S1:Ep13 Blessing of the Energy Centers Flashcards
Chakras have their own ________ which gives them a unique message to send to the brain. This gives them their own consciousness.
Sepheroth, biblical names, energetic centers, 7 churches, and many more all represent what?
The first energetic chakra center involves what glands?
Sexual glands

2nd energetic center involves what glands?
Digestive Center
3rd Energetic Chakra center represents what glands?
Adrenal Glands

4th energetic center represents what glands?
Heart and Thymus

5th energetic chakra center represents what glands?
Thyroid and parathyroid glands

6th chakra center represents what gland?
Pineal Gland

7th Chakra Center represents what gland?
Pituitary Gland

Chakra energetic centers are considered clusters of neurons (Plexus) True or false?
When energy plexuses or an electric signals originate and move into neurological tissue it is considered to have a ______.
When energy (good or bad) is activated into a chakra center hormones and chemicals are released producing a type of energy. This process of energy transformation gives that center its own mind. True or false?
All of the Chakra centers are in control by what?
Autonomic Nervous System

The Limbic Brain is a part of what?

Autonomic Nervous System
Difference between convergent and divergent focus?
Convergent is more partical/matter confined focus and Divergent is opposite (being more aware of the space around the matter.
By pushing your thinking to a divergent way of thinking it pushes your brainwave patterns higher or lower in terms of wave length?
lower brainwave pattern. Beta to Alpha to Theta
What brainwave pattern stimulates change in the human psyche and why?
Alpha and Theta.
The Autonomic Nervous System operates in these lower brainwave patterns and this is where the most change occurs for the human psyche because Beta brainwaves patterns are generated with the neocortex parts of the brain that isn’t directly connected to the Autonomic nervous system.

When you create energetic thought in Beta brainwave patterns your energy is outside of what system?
Autonomic Nervous System

The biggest cause of disfunction in human homeostatis is?
The incoherence thought patterns of sending signals throughout the body.
A strategy of clearing Chakra energetic centers is through what meditative process.
Seeing the space within and around the energetic centers. Giving the centers theta brainwave thought. Feeding Prana to the centers.
Ligand means to bond and there are 3 types called?
Neurotransmitters which communicate chemically between themselves
Neuropeptides are chemical messengers that begin to signal hormonal centers
Neuropeptides are created when_______? and what happens when they are created?
When we create enough thought.
Neuropeptides travel to energetic centers telling them to secret chemicals that coincide with the thoughts of emotion that were created from the limbic brain.
The first 3 centers of the body are creative emotions or survival emotions?
Survival Emotions.
Focusing your attention or tuning in to receive on a particular energy center does what?
creates coherience within that energy center.
What is Coherence and Incoherence?
What are the 3 steps of Blessing the Energy Centers?
Once you complete the first 3 steps of clearing your chakras you do what 3 steps?
When atoms collide or bond what happens?
They trade energies and information

There is an invisible field of light and information around the body and that field of light and information surrounding the body is the true self.
We are NOT matter, we are energy using matter for the expression of life. BOOM

The more we feel like matter and less we feel like energy the more subject we are to disorder and incoherence. Energy is what organizes matter.

Bio Well measures what?
energy of things.