Route Planning Flashcards
What are preferred routes and where can they be found?
Preferred routes are those established between busier airports to increase system efficiency and capacity. Listed in the A/FD
What are enroute low altitude charts?
Enroute low altitude charts provide aeronautical information for navigation under IFR conditions below 18,000 MSL. These charts are revised every 56 days.
What are enroute high altitude charts?
They are for navigation at or above 18,000 MSL. This four color chart series includes the jet route structure; VHF NAVAIDs with frequency, identification, channel, geo coordinates, selected airports, reporting points. Revised every 56 days.
What are area charts?
Area charts show congested terminal areas such as Dallas/FTWORTH or Atlanta at a large scale. They are included with subscriptions to any conterminous US set low and revised 56 days
Where can information on possible navigation aid limitations be found?
NOTAMs as well as A/FDs will contain current limitations to NAVAIDs
What other useful information can be found in the AFD which might be helpful in route planning?
- Enroute flight advisory services
- Aeronautical Chart Bulletins - recent changes after publication
- Preferred IFR routes
- Special Notices
- VOR receiver checkpoints
What are NOTAMs
Time critical aeronautical information which is either a temporary nature or not known sufficiently in advance to permit publication on aeronautical charts or in other operational publications, diseeminated immediately via the National NOTAM system. It is aeronautical information that could affect a pilot’s decision to make a flight.
* airport or primary runway closures
* changes in the status of navigation aids ILS’s, radar service availability
* other information essential to planned en route, terminal, or landing operations.
Define (D) Notams.
Information that requires wide dissemination via telecommunciation, regarding enroute nav aids, civil public use airports, facilities, services, and procedures
What are FDC NOTAMs?
Flight Data Center NOTAMs provide flight information that is regulatory in nature including, but not limited to, changes to IFR charts, procedures, and airspace usage (TFRs)
What are Pointer NOTAMs?
Issued by a flight service station to highlight or point out another NOTAM
What are Military NOTAMs?
pertain to military nav aids and airports
All (D) NOTAMs will have keywords contained within the first part of the text. What are examples?
Where can NOTAM information be obtained?
c. (Notices To Airmen Publication) NTAP printed NOTAMs
Will an FSS briefer provide GPS NOTAMs as part of a standard briefing?
No. A pilot must requrest GPS NOTAMs during a preflight briefing from an AFSS briefer
When will ATC delete from the system a departure flight plan that has not been activated?
Most center will delete flight plans a minimum of 2 hours after proposed departure time or EDCT.
When can you cancel your IFR flight plan?
Any time you are operating in VFR conditions outside of Class A.
AIM 5-1-15
After filing an IFR flight plan, can you depart VFR and pick up IFR clearance in the air?
Yes. This allows you to get off the ground without having to wait for a time slot in the IFR system. You are responsible for traffic and obstruction clearance, and must remain in VMC until receiving IFR clearance.
Which altitude for the route of flight does the requested altitude represent? Initial, lowest, or highest?
Planned cruising level for the first or the whole portion of route to be flown, expressed (for FL) as F followed by 3 figures (ex F180) or (for altitude) as A followed by three figures (ex A040)
AIM 5-1-9
On an ICAO flight plan, item 15 requires you to enter planned cruise speed. What does this speed represent?
True airspeed for the first or whole cruising portion of the flight, expressed as N followed by 4 digits (ex N0090)
AIM 5-1-9
If you execute a missed approach at your destination due to un-forecast weather and during the climb, you can’t contact ATC, do they know where your alternate is? Can you divert to a different alternate than what is filed?
- No, this information is not presented to controllers. If diversion is necessary, pilots are expected to notify ATC and request an amended clearance
- There’s no requirement to proceed to your alternate, you can select any airport you deem appropriate
- In this case you’d squawk 7600 and proceed to an airport that will result in a safe outcome for the flight
What instrument approach procedures may you plan to use at the required alternate when using WAAS?
Any IAP that is authorized for use with the WAAS receiver, with certain restrictions.
AIM 1-1-18
What restrictions apply to flight planning when using WAAS avionics at the alternate airport?
Flight planning must be based on the RNAV (GPS) LNAV or circling minima line, or minima on a GPS approach procedure, or conventional approach procedure with “or GPS” in the title. Non-precision weather requirements must be used for planning.
AIM 1-1-18
When planning an RNAV route, where should your route begin and end?
Plan the random route portion of the flight plan to begin and end over appropriate arrival and departure transition fixes or appropriate nav aids for the altitude range within which the flight will be conducted. Use of DPs and STARs are recommended.