Memory Items And Standard Calls Flashcards
Cabin Altitude
- Don the oxygen masks
- Establish crew communuications
- Check the cabin altitude and rate (PM)
- If the cabin Altitude is uncontrollable:
Pax Oxy on……………………..Push to ON hold for 1 sec (PM)
Without delay descend to the lowest safe altitude or 10,000 feet whichever higher. If fuel is critical descend to 14,000 feet. PF call “rapid descent”
Thrust Levers Idle
Extend Speedbrakes
If structural integrity in doubt limit speed
Descended at VMO/MMO
PM confirm all actions done during descent
Note/ if maintaining 14,000ft PA “all occupants remain on O2”. 10,000ft PA “pax may come off O2”.
- The cab altitude is controllable, continue normal operation
Aborted engine start L, R
Fuel control switch (affected site)………Cut off
This is the memory item for aborting engine start without EICAS message. On completion of memory item do NNC
Dual engine fail/stall
- Fuel control switches (both)……………. CUT
OFF THEN RUN - Ram air turbine switch………………….. push
and hold for one second
Note. Setting 2000 on MCP provides info on where you will be at circuit altitude. Captain fly HDG SEL FLCH start heading direct alternate.
After restarting 1 engine get multiple EICAS message, some relevant, some not. 1 centre tank pump latched off (can’t be resolved)
Engine auto start L, R
Fuel control switch (affected side)……… confirm……….. cut off
(Confirmation only required in the air)
During ground starts, parameters that the Autostart monitors and attempt to correct are:
• Compressor Stall
• Hot Start
• Hung Start
• No EGT rise
• Loss of one Starter
• Start Time exceeds the starter duty cycle timer
The Autostart aborts for:
• Loss of both starters
• No N1 rotation
Engine limit exceeded L, R
- (affected side) A/T arm switch………. Confirm……. Off
- Thrust lever (affected side)…… confirm…. retard until limit exceed message blanks
or the thrust lever is at idle 
Engine surge L, R
- A/T arm switch (affected side)…… …….confirm…………….. off
- Thrust lever (affected side)…… Confirm…… retard until the engine surge message blanks or the thrust lever is at idle
Engine severe damage/separation L, R
(Note severe damage requires indication plus vibration)
- A/T arm switch (affected side)…………. CONFIRM……… OFF (PF)
- Thrust lever (affected side)………… confirm…………… Idle (PF)
- Fuel control switch (affected side)…….. confirm………. Cut off
- Engine fire switch (affected side)………… confirm……….pull
Fire engine L,R (IN FLIGHT)
Note. Ground fire not memory item
- A/T arm switch (affected side)……….. confirm…………. Off
- Thrust lever (affected side)………………confirm………….Idle
- Fuel control switch (affected side)……confirm………….Cutoff
- Engine fire switch (affected side)……..confirm………….Pull
If the fire engine message stays showing:
- Engine fire switch (affected side) ……rotate to the stop and hold for one second
[ ] Stabilizer
- Stab cut out switches (both)………………… cutout
- Do not exceed the current airspeed
Airspeed unreliable
- Auto pilot disconnect switch………………..push
- A/T arm switch (both)…………………… …….off
- F/D switches (both)………………….. ………
- Set the following gear up pitch attitude and thrust:Flaps extended………………….. 10° and 85% N1
Flaps up………………………………. 4° and 70% N1
Deviation Calls on Approach
Calls made after FAF/FAP, if deviation below 1000ft follow call with “unstable”
Lateral path:
RNAV Flashing deviation pointer “TRACK”
or amber scale.
Vertical path:
RNAV Flashing deviation pointer “GLIDEPATH”
or amber scale.