Russian Revolution: How were the Bolsheviks able to consolidate their power up to 1921? Flashcards
Immediate difficulties
-rocketing inflation
-shortage of raw materials
-hunger - grain supplies over 13 million short for population’s needs
-ceding of Ukraine to Germany - Ukraine was main grain producer of russia
-fractured transport system
Decree on Land
-peadants had overthrown landlords
-Lenin used the Decree to accept this
1.Private ownership of land shall be abolished forever
2.all mineral wealth, forrests and waters passed on to the use of the state
3.Lands on wgucg high-level scientific farming is parcticed shall not be divided but be turn into model farms, to the u se of the state
Decree on workers’ control
-legalised what was already occuring
-accepted workers’ takeover
-instrucetd workers comittee to maintain ‘the strictest order and discipline’
-> serious fall in industrial output
Vasenka - what and achievements
The Supreme Council of the National Economy
-nationalisation of banks and railways
-cancelling of foreign debts
-repair of the transport system
-Decree on nationalisation - brought all industrial emnterprisesunder central government control
-> suggested potential of Bolshevik regime
-better organised and more efficient form of the Okhrana
-used to destroy any opposition to the Bolsheviks
Dissolution of the Constituent Assembly
-Lenin did not want mass suppor, he wanted to seize power when the moment came
-did not want elections ot undermine Bolshevik’s position
-bolsheviks outvoted almost 2 to 1 by SR’s
-non-Bolshevik -> difficult to govern
-said all russian bodies were useless as their purpose had already been achieved by the 1917 October revolution
-lenin initially supported constituent assembly as it limited power of gov -> no need for it now that he was in power
=dissolved at gunpoint by Red Guards
-made some supporters uneasy
Treaty of Brest Litovsk 1918-Terms
-1/3 of European Russia ceded to Germany
-Ukrain - russia’s main grain source was gone
-population lost was 45 million people
-3 Bilion roubles to pay in war reparations
Why did Lenin accept the Treaty
-German foreign office was gviing the Bolsheviks huge amounts of money to pull Russia out of the war-> siging the treaty would guarantee German source of Bolshevik revfenure -> in lenin’s interest
-prepared to sacrifice russia to spread their proletarian revolution
-trotsky believed tey could not keep up the military campaign
-Believed it was the only realistic outcome - no more power to fight
- Expected that russia would soon regain the lost territories - becaue a war betweeen capitalit powers would commence -> russia would take advantage
-The bigger picture - believed brest litovsk was a small account comparet to the world revolution that would commence
(trotsky wanted to wait for germans to collapse so that peace talks would start)
consequences of the Treaty
-able to expel left SR’s from the Government and outlaw them politically
-many bolsheviks wanted to continue war-> lenin stresed his way was the only realistic way -> August 1918 germn withdrawal and consequences cleared all doubts-> his gamble had paid off
Reasons for the Russian Civil war 1918-1920
-bolsheviks curshing of Constituent assembly and all other political parties_> showed they were not prepared to share power ->made civil war higly likely
-lenin may have wanted civi war ino rder to wipe out opposition rather than to struglle with them for yeats
-lenin did not wnat ot join coalition of all hte revolutionary parties in 1918 because bolsheviks were a minority party
-moinoriities wanted to establish independence
-falied coup in Moscow by Left SR’s
Red Whites and Greens
Bolsheviks - reds
Whites - political eneimies
Greens - national minorities
War about food - famine
famine was prevalent
Brest liovsk treaty - no more ukraine - less grain - food shortages
broken transport system - hard for food to travel acros the country
failure of bolsheviks to solve food crises formed initial military opposition against the bolsheviks
workforce in petrograd shrunk by 60 % and overall population went from 3 million to 2 million
Reasons for Bolshevik Victory
White weakensses
-not bounded by single aim
-political and geographical disunity - could not unite and put aside political differences to fight against Bolsheviks also geographically scattered
-dependence of foreign supplies-> small quantities did not arrive at the right place at the right time +allowed Bolsheviks to accuse them of being in leagfue with foreign interventionists-> made bolsheviks seem like the national heroes
-fought by separate detachment
Red Strengths
-remained in countrol of central arrea and Moscow and Petrograd - railway ntwrk, industry and inner communications maintained
-trotsky’s orgaisation of the army: his strategy
1. defend internal lines of communication
2. deny the whites opportunity to concentrate large forces in one area
3. prevent whites from maintaining regular supplies
although etremist he maintained morale : made them have UNSHAKEN BELIEF IN THEIR VICTORY
Effects of the civil war on bosheviks
-proved hard men
-1/3 of the bolsheviks fought in the war ->proved military obedience and loyalty
-war shaped the character of the communist rule
-administrative fiat - strict comand from above
-Politburo = poltical buureau responsibe for major policy decisions
-Orgburo = Organisation bureau which turned policies into practice
-Secretariat = form of civil service that administered policies
foreign interventions - allies, failed interventions, war with poland, propaganda success
believed birtain and its allies wanted to destroy them
after ww1 - britain france and us occupied russian ports
after ww1 - full offensive against bolsheviks and alarmed by comitern - communist international body set up to organise worldwide revolution
anti bolsheviks speakersin the west
no serious attempt made against bolsheviks - interventionists tired from war with germant
french and us troops left ports 19919, japan remained until 1922
foreign withdrawals from ports -> lenin and gov portrayed as nation’s saviour from foreign powes who were trying to overthrow the revolution
-gave credibility to the bolsheviks and mellowed the effects of Brest Litovsk
expected workers to rise in rebellion but they just saw it as classic russian invasion - soviets defeated
severe defaeat and morale serioust damafed -made bolsheviks rethin international revolution
Lenin’s approach in foreign affairs
-he knew capitaist nations were too strong for proletariat revolution
-he knew they were agaisnt them as they had supported the whites
-just wanted to avoid conflict
The Red Terror - (8)
-the Cheka
-Murder of the Romanovs
-Cheka wages class war
-labour camps
-show trials
-trade unions crushed
-organisation of army
The Red Terror - the Cheka
-state police force under Dzerzhinsky
-granted unlimited powers of arrest detention and torture
lenin’s main form of represion
The Red Terror - Cheka wages class war
-all pretence of legality was abandoned
-persecution directe at whole classes no individuals
-laws enacted freely by bolsheviks
-declared that prletaria revolution could not be saved except by ‘exterminating he enemies of the working class’
The Red Terror - Murder of the Romanovs
-group of SR’s assasinated German ambassador as protest for the Treaty of Brest Litovsk
-attempt on Lenin’s life and chairman of the Cheka
created pretext for the reign of terrr
Lenin’s personal order for checka to execute the ex-tsar and family on Ekaterinburg
The Red Terror - labour camps
-forced labour camps for any enemies of the Bolsheviks- White prisoners of war, sr’s, uncooperating peasants -> any threat to soviet authority
By the time lenin died = 315 camps
very harsh with severe hunger anf beatings
The Red Terror - Show Trials
-leading members of political parties were put on humiliating public rails
-some bolsheviks were ueasy but accepted it
- th vourt is not to eliminate terror but to legitimise it’
The Red Terror -trade unions crushed
-trotsky ended the independence of trade unions
early 1920:workers brought under military discipline
-total ban on questioning of orders and instructtions
-pay and condtions no longer negotiable
-severe penalties for not meeting production tagets or poor workmanship
The Red Terror - organisation of the Red army
-trotsky turned old red guard into 3 million men army
-political comissars watched ex-tsarist officers
-comissars signed militrary orders
-desertion or disloyalty resulted in death penalty
The Red Terror - conscription
-increased forced conscription because of civil war
-under slogan ‘Everything fo the Front’ justified severity of measures
-believed only dpeendable unitse were workers, so they became elite corps of the red army
War communism - Impact on Industry
-Decree on Nationalism - allowed the state to take over large industrial concerns
-in 2 ani , all major industrial enerprises were under central govenrment control -> did nothing to increase production
-military needs prioritised
-shortage of workers due to enforced conscruiprion and people that fled
-population of Petrograd and Moscow dropped by a half
HYPERINFLATION oocured -gov started printing more monet and goods became scarce
War communism - Impact on Agriculture
-kulaks - class of rich exploiting the peasants
-kulaks were actually more efficient farmes who were marginally more prosperous
-resistance also because farmers saw no way of producing more oif government did not pay fair price
War communism - Grain requisitioning
- all excess grain production was confiscated -> amount of food decreased
-peasants knew surplus would be confiscated - would produce much less
-still boshviks insisted grain hoarding was the problem
War communism - famine
cased by reuisitioning + drought +consequence of war
- grain harvests 1920 -1921 half off that in 1913 before war
- even gov propaganda newslatter sainf 1/5 people were starving
-Bolsheviks wile blaming kulaks and whites accepted foreign assisance
out of 10 mill fatalties in civil war , 5 million were because of starvetion
The Tambov rising -1920
peasants fromed own armies
outbreaks of resistance throughout 1920
-principal leader alexander antonov -SR member
-Tambov : peasants attacked requisitioning squads and took over regions in the countryside
-end of 1920 : guerilla army of 20 000
-red army successful in re-establsihing control
The Kronstadt Rigin -1921
-most serious challenge to bolshevik control
-lenin deeply worried by development of opposition wihin party
-2 prominent bolsheviks : Alexander Slyapnikov snd Allexandra Kollontai led ‘WORKERS OPPOSTION MOVEMNT’ AGAINST WAR COMMUNISM
-accused party of losing touch with proletariat
-FEBRUARY 1921- thousands of Petrograd workers went to the naval base of Kronstadt
-joined with the workers in the neaval base
-striked for greater freedom
-Lenin sent political comissars who were treated with strong mockery
The Kronstadt Manifesto
-sailors and workers elected Petrechenko as chairman of committee responisble for presenting girevences to government
1. new elections to the soviets held by secret ballot
2.freedom of speech and press
3.freedom of assembly
Crushing uprisings -Kronstadt
-Trotsky ordered red army ro crush workers
-60 000 red troopss sotrmed the pase while the sailors fought
-uprising supressed and leaders announced as White reactionaries
-cheka tasked with hunting down rebels that escaped
-justified this as the work of bourgouis enemies of hte October revolution
-> lenin learnt and softened severity of War communism
-> he announced introduction of NEP
-Intended to meet russia’s urgent need for food
-central economic control to be relaxed
-peasants allowed to keep food surpluses and sell them for a profit
-requisitionin of grain replaced by tax-in kind (peasants surrending certain amount of produced, equivalent to fixed sum of money)
Bolshevik Objections to the NEP
-Lenin;s realism showed Marxist politcal theory was second to economic necessty -> troubled members of party including TROTSKY
-complained that reintroduction of private trading created ‘Nepmen’ - ne class of profiteers
Results of NEP
-grain harvests increased
-value of factory output odubled from 1921-1923
-electricity output increased
-wages between 19121-1924 DOUBLED
-industry did not expand as rapid as agriculture
-high unemployment in rural areas
-balance achieved was more notional than real
Lenin’s ban of Factionalism
-NEP became a large issue in paty -LENIN took steps to prevent party from splitting
- factionalism - the forming within a part of groups with a particular complaint
-introduced ‘One Party Unity’ -
-outlawed all other parties
-Bukharin(party economist) also turnt from criticisor of NEP to its biggest supporter -boost to bolsevik unity
Lenin’s legacy
-one party state
-centralised state
-police state
-ban on factionalism
-destruction of trade unions
- politicising of the law
-the system of purges
- labour camps
-prohibition of public worship