Rule out medical conditions Flashcards
What medical issues need to be ruled out before a dx of Acute Stress Disorder (4)
Sleep disorder (obstructive sleep apnea, insomnia); Stroke; Epilepsy; Migraine
What medical issues need to be ruled out before a dx of Alcohol Use Disorder (6)
Diabetes, A seizure disorder, Hypoglycemic attack, Diabetic Ketoacidosis, Cerebellar Ataxia; Multiple Sclerosis
What medical issues need to be ruled out before a dx of Anorexia Nervosa (12)
Lupus, Chron’s disease, Lyme disease, Addison’s disease, Emetophobia, Phagophobia, Body Dysmorphic Disorder, Cholelithiasis, Hepatitis, Intestinal Obstruction, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Celiac Disease
What medical issues need to be ruled out before a dx of ADHD (6)
- Undiagnosed lead poisoning (irritability, loss of appetite, loss of weight, fatigue, learning disabilities
- Hearing or vision impairment (depressed mood, avoiding social interaction, difficulty understanding directions);
- Hypothyroidism (poor mental development, poor growth, impaired memory);
- Child abuse (aggression, anger, hyperactivity, changes in school performance, anxiety, loss of self confidence, defiance, difficulty sitting, inappropriate emotional development/expression);
- Medication side effects;
- Sleep disturbance (difficulty concentrating, forgetfulness)
What medical issues need to be ruled out before a dx of Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder? (2)
Poverty, Neglect
What medical issues need to be ruled out before a dx of Bulimia Nervosa? (8)
Diabetic gastroparesis, Gastroparesis GERD, Peptic Ulcer Disease, Post nasal drip, Parasitic infections, Cancer, Intestinal Obstruction
What medical issues need to be ruled out before a dx of Conduct Disorder (5)
TBI(MTBI) (violent outbursts, lack of empathy); Substance use, Intoxication, Epilepsy, Endocrinopathies (anger outbursts, non-compliance)
What medical issues need to be ruled out before a dx of Conversion Disorder (5)
Epilepsy, MS, Lupus, Drug Interaction, Undiagnosed stroke
What medical issues need to be ruled out before a dx of Cyclothymic Disorder (2)
MS, Thyroid gland abnormalities
What medical issues need to be ruled out before a dx of Depersonalization/Derealization? (3)
Epilepsy, Migraine, Drug side effect or interaction
What medical issues need to be ruled out before a dx of Dissociative Amnesia (3)
Normal aging, a seizure disorder, head trauma
What medical issues need to be ruled out before a dx of Encopresis? (7)
Child abuse, Crohn’s disease, Celiac disease, Inflammatory Bowel disease, Pancreatitis, Ulcerative colitis, Food allergies
What medical issues need to be ruled out before a dx of Enuresis? (5)
Obstructive sleep apnea, Child abuse, Urinary tract infections, Overactive bladder syndrome, Interstitial cystitis
What medical issues need to be ruled out before a dx of Erectile Dysfunction? (3)
Medical Issues (Physical evaluation), Substance use, Stress
What medical issues need to be ruled out before a dx of Exhibitionists Disorder? (1)
Pick’s Disease
What medical issues need to be ruled out before a dx of Factitious Disorder? (7)
Pernicious Anemia, MS, Alzheimer’s Disease, Epilepsy, Lupus, Drug Interaction, Undiagnosed stroke
What medical issues need to be ruled out before a dx of Female Orgasmic Disorder? (4)
Substance use, Medication side-effects, spinal cord damage, damage to pelvic blood vessels
What medical issues need to be ruled out before a dx of Frotteuristic Disorder? (4)
Pick’s Disease, Dementia, Temporal lobe epilepsy, Klein-Levin Syndrome
What medical issues need to be ruled out before a dx of Gambling Disorder? (1)
Side-effect of dopamine agonist (used in treating Parkinson’s Disease)
What medical issues need to be ruled out before a dx of GAD? (11)
Lyme Disease, Hyperthyroidism, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, PTSD, Wilson’s disease (copper overload), Drug addiction, Heart attack, Angina, Hypertension, Hypoxia, Pheochromocytoma
What medical issues need to be ruled out before a dx of Illness Anxiety Disorder? (4)
Chronic Fatigue syndrome, Chronic Pain, Fibromyalgia, Hypothyroidism
What medical issues need to be ruled out before a dx of Insomnia? (13)
Medication/Substance use, Chemotherapy, Chronic pain, neuropathic pain, sleep apnea, dyspnea, Restless leg syndrome, stress, GERD, Overactive thyroid, Changes in the body’s circadian rhythms, poor sleep hygiene and aging
What medical issues need to be ruled out before you make a dx of intermittent explosive disorder? (6)
Temporal lobe epilepsy, substance intoxication, alzheimer’s disease, brain tumor(s), Parkinson’s Disease, Traumatic brain injury
What medical issues need to be ruled out before you make a dx of kleptomania? (2)
Head trauma, brain injury
What medical issues need to be ruled out before you make a dx of MDD? (14)
Parkinson’s, hyper/hypothyroidism, anemia, lyme disease, medication interaction, lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, MS, substance use, fibromyalgia, grief, burnout, aging
What medical issues need to be ruled out before you make a dx of Narcolepsy? (6)
Epilepsy, Hypersomnia, Obstructive sleep apnea, Chronic fatigue syndrome, sleep paralysis, hypnagogic and/or hypnopompic hallucinations
What medical issues need to be ruled out before you make a dx of OCD? (2)
Temporal lobe epilepsy, Addiction
What medical issues need to be ruled out before you make a dx of Oppositional Defiant Disorder? (4)
Epilepsy, Endocrinopathies (anger, outburts, non-compliance, tantrums), Lyme Disease, Traumatic Brain Injury TBI, or Mild TBI
What medical issues need to be ruled out before you make a dx of Panic Disorder? (8)
Hypertension, Cardiac arrest, Endocrine dysfunction, substance use disorders, neurological problems, mitral valve prolapse, pheochromocytoma, Digestive issues
What medical issues need to be ruled out before you make a dx of Paranoid personality disorder? (9)
Epilepsy, Frontal lobe tumors, Herpes encephalitis, Neurosyphilis, AIDS, B-12 deficiency, Endocrinopathies (especially thyroid and adrenal, Heavy metal poisoning, huntington’s disease
What medical issues need to be ruled out before you make a dx of Persistent Depressive Disorder? (6)
Lupus, Chronic fatigue syndrome, MS, drug side effect, lyme, disease, anemia
What medical issues need to be ruled out before you make a dx of Pica? (4)
Malnutrition, Parental neglect/lack of supervision, Pregnancy, nutritional deficiency
What medical issues need to be ruled out before you make a dx of PTSD? (6)
Stroke, Epilepsy, Pseudotumor cerebri, addiction, tbi, post-concussive syndrome
What medical issues need to be ruled out before you make a dx of Premature Ejaculation? (7)
Prostatitis, Abdominal or Pelvic Trauma, Erective dysfunction, Abnormal hormone levels, Thyroid problems, Uretha or prostate infection or inflammation, Limits in control of the urethal sphincter
What medical issues need to be ruled out before you make a dx of Rumination Disorder? (6)
Pneumonia, ulcers, dehydration, weight loss, malnutrition, failure to thrive
What medical conditions need to be ruled out before you make a dx of Schizophrenia? (15)
Anemia, amphetamine overdose/psychosis, systemic lupus, epilepsy, tumors, CNS Infections, Neurosyphilis, AIDS, Acute, Intermittent Porphyia, Endocinopathies, Metal poisoning, pick’s disease, wernicke-korsakoff syndrome, Wilson’s disease, syphilis
What medical issues need to be ruled out before you make a dx of Separation Anxiety Disorder? (3)
Hyperthyroidism, Pruritus, a stereotypy as part of a pervasive developmental disorder
What medical issues need to be ruled out before you make a dx of Somatic Symptom Disorder? (7)
Hyperparathyroidism, stroke, epilepsy, a sleep disorder, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, multiple chemical sensitivity