S1:Ep3 Demystifying Meditation Flashcards
What does the word meditation mean?
to become familiar with
Being aware or noticing unconscious thoughts and when I decide to not put my attention or energy behind them by not continuing to think of past or future, I am doing what?
Not reacting or acting to those thoughts and simply observing them I am beginning to know thyself.
If I fire and wire the same thoughts the thoughts will become familiar to me. This affects what system?
Automatic Nervous system or subconscious
What state do I need to get in for me to make significant changes?
Body not influencing my mind. Where my environment isn’t controlling feelings or thoughts.
The moment I think about past thoughts what happens?
It is the same moment to when we siffon energy of present moment into the past.
What does it take to break past emotional bonds of memories that affects or energetic systems.
A greater amount of energy that is stronger than existing bonds.
What will meditation make you rise above?`
Body, Emotions, Environment, people, objects, places
Once the outer world isn’t controling my inner world what happens to me?
I will be able to broadcast a desire to create a new destiny that I want. I send a signal out into the field and I start to manifest the reality I want.
One main purpose of meditation is to get beyond what?
Analytical Mind.
What separates the conscious mind from the unconscious mind?
Analytical Mind.
What frequency high or low are childrens brain states ages 0-6?
Low frequency, making them very suggestable to information.
when does the analytical mind form in humans?
6-9, this is where they separate the conscious mind from the a subconscious mind.
What does my analytical mind do for me?
Make decisions
When we have emotions of stress this puts my brain in survival mode making me overly _________?
When I over analyze in a survival state this pushes me further away for those low brain wave states in order to make changes happen in my life.
True that.
The more analytical the mind the less suggestable. The less analytical the mind the more easily I am suggestable.
true that.
Humans can live in two different states of mind. What are the two states
Survival or Creation.