Counseling Terms Flashcards
Natural Environment type of phobia
Childhood onset, fear of natural disasters and the environment
ABAB experimental design
Also called reversal design, behavior of single subject is measured at baseline, introduction of treatment, return to baseline conditions, reintroduction of treatment
Acquired sexual dysfunctions
Means that symptoms began after a period of normality
Displayed emotions
A symptom of dementia in which an individual cannot name or recognize objects
Speech deficit
Inability to feel pleasure
Anorexia Nervosa, Binge Eating/Purging type
Low body weight and binges/purges
Anorexia Nervosa, Restricting type
Restricts amount of food, exercises, does not binge
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Psychopathy or sociopathy; disregard for the rights of others; tendency to be aggressive, dishonest, impulsive, irresponsible, and unlawful
Avoidant Personality Disorder
Feelings of inadequacy, fear of negative evaluation and social situations, fear of being shamed, may lead to very restricted lives
Inability or willingness to begin and maintain activities
Behavioral Observations
Consider what happened before a target behavior, the behavior itself, and its consequences
Biological Etiology of Sexual Disorders
Biopsychosocial approach
Bipolar I Disorder
One or more manic episodes, sometimes with a hx of major depressive episode(s)
Bipolar II Disorder
One or more major depressive episodes and least one hypomanic episode
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Preoccupation with a body defect, the defect either being imagined or not worthy of the person’s excessive concern
Borderline Personality Disorder
Unstable, unpredictable, fearful of abandonment, impulsive, reckless, may be financially irresponsible, abuse substances and have unsafe sex
Brief Psychotic Disorder
Delusions/hallucinations last less than one month
Case studies
One person is studied, not as controlled or objective as experiments
Chronic sexual dysfunctions
Lifetime dysfunctions, not starting after a period of normality
Classical conditioning
Accordining to Pavlov, a behavior is learned when a stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus to bring about a conditioned response
Clinical Interview
Used to gather information about a client
Collective unconscious
Carl Jung theorized that humanity has an understanding of human history through this
Common OCD Obsessions
Contamination, sexual, aggressive, bodily complaints, order perfection
Competence (legal term)
Person is able to stand trial
Time consuming and ritualistic actions (physical or mental) that a person feels driven to do
Conduct Disorder
Infringes on the rights of others and/or break social rules
Conjoint therapy
Partners are in therapy together
Content of Clinical Interview
Life history, family, education, culture, sexual history, religion, MSE, current problems, affect, mood
Control Group
Independent variable is not manipulated in this group
Correlation Coefficient
Ranges from 0 - 1 has both direction and magnitude
Correlational method
Research that examines relationships among factors, does not determine cause and effect
Counter conditioning
Eliminating the present response to a stimulus by substituting another response
Couples therapy
Any couple in a relationship; usually involved conflict resolution and communication skills
CR - Conditioned Response
Conditioned response is a learned behavior
CS - Conditioned Stimulus
Is a neutral stimulus that is paired with an unconditioned stimulus
Defense Mechanisms
Protect ego from anxiety (unconscious)
Loss of cognitive functioning such as clear thinking and reasoning, orientation; often temporary
Delusional Disorder
Delusions are present but outside of the delusion (s), there is no significant impairment in functioning
Beliefs that are psychotic, including delusions of grandeur and persecution
Dependent Personality Disorder
People want to find others to take care of them tendency to be compliant, passive, and irresponsible; fearful of abandonmentl do not like to be alone
Dependent Variable
Variable measured in an experiment
Feelings of detachment from self
Feelings of unreality
Unacceptable emotions are redirected from dangerous objects to safer ones with this defense mechanism
Dissociative Amnesia
Inability to remember important personal information, reversible, may follow stressful events
Dissociative Identity Disorder
Identities or personality states (alters) in an individual
Double-blind study
Experimenter and subjects do not know who is in control or experiment groups
Dream analysis
Psychoanalytic technique in which dreams are interpreted in order to unbury repressed desires
Pain during intercourse; rare in men; medical reasons for pain must be ruled out
Electroconvulsive therapy in which seizures are produced by sending electrical impulses through the brain
Psychic structure that handles reality and operates on the reality principle
Understanding the client’s perspective
Pattern of elimination of feces in inappropriate places
Voiding of urine in inappropriate places
Prevalence and incidence of diseases
Primarily sexual, the life instinct or life drive
Cause(s) of disorders
Exhibitionistic Disorder
Sexual arousal associated with exposure of genitals; element or risk important to the arousal
Experimental group
Receives manipulation of the independent variable
External validity
Ability to generalize results to groups outside the research study
Facial agnosia
Inability to recognize familiar people
Female Orgasmic Disorder
After normal desire and arousal, delay or absence of orgasm
Fetishistic Disorder
Sexual attraction associated with objects; chronic and recurrent fantasies or urges or behaviors
Freud - stuck at a stage of development
Formal civil commitment
By court order, can be requested by any citizen
Free association
In psychoanalysis, the client talks about anything that comes to mind in order to release repressed memories
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Chronic anxiety and worry for at least six months
Genital stage
Freud - final stage of psychosexual development
Therapist honestly communicates emotions and experiences
Things are sensed (seen, heard,felt,smelled,tasted) that are not present; a psychotic symptom; auditory hallucinations are most common
Histrionic Personality Disorder
Attention seeking, excessive emotionality, easily influenced; may be inappropriately sexual and vague in speech
Proposal concerning causal relationship
Most primitive psychic structure that operate on the pleasure principle
Number of new cases of a disorder during a certain time period
Independent variable
Manipulated in an experiment
Informal or emergency civil commitment
Two doctors can sign a commitment order for a short length of time (24 hours to 20 days)
A legal term: cannot distinguish between right and wrong or mentally ill
Problem of not getting enough sleep
Internal validity
Manipulation of the independent variable caused the effects
Kleine-Levin Syndrome
Latency period
Latent content of dreams
Unconscious desires that are masked by symbols in dreams
Law of effect
Thorndike: when behaviors are followed by positive gratification, the behaviors are likely to occur
Strength of correlation, expressed with the value of “r”
Major Depressive Episode
At least 2 weeks and at least 4 symptoms; symptoms are feelings of worthlessness, inability to feel pleasure, impaired functioning; children may irritable
Manic episode
At least 1 week; symptoms may include hyperactivity, flight of ideas, elevated mood, inflated self-esteem, decreased need for sleep
Manifest content of dreams
The apparent content of dreams
Mental status exam
Evaluates a client’s emotional state, cognition, time orientation, judgment, appearance, and sensing abilities
Predominant emotion
Moral anxiety
Guilt and shame that results from immoral behavior
Multiple baseline design
Improves generalizeability by researching treatment that begins at different times in different groups in different settings
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Grandiose, admiration-seeking, lacking in empathy, overvaluing accomplishments. May compare self with famous people and see self as unique and superior
Individuals are driven to fall asleep for short periods of time
Negative “r”
Inverse relationship between variables
Negative symptoms of schizophrenia
Behavior deficiences, including speech deficits, flat affect, motivational deficits
Neuropsychological tests
Performance tests that measure brain functioning, given when brain damage is suspected
Neurotic anxiety
Fear of consequences that could result from the expression of id impulses
Objective anxiety
Ego’s reaction to real danger
Thoughts and urges that are irrational or intrusive
Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder
Perfectionistic, controlling, excessively orderly
Oedipus complex
Child is in the phallic stage; sexually desires parent of the opposite sex and fears same-sex parent; fear is ameliorated by identification with the same sex parent
Operant conditioning
Skinner: Reinforcers and punishments will affect the learning behaviors and their maintenance
Opiate withdrawal symptoms
Nausea, diarrhea, muscle pain, insomnia; may last a week
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Negative, hostile antagonisitic and defiant behavior pattern
Oral stage
Freud: first stage of psychosexual development
Paranoid Personality Disorder
Distrustful, suspicious, jealous and may want to harm others and be hostile
Abnormal behaviors during sleep
Tingling or numbness sometimes felt during a panic attack
Pedophilic Disorder
Sexual arousal in regard to children
Positive effects of amphetamines
Treatment of narcolepsy and hypersomnia, improve mood, reduce fatigue, and weight loss
Positive effects of cocaine
Local anesthetic, stimulant
Positive symptoms of schizophrenia
Behaviors such as hallucinations, delusions, disorganized speech
After a traumatic event, symptoms are intrusive memories, avoiding emotional triggers, emotional numbness, and arousal
Statistics involving the presence of a disorder among a certain population at a certain time
Primary process thinking
Id uses it to produce mental pictures
Most likely progress of a disorder
Unacceptable desires are attributed to other people as a defense mechanism
Projective tests
Person responds to ambiguous stimuli; given to reveal unconscious conflicts; harder to fake than objective tests
Psychoactive drugs
Alter thinking/emotions/behaviors; stimulants, depressants, opiates, hallucinogens
Random assignment of subjects
Control group and experimental group should be as similar as possible
Reaction formation
“Wrong” feelings are converted into their opposites with this defense mechanism
Individual returns to an earlier developmental stage as a defense mechanism
Test gives consistent results over time
Traumatic events and undesirable thoughts are buried in the unconscious
Risk factor
Condition that increases the likelihood of getting a disorder
Rorschach inkblot test
Most widely used projective test
Schizoid Personality Disorder
Prefer to be alone, low levels of emotion
Disturbances in behavior, speech, thinking, perception and emotions that involve psychosis; at least 2 symptoms of schizophrenia for one month required for diagnosis
Schizophreniform Disorder
Same symptoms of schizophrenia but duration is less than 6 months
Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Odd beliefs, perhaps of being psychic or having magic powers; unusual speech; problems with interpersonal relationships; sometimes psychotic episodes
Scientific statements
Testable, based on observations, linked to measureable outcomes
Secondary process thinking
Ego uses it to plan and make decisions
Sensitivity training groups
Purpose is to improve empathy skills and promote personal growth
Awareness of the environment
Sexual response cycle
Desire, arousal and orgasm
Situational type of phobia
Fear is related to situations
Social learning approach
Bandura: we learn through modeling and seeing models being rewarded and punished
Social phobia
Fear of social situations
Speech and cognition
Cognition judged by content, rate, and continuity of speech
Similar procedures are used each time test is administered
Statistical significance
Probability that a relationship happened by chance
Substance intoxication
Getting drunk or getting high; imparied judgement, impaired motor coordination; symptoms depend on the drug, the quantity, and how it reacts in the individual
Subtypes of specific phobias
Animal, blood-injection-injury, situational, natural environment, other
Suicidal risk factors
Family hx of suicide, mental disorder(s), low serotonin levels, alcohol use, stressful event that is seen as shameful, past hx of suicide attempts
Psychic structure that internalizes morality
Systemic desensitization
Form of counterconditioning developed by Wolpe
Death instinct
The pleasure principle
Immediate gratification of impulses
The reality principle
Used by the ego to negotiate between the id and the environment
Token economy
Positive behaviors are rewarded with tokens that are used to buy items/privileges of worth to the client
Types of disorganized speech in Schizophrenia
Incoherent, illogical, loose associations
UCR - Unconditioned response
Unconditioned response that is naturally produced by a stimulus
UCS - Unconditioned stimulus
Unconditioned stimulus naturally produces a response
Unconditional positive regard
Client is treated with dignity and respect
Test measures what it says it measures
Waxy flexibility
When a person’s position stays the same when someone else changes it
Physically distressful symptoms when a drug is not used