doctor, but only those who are sick. I have not come to call respectable people, but outcasts”