German Unification: What were Bismarck’s intentions for Prussia and Germany from 1862 to 1866? Flashcards
Why was Bismarck appointed Minister President
-loyal to the king
-was ruthless and tough -needed to control liberals who he was against
-neede him to push army refom
-anti - austrian because of the prussian humiliation of olmutz -> needed for unification
policies whoes main aim is to increase thier power of a state for practical reasons, with disregards for ideology. Willing to use any measures to gain power
War with denmark: Causes
-Polish revolt against russsian rule
Convention of Gastein
-Holstein administered by Austria - closer to prussia
-Schleswig administered by prussia
-TWO POWERS RETAINED JOINT SOVEREIGNTY OVER BOTH DUCHIES -allowed bismarck to pick a quarrel with austria over Holstein at any time
Causes for Austro Prussian war
-BISMARCK PLANNING AND OPPORTUNISM- allies and radical proposals from confderation
economy , ndustry and military developments - NEEDLE GUN and tactics
-AUSTRIAN WEAKNESSES - no allies and baruptcy
-AUSTRIAN MISTAKESrejected congress designed to deal with their issues
-full mobilisation against prussia - made them look like the aggressor
dual authority over schleswig and holstein and traty of prague being nice
Meeting at Biarritz
Seven Weeks war
Beginning- Prusia found every excuse to denounce Austria for violating the terms of the treaty of Gastein
Austria convinced war was inevitable - plicy of confrotation - mobilised troops -afraid of surprise attack
-400 000 soldiers comapred to 300 000 of Prussia
-most other german states supported Austria
-Had central position
-many prussions were uncertain about war with them
The Battle of Sadowa
500 000 men involved
needle gun - 7 shots per minute, RATE OF FIRE 5 TIMES GRATER THAN ANY ARM OF AUSTRIA
THe battle that won the war
Victory and Treaty of Prague
-venetia granted to Italy
-cession of Schelswig and Holstein to prssia
-Prussia took over hesse cassel nazzau hanover frankfurt
-formed Nort German Confederation
North German Confederation
had federal Counil - Bundesrat and Parliament - Reichstag with independednt south german states
+universal male suffrage
+finally established dominaton over Austria
+demoralised domestic opponens
-establish Prussian influence over Austria
-strengthen links between north and south
-maintain independence of southern states
Reasons for Success in war
-Austrian Weaknesses
-Prussian economic Prosperity
-Austrian Isolation
-The Prussian Army
Reasons for Success in war: Austrian weaknesses
-Weak economy - financial problems because of not being member of zzolleverein, underdeveloped manufacturing industry
- Foreign Policy - Crimean war where they did not help russia
- Minority nationalism - revolts in Italy
Reasons for Success in war: Economic prosperity
-Produced more coal and steel than both france and austria
-larger railway network
-possessed many and strong steam engines
-high quality armaments - alfred krupp
-ZOLVEREIN -economic sregth but states politically supported austria
Reasons for Success in war: Austrian Isolation and foreign affairs
- BRITAIN - liked the idea of a strong protstant prussia, and would balance the powers btweeen france and russia
-Russia mad at austria for its policy during Crimean war 564-56
-Italy agreeed to support Germany - for Venetia
Reasons for Success in war: The Prussian Army
-fighting capacity increased thanks to moltke von roon and the army reform
-understoood the importance of raolways- for moving troops and telegraph - for controlling dispersed forces