Route Check Flashcards
Replan new ETP pairing
1/ Copy current route into route 2
2/ Go to end of Rte 2. Enter both A/D’s round
up and halve.
3/ Distance must be within planning range
circle coverage.
4/ Fix page enter both a/d with circle distance
slightly larger than 1/2 distance.
5/ “pick waypoint” the midpoint of a/d’s on
track. Scratchpad entry Rte 2 between
A/D’s to get distance.
Then into PROG page 3L. Note fuel.
6/ Similar pairing. Divide trip fuel by distance
to get kg/nam.
7/ Multiple this by new distance.
8/ Add on 1400kg (reserve + appr) 300kg
reciprocal rwy.
9/ Compare answer.
Cruise 11kg/nam
FL100 16kg/nam
FL140 14kg/nam
Past ETP factor 25/27
Prior ETP factor 5
Excess fuel. Take off contingency and PDA. Divide by
Relevant factor.
Low ETP fuel
Ask why? Damage, Fuel leak
1/ CI 0, advise ATC (if required)
2/ Update winds
3/ Optimum level
4/ If high speed (315kts) may be mitigated by
5/ Darp
6/ New pairing
7/ If too large to mitigate. Turn around.
Escape Route
RTE 2, load company escape route at 3R
RTE 2 legs, enter random wpt at 1L to create disco
Delete that wpt, check legs page.
RFS Categories
Regular destination Cat 9 (can be reduced to Cat 7)
Dest Wx Alternate Cat 7
Tech Alternate N/R or Cat 7 (depending on wx)
EDTO enroute Cat 4
Divert Emergency field no charts/Data
Route 2, enter as a destination
Dep/Arr select Rte 2 arrivals
Enter Rwy extension
OPT landing use GD
FD pro will have some basic A/D data
Use OPT Notam to shorten rwy end
Weather deviation oceanic, no clearance
Lights on and contact traffic 123.45 121.50
For deviations greater than 5nm
Climb/Descend the poles 300ft:
Track E, Left turn Descnd, Right turn climb
Track W Left turn Climb, Right turn descend.
Unable to maintain cleared level
Attempt to maintain cleared level or minimise ROD.
Lights 123.45 121.50
Turn at least 30 deg off track to establish a 5nm offset.
If staying above FL290 choose level that differs by 500ft
If descending below FL290, ideally parallel track till below FL290, then choose level that differs by 500ft.
In both cases proceed as required until ATC clearance received.
Check RG requirements
Search TIBA on FD Pro
Freq above FL200 128.95. If below 126.35.
Freq NZZO 128.95
Freq NZZC freq map in Jepp
Must have operative Txp, TCAS do not chance level unless absolutely have to.
10 min prior to airspace
At Waypoints and 10 min prior to crossing waypoint.
10 minute intervals
2-5 mins prior to changing altitude
Whilst changing and at new level.
15 minutes prior to exiting TIBA position report to next ATS
Calls made to “all stations”
Loss of Comms
Try all frequencies including air to air. Try different ACP’s
If Alt restriction or RV start timer
Squawk 7600
Transmit blind
If Visual and can maintain visual divert to most suitable aerodrome.
If IMC proceed with clearence and planned levels.
If Alt restriction, maintain 5 mins (3 Australia)
If Radar vector, maintain 2 mins
Within 25nm of destination can proceed direct to IAF.
Squawk 7600
Transmit blind on 121.5 123.45
60 mins after passing waypoint, level I.A.W flight plan
On arrival follow local procedures.
Pacific/Pacific Airway Manual/ Emergency- State Rules Procedures Pacific/NZ
Pacific/Pacific Airway Manual/ Emergency- Emergency Procedures Australia/Australia ICAO differences.
If waypoint sequence has been uplinked and checked using the OFP and no pilot-constructed waypoints have been added, approximately two minutes prior to reaching the active waypoint:
PF shall select the LEGS page and check the next waypoint agrees with the OFP or Jeppesen Chart.
PM shall indicate the next waypoint has been checked by annotating a white dot on the OFP (or circle for paper OFP).
Drift down profiles and speeds
EDTO operations up to 180 mins
120 min LRC 810 nm
180 min LRC 1,215 nm
180 min 315 kts 1,275 nm
EDTO operations greater than 180 minutes
CASE 1 - fire suppression - CI 40 285mins
CASE 2 - E/O - LRC (or 315kts) 330 mins
Depressurised driftdown assumes 14,000ft for 80mins then 10,000ft. An immediate descent uses 400kg.
Flight Keys assumes an immediate turn to alternate, when calculating terrain seperation