Runway Procedures Flashcards
What are the Runway dimensions, including TORA and LDA?
27L TORA - 3658 - LDA - 3658
27R TORA - 3882 - LDA - 3882
09L TORA - 3901 - LDA - 3592
09R TORA - 3658 - LDA - 3350
Runway width 50m
What is the criteria for the Westerly preference?
Tailwind does not exceed 5kts, Runway is dry and crosswind does not exceed 12kts
What is the night time Runway alternation period?
Last departure until 0600
Prior to a Runway end change, what must you as the departure controller co-ordinate?
Co-ordinate the last 3 departures, including SIDS, with the VCR Sup and TC INT N
After an Runway end change from Westerly’s to Easterly’s, what aircraft types must be co-ordinated and who with?
VCR Supervisor must co-ordinate any A340-200/A380 CPT departures with TC SVFR
Who are able to open and close a runway?
Not limit to but Checker, Seagull, Phoenix and Ops 3/4
What is an infringing disabled object?
Any disabled, stationary piece of equipment, aircraft or vehicle, which is located such that any part of the obstacle is either: the runway side of the active Runway Holding Point of the relevant exit or in a grass area adjacent to the runway
What happens if you have a disabled obstacle <75m from the runway centre line?
No take offs or landings unless the airport declare a reduced distance (white TOI required)
What happens if you have a disabled obstacle between 75m and 107.5m from the runway centre line?
The runway may be suitable for non-instrument departures only
What are the restrictions if a non-instrument runway is declared?
Departures only, ILS and approach lights switched off, aircraft must be warned of the position/type of obstruction (R/T or ATIS) and arrival ATIS must include (Runway not available for landing)
What happens if you have a disabled obstacle between 107.5 and 137m from the runway centre line?
The runway may be suitable for CAT I arrivals and departures
What are the restrictions if a runway is declared CAT I?
Aircraft must be warned of the position/type of obstruction (R/T or ATIS), no CAT III approaches, when MET conditions require CAT III holds in use no CAT I approaches or departures permitted
If a runway has been declared CAT I but not CAT I holding point exists, what happens?
ASD will either place a barrier or vehicle no closer than 75m or 107.5m from the runway, depending on mode of operation. The vehicle must be in 2 way communication with air, ASD will accept responsibility for vehicle movements between obstacle and taxiway and will ensure the obstacle does not move towards the runway
What conditions is the night alternation subject to?
Tailwind does not exceed 5kts, runway dry, crosswind component does not exceed 12kts
What is the night quota period and what happens if an aircraft wishes to depart within that time?
2330-0600 and AODM has authority
What happens with unscheduled arrivals during the night quota period?
These are monitored by AODM and the VCR will be notified.
What is the process for accepted arrivals prior to 0602?
Prior to 0030 each day the AODM shall send the VCR a list of approved aircraft and this must be passed onto TC Heathrow during the 0345 call.
When are closed runways during the night normally handed back?
No later than 0530 and if there’s any change then AfDM shall advise this on the 0400 HOEC
On westerly operations, who are exempt from requiring AfDM approval to depart on the landing runway?
Propeller aircraft <5,700g MTOW, CAT D and above flights and flights requiring full length if the departure runway is unavailable for a full length departure
What aircraft are exempt from requiring AfDM approval to land on the departure runway?
Propeller aircraft <5,700g MTOW
What is the criteria required for TEAM between 0600-0700 local and then after 0700?
0600-0629 - Delay 10mins or more
0630-0730 - Delay 5mins or more
After 0700, if the TC GS A forecasts that the airborne delay at any time during the next 2 hours to exceed 20 minutes then TEAM may be requested
What is guaranteed TEAM?
If airborne delay is forecast to exceed 20 minutes at anytime time between 0700-1200, the TC OS will request guaranteed TEAM.
0700-0900 - at least 8
0900-1200 - at least 6
Who can approve TEAM and what are the restrictions?
VCR Sup will seek approval from the AODM.
After 0700 local the maximum number of aircraft that can TEAM in 1 hour shall not exceed 6
The VCR Sup is the final arbitrator
When may the VCR Supervisor offer RNAV/LOC DME approaches to 27L (departure runway)?
DME is serviceable and Glide path switched off
Pilots are unlikely to accept this if the visibility is below 4000m and/or cloud ceiling less than 700ft
What would you do if you had a request for a training or test flight?
All training and test flights are to be referred to the AODM
What must be done by the VCR Supervisor when the departure runway is unavailable for landing?
VCR Supervisor must put on the ATIS ‘Runway xxx is not available for landing’
What exception is there with regards to an opposite direction runway movement?
The exception is CAT A/AGL flight checks otherwise a full runway change must be completed
What happens if there is an emergency inbound requiring to use the opposite direction runway?
TC GS A will agree with the VCR Supervisor which runway to use. INT N/S will inform Air Departures when to suspend departures. If it’s a short notice return Air Departures will co-ordinate with INT N/S and they will pass instructions to ensure radar separation.
Arrivals will be suspended or re-positioned by TC. TC FIN will pass appropriate instructions to Air Arrivals should it be short notice.
What’s the difference between ‘vacate runway’ and ‘expedite runway’ during a surface inspection?
When using ‘vacate’ the vehicle will vacate in a controlled manner at the next available exit, continuing at their normal speed and maintaining their inspection standard.
When using ‘expedite’ the vehicle should exit immediately and expeditiously, possibly onto a grass area, past the appropriate CAT I/III holds.
What are the recommended times for routine runway inspections?
0900-1000 and 1500-1600 local all year round
What notice should you give TC for a routine runway inspection?
At least 45 minutes to ensure AMAN can provide accurate EAT information.
What gap is normally required for runway inspection and when can this be reduced?
15nm is normally required. When the mean surface headwind component is 15kts or greater the VCR Supervisor may permit the 15nm gap to be reduced to 12nm.
When should a runway inspection commence on the departure runway?
Within 5 minutes
What takes precedent, bird scaring or a routine runway inspection?
Bird scaring
What happens if only 1 vehicle is available for a routine runway inspection?
Arrival runway - appropriate gaps will be co-ordinated and the vehicle must be instructed to vacate to ensure a landing clearance by 1nm.
Departure runway - VCR Supervisor will discuss with Air Departures to decide whether a continuous inspection or a two part inspection is appropriate
What happens for a routine runway inspection during SRO?
Runway is treated like an arrival runway with departures stopped.
What’s the procedure for a routine runway inspection during LVP’s?
Minimum 20nm gap. ASD vehicles will only vacate at runway exits. Vehicles must be instructed to vacate before an arrival reaches 3nm. No runway crossings.
Departure runway - runway inspection must be uninterrupted
What happens with a non-routine runway inspection?
ASD will contact VCR Supervisor and confirm runway status, location of FOD, Callsign of vehicle and any other pertinent information.
If a single manned vehicle needs to vacate then they will inform ATC and ATC are to pass the distance from touchdown of the next inbound. Controllers must plan to issue a landing clearance by 1nm
What happens if the Aerodrome Authority request for a runway inspection for driver training?
Co-ordination with VCR Supervisor. It must not be associated with a routine runway inspection. Inspection will be conducted in gaps of 5nm or more. Gaps will not be requested for training. No priority will be given. Controllers must plan to give a landing clearance by 1nm.
When would you need a runway inspection for bird scaring and what happens if an inspection is not possible?
If the runway hasn’t been used for 15 minutes. When ever possible, give ASD at least 20 minutes warning.
If the inspection is not possible then AfDM must be contacted to carry out a risk assessment.
What happens if there is a reported Bird Strike?
Arrivals - Arrivals may be permitted provided pilots are informed.
Departures - Departures should be suspended.
When would you tell ASD about an abandoned take off?
Tyre failure, Turbo-prop or turbo jet engine malfunction and any other abandonment unless ATC receives positive information that it was not due to an aircraft malfunction.
ASD will determined whether an inspection is necessary.
What happens if a three by four or two by three engined ferry flight wishes to depart?
Normally only permitted on 09R/27L. LSB to be initiated.
What happens if you hear that traffic is lost on the manoeuvring area?
Assume it is on a runway and no landings or take offs are permitted.
When would AfDM/ASD inform ATC regarding cranes?
If by being raised they affect arrivals or departures. They will phoned back when lowered.