RRAPID - C Flashcards
Causes of circulatory problems
Primary cardiac = MI, ischaemia, HF, tamponade
Secondary = asphyxia, hypoxia, hypothermia, sepsis, shock
How do circulatory problems kill?
Cardiac arrest
Definition of shock
State of tissue hypoperfusion
What is stroke volume?
Volume of blood ejected by ventricle per heartbeat
What is preload?
Volume of blood returning to ventricle during diastole
What is Starling’s law?
Force of myocardial contraction is proportional to initial myocardial fibre length
Means larger the preload = larger the end diastolic volume = bigger the stretch of myocardial fibres = bigger the force of contraction = bigger the stroke volume
What is myocardial contractility?
Force with which myocardium contracts
What increases contractility?
Increasing preload or sympathetic nervous system activity
Adrenaline or inotropic drugs
What decreases contractility?
Hypovolaemia, cardiac disorder, hypoxia, hypercapnoea, acidosis, electrolyte disturbances
What is afterload + what is the consequence of increased afterload?
Tension in L ventricle during systole. 1 component is systemic vascular resistance
Increased afterload = increased myocardial work = decreased stroke volume
What is systemic vascular resistance?
Resistance of arteries to flow of blood
Directly proportional to BP
Increases with age leading to HTN
What is cardiac output?
What is MAP?
Mean arterial pressure = CO X SVR
5 categories of shock
Hypovolaemic Vasodilatory (septic, anaphylactic) Cardiogenic Obstructive (PE, tamponade, tension pneumothorax) Neurogenic
What type of shock affects preload?