Rules and regs section 103. Flashcards
Personnel regulation:
Personnel assignments…
all TFR F-1 medics and F4s will become paramedics of record
all newly certified paramedics will become PORs within 1 year of obtaining their state certification.
F-1s hired with a paramedic certification will also be reqruired to complete POR with in 1 year of their hire date.
paramedics assigned to ALS tranports will be given 6 months to obtain their POR.
Personnel regulation:
transfer requests…
request for transfer form (TFR-117)
positions filled with the senior most qualified person requesting assignment
positions advirtised for a total of 2 rounds
if there are no transfer request at the end of the advirtised 2 week period management will fill the position. all efforts will be made to transfer the least senior qualified person.
TFR117 must be turned into personnel office by 1600 hours on the final day of advertisment.
person recieving position through bid or transfer cannot request another position for 12 months.
person recieving advertised postion through bid will remain in that spot for a minimum of 18 months before management can move them.
Personnel regulation:
Transfer guidlines for specialized apparatus,
Rescue 14…
priority to TFR TMRT trained members or those in training to become members.
Personnel regulation:
Transfer guidlines for specialized apparatus,
Rescue 3…
(CCT) must be critical care certified to bid or request transfer. lieutenants that are PFTO will be given first priority, those chosen will have 6 months to become PFTO.
Personnel regulation:
Transfer guidlines for specialized apparatus,
Truck 1 (heavy rescue)…
first priority to front line USAR team individuals. second consideration may be given to USAR team alternates in the abscence of adequate personnel at the vacated position.
Personnel regulation:
Transfer guidlines for specialized apparatus,
Station 6…
must have had hazmat technician training and certification (160 hours) and individual must be baseline to bid or request transfer
Personnel regulation:
Transfer guidlines for specialized apparatus,
Station 17 and 19 (marine division)…
consoderation will be given to those individuals that have been assigned to the marine division, have undergone marine training/and also possess boating certification, and swimming capability.
Personnel regulation:
Transfer guidlines for specialized apparatus,
Macdill rescue…
to be considered for assignment individuals must succesfully pass all required background/military security clearences and complete the application for the common access card (CAC) and all other ID cards necessary to obtain civilian access to Macdill air force base. responsibility of the individual to keep all certifications current and up to date.
Personnel regulation:
overtime hiring policies…
on duty shift commander shall create a list of voluntary and voluntary priorityII persons. list will contain a minimum of
- district chief (F10)
- captains (F7)
- lieutenants (F5)
- paramedics (f4)
- Driver engineer (F3)
- firefighters (F1)
list published prior to 1900 hours via city email.
Personnel regulation:
overtime hiring policies,
after shift commander has identified the need for overtime, voluntary list will be used first to fill needs…
hire position for position when possible.
when position for position is not possible, then it is acceptable to hire those who can ride in a postion of higher class.
if shift commander can not find the rank or discipline need to fill vacancy and voluntary has been exhausted, then they will place an “all call” over the 911 messaging system to all stations.
shift commander will wait no longer than 10 minutes for a response.
those responding to all call will be hired in which the callas were recieved
if no responses than priority II will be utilized,
if the shift commander still can not satisfy the positions they need then they will hire from the mandatory list.
when possible, mandatory will be released first, then priority II, then voluntary.
Personnel regulation:
performance evaluations…
annual performance evaluations will be distributed to the appropriate supervisor by the first of the month 2 months prior to the month its due. the evaluation will be completed and returned to the personnel office by the first of the month 1 month prior to the month its due.
an employee that is off duty on workers comp, LOA etc… for more than 30 days will have their evaluation period extended
promotional probatinary evaluations shall be completed and recieved by the personnel office no later than 6 months from the effective date of the promotion.
Personnel regulation:
uniform and appearance policy…
when wearing a class A, B or C uniform, a department approved black collared sweatshirt, 1/4 zippered front, embroidered TFR badge on the left breast, name (rank optional) embroidered on the right breast with a right breast pocket may be worn over the uniform.
uniforms will only be worn while on duty or while enroute to or from duty, at no time will any uniform or part uniform be worn while off duty.
Personnel regulation:
Tattoo policy…
sworn personnel hired on or after January 7, 2011 shall have no tattoo or decal or any portion thereof visible to the public while wearing the uniform.
personnel shall not obtain any tattoo or decal of which any portion would be visible to the public when in class B or C uniform
no modification to the uniform shall be made in order to cover a tattoo or decal obtained after January 7, 2011.
employees hired prior to January 7, 2011 with a tattoo or decal or portion of a tattoo or decal visible to the public while in class B or C uniform shall be exempt, provided they do not reink, color, enlarge, or otherwise modify an existing tattoo or decal in any way to make it more prominent