Russo-Turkish war Flashcards
Long-term origins
1870S difficult for R/A to maintain peace because of Eastern question
Rise in Russian nationalism/pan slavism (e.g Slavonic Benevolent committee had 1000 committed members 1877= pressure on senior politicians to unite slavs through foreign policy)
Why did Austria have interest in Balkans
Scared slav-nationalism would influence their own large slavic population
Why did Russia have interest in Balkans
Religious reasons- wanted to protect orthodox christians in the region
Strategic importance of Black sea/Mediterranean
Short-term origins
1875-6 Balkans rebel against Ottomans
-Russian plan to stop crisis escalating rejected by West
-Russian ppl/SBC/Orthodox church/military leaders (Tolstoy) pressure Tsar to be more belligerent and help slavs
-Ignatiev initiative
-1876 Serbs losing so R threaten to attack T= 6 weeks armistice but T become aggressive again after
=Alexander II declares war (mostly for public opinion)
Ignatiev initiative
Russian ambassador said R would give military support to serbs if war intensified
When did Russia declare war on Turkey
April 1877
Who welcomed the war
Russian intellectuals as saw as opportunity to release fellow slavs from imperialistic oppressor
Course of the war
R advanced despite thousands of casualties/difficult early stage
-Although some military weaknesses not fully eradicated (from CW), Engineer section shone (captured Plevna)/R navy (destroyed T fleet with steam-powered vessels)
=1878 T agreed to armistice
Treaty of Stan Stefano (impact of war)
-R regain South Bessarabia
-R gain territory in Caucasus
-T pay war indemnity
-T agree to independence of Serbia/Montenegro/Romania, S/M gain territory also
-T to make reforms that benefit Herzegovina/Bosnia
-“Large” Bulgaria established
When was the Treaty of Stan Stefano
March 1879
Who did the Treaty of Stan Stefano offend (impact of war)
-R feared would provoke another war so agreed to attend peace conference in Berlin (congress of Berlin)
Congress of Berlin (impact of war)
-R kept South Bessarabia/gains in Caucasus
-A given right to govern Herzegovina/Bosnia
-B took over administration of Cyprus
-Bulgaria became smaller
When was the congress of Berlin
Reaction of Russian nationalists to congress of Berlin (impact of war)
Very unhappy
-Saw as loss of world status
=Unrest (some believe event responsible for assassination of Alexander II in 1884)