GMC Flashcards
When must an aircraft under tow display navigation lights?
At night and during the day when the MET visibility is 1000m or less
What is the procedure for when you have an inoperable stop bar?
It should be avoided if practical. Aircraft may be instructed to cross an inoperable stop bar if it is visible to the controller (ASMGS may be used).
What is the restriction in and out of the Bealine Base?
Right on Alpha and vice versa
What is the restriction at the bottom of taxiway Mike?
Right on Alpha and vice versa
What is the restriction when vacating at A10W
Right on Alpha and vice versa
What is the restriction when crossing 27L/09R at S4W?
You cannot hold there when approaching from the East?
What is the restriction when crossing 27L/09R and vacating at SB3?
Left on Sierra and vice versa
What’s the restriction when taxiing on L23?
Right on Alpha and vice versa
What cannot route under their own power from Tango left on Sierra?
B747, B777, A340, A380
What is the restriction at Nessy turning right onto L41?
A340-600, B747-800 and B777-300 cannot route Nessy right onto L41
What is the aircraft size restriction on L56/57
No aircraft larger than a B767-300 are to route L56/57
What is the aircraft size restriction for taxiway Yankee?
No aircraft larger than a A321 are to route through Yankee
What is the restriction for holding at S5W?
B747-800 are not to route eastbound on Sierra then hold at S5W to cross 27L/09R
What is the restriction when an aircraft is parked on 458?
The restriction applies to taxiway Whiskey between Sierra and L43.
If an aircraft is parked on 458 and is Code D or above then the maximum sized aircraft on Whiskey is Code D.
What is the restriction with stand 213, 213L/R?
Live aircraft from 213 L/R must be instructed to push onto taxiway Bravo to face East.
Towed aircraft may face either way.
What is the restriction with stand 233, 233L/R?
Live aircraft from 233 L/R must be instructed to push onto taxiway Bravo to face East.
Towed aircraft may face either way.
What is the restriction with stand 313?
Code E aircraft must push out onto Bravo
What is the restriction with stand 340?
Code E and F aircraft must approach from the North and push to face South.
Aircraft pushing back will infringe Bravo behind.
What is the restriction with stand 340L?
Aircraft pushing back will infringe Bravo behind.
What is the restriction with stand 340R?
Aircraft pushing back must be instructed not to infringe Bravo behind unless prior co-ordination with GMC 1.
What is the restriction with stand 342?
Aircraft pushing back will infringe Golf/Foxtrot intersection. A380’s must push to face South.
What is the restriction with stand 365?
All Code E aircraft must approach from the North and push to face South
What is the restriction with stand 440?
Live aircraft must not route via L42 to stand 440
What is the restriction with stands 521-525?
Aircraft must not be instructed to push back with an aircraft facing south at HANLI
What is the restriction with stands 523-524?
Aircraft pushing back must face West
What is the restriction with stands 611-616?
B747-400 must not enter under own power. Any live B747-400 must push out onto Sierra.
What is infringed when pushing 209/209R?
Link 13
What is infringed when pushing 210/210L
What is infringed when pushing 411/412?
What is infringed when pushing 501/502?
Pushing to face East will infringe Link 57 until pulled forward
What is infringed when pushing 519/527?
Pushing to face West will infringe Alpha
What is infringed when pushing 583?
Pushing to face West will infringe Echo. Co-ordination required with GMC 2.
How can you push an aircraft from 131?
All aircraft can push to face North or East on L28, or North or South on Alpha.
How can you push an aircraft from 135?
All aircraft must push onto Alpha to face South. Movements to or from this stand are not separated from aircraft on Link 28 adjacent to 131.
What can/can’t taxi in/out of the maintenance areas?
Aircraft must not taxi in or out the maintenance areas apart from 701/702 as they can be accessed from the taxiway system
What are the times for the night noise restrictions for T4/5?
Between 2330-0600 local.
What are the T4 night time restrictions?
Inbound traffic for 401-403, 429-432 must shut down abeam the stop board and be towed to stand. If an aircraft landed prior to 2330 local then it must taxi to 401-403.
Outbounds from the above stands must push to abeam the stop boards before starting engines.
What are the T5 night time restrictions?
Alpha - between L57 and Echo
Alpha - between L52 and Echo
L52 and L57
What pushback restrictions is there for Code D/E/F aircraft in Kilo south?
They must pushback to release point 2 and nothing else can enter ahead.
What happens if an aircraft requires a cross bleed in Kilo South
No aircraft can be cleared to push to the release point directly behind it.
When L35 contingency parking is in use, which direction must aircraft face when being repositioned into it?
What happens if a towing aircraft suffers a lighting failure at night?
If pushing back, return to stand.
If already under tow then a leader vehicle requested.
Unlit aircraft must not cross an active runway.
What happens if an over height vehicle requires to use the Eastern Tug road?
This is co-ordinated between ASD and VCR Supervisor. Runway 27L will be unavailable for landing and no priority will be given to the vehicle.