Rules Flashcards
Have a concept
needs a story for graphic design
Communicate-Don’t Decorate
given message junks it up and confuses
Be Universal
speak to a large stage
Speak with one visual voice
make sure all the elements “talk” to each other
If you can do it with less, then do it
“less is more”
Create Space-Don’t Fill It
negative (or white) space is critical to good design
Give ‘em the one-two punch
focus viewers’ attention on one important thing first and establishing hierarchy
Beware of Symmetry
symmetry can be quite effective but approach it with extreme caution
Fight the Flatness
two-dimensional visual
Pick Color on Purpose
colors affects visual hierarchy, legibility and make connections
Less color is more
to many things happening at once with hue
Master the dark and the light
range dark and light with the powerful design tool tonal value
Type is only type when it’s friendly
need s to be readable
Use Two Typeface families (MAX)
Treat Type as you would image
type is visual material ad made up of lines and dots and shapes and texture