RS PAPER 2 Life and death Flashcards
What does the parable of the sheep and goats teach us about judgement
It teaches us how god will judge people on how they lived their lives. god will act like a sheppard separating people like sheep form goats. The sheep all go to heaven because they all helped vunerable people in need, but the goats will go to hell because they acted unkindly and selfish.
What is judgement
At the end of our life we will have a choice to accept or reject God this decision lead to judgement and whether we go to heaven or hell this teaching comes from Christian understanding that we will be held accountable for choices in our life this can change their lives because they will live a good life to want to go to heaven
What do Catholics believe about the resurrection
Resurrection is the reason of the body after death Christians believe that Jesus resurrected and that all people experience it Catholics left the evidence from the Bible “ I am the resurrection” Resurrection of Jesus is a key believe in Christianity because they believe that Jesus resurrection makes it possible for people to have a turn on life after death this also shows Jesus defeat sin and death “he has risen”
What did catholic christians believe about the body and soul?
They believe each human is made of the body of the soul and they make up one person. They Believe the body is mortal and the soul is immortal, meaning that the body dies but the soul will live on after death. This is Sean when it says “listen we will not all sleep, but we will be changed “Corinthians
What is Purgatory?
Purgatory is a Catholic believe purgatory is a place where people go temporarily after death to be cleansed of sin right before they can live with God in heaven. This teaches us to accept people aren’t perfect and buy cleansing sin this can let a person to be reunited with God and live eternal life in heaven with God. “The souls in heaven assist us with their prayers, while we assist the souls in purgatory through our good works”
What does the parable of the unmerciful servant and teach us about judgement?
The parable of the unmerciful servant teaches us that God is willing to let us off A debt we cannot repay so we should be ready to forgive others, the servant who did not forgive was tortured, it teaches us that if we dont forgive a person it might make them remain bitter and resentful and end up suffering the upmost it also teaches us that if you wanna be forgiven by God after death you need to make sure to forgive others in life “I tell you not to seven times but seventy seven times”
What is the parable of the rich man and Lazarus teach us about judgement?
The parable of the rich man and Lazarus teaches us that weirdly and earthly possessions are a benefit in the afterlife and that those who have suffered an earth will receive the reward in heaven. It also teaches us that if we put our faith in God even in the most uncertain and tragic circumstances that he will always pull through and grant us life again “During your lifetime you had everything you wanted and Lazarus had nothing “
Name an example of what Jews believe about life after death
they believe when you die your body returns to the ground from where humans came from in the garden of Eden.
What does humanists believe about the afterlife?
Humanists believe that death is a natural part of life and that if Life were eternal it would lose purpose so we should focus on our one live we live, they also believe that we live on through memories “For the ONE life we live”
What is heaven?
Heaven is where people who have accepted gods forgiveness in this life will live forever with God when they die. This meeting with God is what we called heaven ,this is where the soul spends eternity in the presence of God
What is hell?
Hell is when people have chosen to reject gods message and to have chosen to live away from God forever, this block of God for all time is what we cal hell
What is euthanasia
Euthanasia means a good or gentle death this describes a procedure where medical professional like a doctor gives medication to end a persons life because they are suffering in terrible pain etc
What are some arguments for euthanasia
Quality of life, if a person is in unbearable pain we should be allowed to end their suffering, we would do this for an animal so then should we do this for a human.
Loss of dignity, often deaths can be long and drawn out leading to loss of dignity UK charity ,dying with dignity argues this is a reason for euthanasia
Economics, some argue it’s very expensive to treat terminally ill patient by keeping them alive, this money would be better spent on those who have a chance of living
What are some arguments against euthanasia
Medical reasons, doctor’s diagnosis is not always 100% correct or an error could be found, if these people were euthanised they wouldn’t have a chance at life
Doctor integrity, it could compromise doctor/patient trust, the job of the doctor is to save lives and not to take them
State of mind, the patient may not be of sound mind to ask for it, or they may change their mind, how can we 100% guarantee this is what a person wants therefore they should not do it
What does the Catholic Church teach about euthanasia?
The Catholic Church teaches that ending the life before natural death is wrong. The head of the Catholic Church, the pope, says “the right to life means allowing people to live and not killing “. This teaches humans that life is sacred and holy and in the Genesis God makes all humankind in his image this means that human life is special and is a gift from God so why should we go against that. “Do not kill “– 10 Commandments
Why would humanists agree with euthanasia?
Humanists would say that the decision about euthanasia should be made on a case by case basis where the quality of life of a patient is weighed up ,they also reject that life is sacred they say “for the one life we live “this means we have one life and it is our life and so we should be able to decide whether we want to end it.
What is a humanist in simple words
A humanist is an atheist who does not believe in God and do not practice any religion, they follow scientific explanations of the world such as the Big Bang theory and evolution
What is magisterium
Magisterium are the leaders of the church which are the Pope bishops and priests, Catholics believe that the Holy Spirit give the church ability to correctly interpret the Bible and tradition this power is called magisterium
Which holy book is the main source that inspired the Holy Spirit who continuously works in life of christians
What is it called when the pope in Bishops act as interpret of the Bible and tradition
What evidence is there for the resurrection
“I am the resurrection “
What is the difference between the resurrection of the body and the soul
Resurrection of the soul happens after death of the resurrection of the body will be at the end of time
What do Catholics mean by final judgement
At the end of life we will be faced with a choice to choose God or reject God
Explain three ways a couple of can live a good life to achieve salvation
Repentance, reviewing actions and feelings and to regret past wrongdoings and to admit actions and show and prove a change for the better
Faith, to act and show faith means to pray and take action and to do good works help people who are in need and to be kind and caring
Baptism, To show that we are turning away from our sins and that we are sorry for them and that we believe in Jesus Christ of the gospel it also is filling us with the grace necessary to have faith and live it
Defined the meaning of heaven for Catholics
Heaven is where people go when you have accepted gods forgiveness
What is evidence for heaven
“The soul is in heaven assist us with the prayers, while we assist souls in purgatory through a good works, prayer and participation in the Eucharist “
Does God send a person to hell and how does this link to free will?
People send them selves to hell from the free choices they made in life to reject God and his teachings
What is a parable
A story with a hidden meaning
In short words what is the parable of the unmerciful servant teach Catholics today
It teaches Catholics to forgive and shall mercy and to not hold grudges
In short words what does the parable of Lazarus and the Rich man teach Catholics today
People who live out Jesus’s teachings and show love and compassion will be with God in heaven for all eternity
What is a humanist quote
“For the one life we live “
Three humanist beliefs about life and death short words
There is no spiritual side to us, there’s no going to heaven after death, the Soul can survive without the body
How many an atheist explain Jesus is resurrection
The resurrection was staged by the disciples and the stole and hid Jesus’ body
“There’s no proof of a life after death “ explain whether this is a strong or weak viewpoint
I disagree with this viewpoint because Christians believe that Jesus is the resurrection and that he resurrected from the dead, The resurrection is a Key belief in Christianity, this is shown in the gospel when it says “i am the resurrection” they believe that God will judge each person on the day of judgement and their soul will either go to heaven or hell. This is Shown in Johns Gospel when it says “that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
This is a strong argument because Christians believe that Jesus’ resurrection makes it possible for them to have eternal life after death, and if Jesus didn’t rise from the dead faith and Christianity is pointless and it shows that Jesus defeated death.
What is the difference between active and passive euthanasia
Active euthanasia is the direct act of a doctor ending the life of the individual, passing euthanasia is for example switching off life-support machines
Evidence about euthanasia from Pope Francis
“The right to life means allowing people to live and not the killing “
What is the soul key concept
The part of the human being which lives on after death of the body, a name for a human beings mind
“Euthanasia should be offered to anyone who feels they need it “ why would Catholics disagree with this
Some Catholics would disagree with this statement because the Catholic Church teaches that the ending of a life before natural death is wrong, the pope says “the right to life means allowing people to live I’m not killing,” this means that we should allow people to live out the rest of their life using palliative care which allows people to ensure the value of their lives are respected until their natural death.
This is a strong argument because the Catholic teaching on euthanasia comes from the belief in the genesis that all human life is sacred and holy, human life is a special gift from God so why should we not accept that, this is Shown in the Ten Commandments when it says “do not kill “
What is palliative care
Palliative care as an alternative to euthanasia, for some people the leading up to death can be long, for those who have significant illnesses such as cancer might be in long periods of pain and to control that pain, is the aim of palliative care, medication as provided to reduce pain and to help a person have as much dignity and quality of life as possible
“Euthanasia should be offered to anyone who feels they need it “ why would humanists agree with this
Some humanists would agree with the statement because the decision about euthanasia should be made upon a case-by-case basis, quality of life of the patient is weirdo, they reject the idea that all life is sacred so they should have Control over their life and what to do with it, this is shown by the humanist slogan, “for the one life we live,”
This means that we have one life therefore we should be able to decide when we want to end it
This is a weak argument because people should live a valuable life and a good example of this is Stephen Hawking who lived for years with an illness, and live till the end of his life whether he was in pain or not