Rules and reg section 102 Flashcards
Rules of conduct:
Rules of general conduct…
Employees of tampa fire rescue shall conduct themselves in a manner so as not to bring discredit to the good name or reputation of the department or the city of tampa.
employees shall not display acts of misconduct, neglect of duty, conduct unbecoming of a firefighter or an officer, or acts tending to discredit the department, even though such acts may not specifically be set fourth in these rules.
Rules of conduct:
Attention to orders….
as a general rules employees will be required to take direct orders from and be directly responsible to but one supervisor. supervisors, however, shall exercise direct command over junior officers (those that are junior in rank) outside their usual command in all situations that the mission of the department is involved.
should any lawful order appear unjust or improper to the employee to whom it is directed, the employee shall carry out the instruction first, and afterwards may call the matter to the attention of their company officer or the chief of the department though channels.
Rules of conduct:
Duties and responsibilities….
the lack of courage, honesty, emotional stability, sound judgment, industry, alertness, decisivness, ability to get along with people and and unsatisfactory performance of duties, shall be evidence of incompetance.
an employee who shirks from danger or responsibility when duty requires, shall be charged with incompetence and deemed unworthy of a place on tampa fire rescue.
Rules of conduct:
missing, lost or stolen equipment/personal gear…
if a piece of equipment is missing or damaged between the hours of 0730-0900, the driver assigned will report it to the company officer immidiently, appropriate paper work will be completed and forwarded to the assistant chief of operations through channels. the missing or damaged equipment then becomes the responsibility of the driver on the previous shift.
Rules of conduct:
Drug and alcohol usage….
Tampa fire rescue supports and complies with the city of Tampa drug free workplace policy as outlined in the city of tampa personnel manual B33.2
Rules of conduct:
Random substance abuse examination policy….
will be administered through the personnel office, personnel chief will be responsible for the notification of all employees of the random drug test and maintenance records.
TFR utilizes the services of a randomizer, third party contractor (the vendor) who will be responsible for the random selection process.
on the first monday of each month, HR will upload to the vendor the current database listing of all sworn (union) fire rescue employees (name/employee# only) the vendor shall perform the random selection of one employee on a bi-weekly basis.
after completion of the selection the vendor shall notify the personnel chief of the name selected. notification shall occur in writing, via email. name of the employee shall be confidential and secured by the personnel chief.
employee shall arrive at the testing facility no later than 1200 hours.
Rules of conduct:
smoking and tobacco usage policy…
TFR complies with the florida clean indoor air act as mandated by H.B. 19, October 1, 1992.
sworn employees hired on or after October 1, 1989, but before October 1, 2004 shall be non smokers and may not smoke tobacco products of any kind whether on or off duty. condition of continued employment, employees are subject to progressive discipline.
sworn employees hired on or after October 1, 2004 shall be non tobacco users of any form or manner on or off duty for the duration of their employment. condition of continued employment, subject to progressive discipline.
Rules of conduct:
public relations policy….
any information released to the media at the scene about an incident is the responsibility of the incident commander.
Rules of conduct:
public relations policy,
employees of TFR are encouraged to…..
are encouraged to write articles for trade and professional journals, as these can enhance the reputation of the department. articles must be accurate, truthful and timely. all articles are to be submitted to the chief for a courtesy review prior to submission to the publisher.
Rules of conduct:
positive workplace environment
two types of sexual harrassment…
- Quid Pro Quo harassment.
2. Hostile work environment.
Rules of conduct:
positive work place environment,
Quid pro quo….
where the submission to the harassment is used as a basis for employment descisions such as promotion, evaluation scores, and better working hours or conditions.
Rules of conduct:
positive work place environment,
Hostile work environment…
where the harassment creates an offjensive and unpleasent working environment. hostile work environment can consist of verbiage of a sexual nature, unwelcome sexual materials, unwelcome physical contact, texts, emails, cartoons or posters of a sexual nature. unwanted touching or foundling and lewd or vulgar jokes.
Timely and effective action will be taken against those who engage in such behavior
Rules of conduct:
counseling for peformance improvment and career development,
oral counseling may be used for the following….
- reception counseling (for new employees)
- explaining standards
- minor performance problems
- personal problems that affect performance
- correcting a problem (can be pre step to discipline)
- professional growth
- career guidance
Rules of conduct:
personal work location and locker clearing policy…
to ensure that all city of tampa issued equipment is accounted for, a representative of the supply division will be present. the employees last check will be held until all city issued equipment is turned. documentation then entered into the employees records to be filed
Rules of conduct:
seat belt policy…
any employee who is injured in a vehicle accident and is not wearing their seat belt in compliance with this policy shall have their workers compensation reduced by the maximum amount allowable by law.