rs catholic christianity: incarnation Flashcards
- 1
a) what does ‘incarnate’ mean?
b) what does the doctrine of the incarnation teach?
c) what is the meaning of the incarnation?
a) being made flesh
b) teaches that God took on the full limitations of the human condition when he became Jesus
c) - God loves the human race (he was prepared to experience being human)
- God knows what its like to be human, helps us to value his love
- 1
a) give examples of jesus’ divine nature
b) give examples of jesus’ human nature
a) - “a voice from Heaven said “ this is my son, with whom i am pleased with.” (baptism)
- “He isn’t here, he is risen from the dead”
- “your faith has healed you” (blind bartimaeus)
- the appearance of his face changed and his clothes became a dazzling white” (transfiguration)
b) “jesus wept.”
- “my God my God, why have you forsaken me?”
- “Jesus was lead by the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil”
what does luke’s account show about the annunciation?
- focuses on Mary and how angel Gabriel visited her
- ” He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High”
- Jesus would be conceived through the HS, and is fully human and fully God
- humans have free will (God gave Mary the choice to be Jesus’ mother of not)
(Mary) = “here i am; the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word” - Gabriel’s message is for all believers as through Jesus’ birth, God is fufilling his promises to the jews
what does matthew’s account show about the annunciation?
- focuses on Joseph’s role and how an angel visited him and said it was right to marry Mary before he planned to break up w her
“..for the child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you are to name his Jesus, for he will save his people from his sins - angel confirms that Jesus is sent to earth to save humanity from their sins
- angel calls Jesus by Emmanuel (means God is with us), confirming Jesus is the son of God
what do both accounts of the annunciation show?
- Mary was a virgin
- Jesus was conceived by the power of the HS
- Jesus was the son of God
- angel Gabriel announced Jesus’ birth
- God worked through human beings to bring about his plan for humanity
what is the relationship between the word and God?
- Catholic church teaches that God is three persons and together these persons are referred to as the trinity
- the son of God is also known as the word of God and the WoG became human in the form of Jesus e.g “the word of God made flesh”
what does John 1:14 teach about the nature of the word of God?
- WoG is eternal (always existed w the father)
- WoG is God (“the word was God”)
- WoG is distinct from God (Word was w God)
- WoG is how God expressed his power and love (gives life light and guidance to people)
what does John 1:14 teach about the nature of the word of God?
- WoG is eternal (Like God the father, WoG has always existed”
“In the beginning was the Word” - WoG IS God (WoG comes from inside God is God’s self-expression)
“the word was God” - WoG is also distinct from God (while they co-exist, they are distinct)
“ the word was with God” - WoG is how God expresses his power and love (WoG gives light, guidance and life to people)
“what has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people”
“And the word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, and the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth”
what does this quote teach?
- confirms Jesus is the WoG, word has always existed but took on human nature to live on earth as Jesus
- Word came to earth to guide people closer to God and teach them how to share in his love
- grace = free gift, Jesus is God’s free gift to humanity and is an expression of his love for us
explain Jesus as the son of man
- christians believed he was fully human and Jesus used to use this for himself
- 2 meanings: 1. any person can use, refers to normal human being
2. title for someone who has been given power and authority by God
“Then he began to teach them that the Son of Man would undergo great suffering”
(he knew the crucifixion would cause him pain as a human)
explain Jesus as the son of God
- ‘Are you the messiah, the son of the blessed one?” ‘i am”
acknowledged he was the son of God - “you will see the son of man seated at the right hand of power”
used son of man to emphasise his humanity and has a share in God’s power, emphasising his divinity
what is the symbolism of the ichthus?
- fish; says ‘Jesus christ, Son of God, saviour’
- used by early christians as a declaration of faith
- when early christins could be persecuted for their face, completing this fish showed you believed in God
what is the symbolism of the alpha and omega?
- alpha, 1st letter, and omega, last letter, indicates God and jesus are involved in everything from beginning to end
- expresses something being complete
what is the symbolism of the chi-rho?
- forms word for christ
- reminder of death of Jesus, and how he was sent by God to save humanity through his death
what are some reasons against religious art?
- isn’t possible to portray God accurate (God = infinite, cannot be represented using limited human means)
- can mislead people abt what God is like (e.g God is old in painting of michaelangelo, can be interpreted as old and weak)
- praying infront of an image/statue could be seen as the object being worshipped
- against 2nd commandment: “you shall not make for yourself an idol”, forbids people to make statues/paintings of God
what are some reasons why the church approves of religious art?
- jesus was fully human (acceptable to show jesus in human form, shows his human qualities therefore having value)
- jesus was fully God (God revealed himself on earth in human form so it’s fine to depict him in that form)
- Jesus died to save all of humanity (can be shown as a member of any ethnicity as all in the world was affected by his death and resurrection)
what is the symbolism and significance of the sacred heart statue?
- reminder of total love that jesus has for all people
- crown of thorns surrounding heart to represent crown placed on his head at his crucifixion
- flames from heart representing burning love he has for all
- hole through heart to represent his piercing in the side by a spear
- has an expression of love and peace
- holes in hands from when he was nailed to the cross
- hands pointing to heart to emphasise it
- 8
a) what are the beatitudes?
b) state some beatitudes
a) a series of statements in which jesus blessed certain attitudes or approaches to living and said how those people would be rewarded
- teaches us how to live a moral life that is pleasing to God
b) “blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”
“blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth’
“blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God’
‘blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy”
‘blessed are those who persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”
- 8
a) what does the parable of the sheep and goat teach?
b) key quotes from this parable?
a) we should care for people in need and show love and kindness to others despite who they are and we will be rewarded eternal life in Heaven
b) “i was hungry and you fed me, thirsty and you gave me a drink”
“whenever you did this for one of the least important of these followers of mine, you did it for me”
“whenever you refused to help one of these least important ones, you refused to help me”
“these will be sent off to eternal punishment, but the righteous will go to eternal life”
- 9
a) what did st irenaeus teach?
b) quotes?
a) - jesus is the meeting point between God and humanity as he is fully God and fully human
- we can get to know God through jesus as J is the son of God and displays the same qualities (understand God’s nature by looking at Jesus’ actions)
- J was w God from the beginning
b) “He revealed God to men and presented men to God”
“Fro m the beginning, the son is the one who teaches us about the father, he is with the father from the beginning’
how does dei verbum create the understanding that jesus is both fully human and fully God?
- “For he sent his son… so that he might dwell among men and tell them of the innermost being of God” (God is revealed and speaks through Jesus and brings salvation to all people)
- “Jesus christ therefore, the word made flesh, was sent as ‘a man to men’”
(Son of God became a human to live among other humans
how does verbum domini create the understanding that jesus is fully God and fully human?
- “Christ, the incarnate, crucified and risen Word of God, is Lord of all things”
(Jesus gave himself to God through human act of dying which lead to his resurrection and glorification as the word of God ) - “the eternal world became small… he became a child, so that the word could be grasped by us.”
(The word/son of Go limited himself to a human so humans could come to understand God.)
- 11
a) what is grace?
b) what is the sacramental nature of reality?
a) grace is the
- free and unconditional gift of God’s love to believers.
- love that unites the 3 persons of the trinity
- pours into people’s hearts and calls them to a deeper relationship w God
b) it means that the whole of reality can be seen as a sacrament
- the world and everything present in it is a sign of God’s love
- God’s presence and love can be seen throughout the world
2.12 what is the symbolism of the sacrament: a) baptism b) confirmation c) eucharist
a) - becomes a member of the church/child of God
- water poured on head to symbolism washing away of sin
“i baptise you in the name of the father son and holy spirit”
b) confirms they are member of church, anointed w chrism on forehead
- receive gifts of the HS, faith is strengthened and deepened
“ be sealed w the gift of the HS”
c) receives body/blood of christ, fullness of christ
“this is my body. This is my blood”
what is the symbolism of the sacrament:
d) man and woman give consent to marry, love of God is active in their lives through their love for each other “do you … take … to be your lawfully wedded husband/wife?”
e) becomes priest, bishop or deacon, laying of hands and anointing w chrism
- person commits to God and church, given powers to consecrate at mass, preach etc.
“almighty father, grant this servant of yours the dignity of priesthood”
what is the symbolism of the sacrament:
g) of the sick
f) confess sins to priest and forgiven, laying on of hands, relation w God is restored
“ i absolve you from your sins in the name of the father son and HS”
g) person who is ill is anointed w oil, gives strength to person and forgives sins
“ through this holy anointing may the lord in his love and mercy help you with the grace of the HS”
- 13
a) at what point does life begin?
b) why is the church against abortion?
a) church believes life starts at contraception
b) all humans are made in Gods image (imago dei) therefore all life is sacred and holy and should be protected including unborn foetuses
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a) quotes to support pro-life?
b) quotes to support abortion?
a) “for as soon as i heard the sound of your greeting, the child in my wwomb leaped for joy”
“made in the image and likeness of God”
“before i formed you in the womb, i knew you”
“thou shall not kill”
b) “God made Adam, and then breathed into his nostrils the breath of life”
“you may freely eat of any tree in the garden, but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not” (free will, womans choice”