Non Normal Manouvers Flashcards
Approach to stall or stall recovery
- Initiate the recovery
Smoothly apply nose down elevator to reduce the angle of attack until buffet or stick shaker stops
- Continue the recovery
Roll in the shortest direction to wings level if needed
Advance thrust levers as needed
Retract the speed brakes
Do not change gear or flap configuration except during lift off, if flaps are up, call for flaps 1
- Complete the recovery
Check airspeed and adjust thrust as needed
Establish pitch attitude
Return to the desired flight path
Reengage the auto pilot and auto throttle if desired
At altitude push a/c symbol almost 10deg down, when recovered raise nose using FPV just below AofA limit.
Rejected takeoff
Call “Stop” then:
Simultaneously close the thrust levers Disengage the auto throttle and apply maximum manual wheel brakes or verify operation of RTO autobrake.
Apply reverse thrust up to the maximum amount consistent with conditions
Verify the speed brakes are extended
Continue maximum breaking until certain the aeroplane can stop on the runway
When stopping is assured :
Start movement of the reversed thrust levers to reach the reversed idle detent before taxi speed
After the engines are at reverse idle move the reverse thrust levers to full down
First Officer:
Verify thrust levers closed, A/T disengaged, max brakes, reverse thrust applied, speed brake levers up. Calls as appropriate.
Call 60 kts.
Notify tower
PA to cabin.
Remaining on runway in case of evacuation and wind direction.
Park Brake?
PA to passengers.
Taxi off before tyres deflate
Note/ Speedbrake only deploys if greater than
85 KIAS.
Autobrake activates if g/s >85 kts and
thrust levers closed.
GPWS Warning
Disengage auto pilot
Disconnect auto throttle
Aggressively apply maximum thrust
Simultaneously roll wings level and rotate to an initial pitch attitude of 20°
Retreat speed brakes
Terrain remains a threat, continue rotation up to the pitch limit indicator or stick shaker or initial buffet
Do not change gear or flap configuration until separation is assured
Monitor radio altitude for sustained or increasing terrain separation
Clear of the terrain slowly decrease pitch attitude and accelerate
Assure maximum thrust
Verify all required actions have been completed and call out any omissions
Monitor vehicle speed and altitude (radio altitude for terrain clearance and barometric altitude for minimum safe altitude)
Call out any trend towards terrain contact 
Traffic avoidance (TA)
Look for traffic using traffic display as a guide. call out any conflicting traffic. if traffic is sighted manoeuvre if needed.
Traffic avoidance (RA)
(Except in ldg configuration. A Descent RA below 1000ft should not be followed)
If manoeuvering is required:
Disengage the auto pilot and auto throttle.
Smoothly adjust pitch and thrust to satisfy the RA command.
follow the planned lateral flight path unless visual contact with the conflicting traffic requires other action .
Climb RA - In ldg configuration
Disengage the auto pilot and auto throttle.
Advance thrust levers forward to ensure maximum thrust is attained and call for flap 20.
Smoothly adjust pitch to satisfy the RA command.
Raise gear after positive climb
Follow the planned lateral flight path unless visual contact with the conflicting traffic requires other action.
Verify maximum thrust set, position flap lever to 20 detent .
Verify a positive rate of climb on the altimeter and call positive climb.
Verify a positive rate of climb on the altimeter and call gear up

Nose high recovery
Recognise and confirm the developing situation
Disengage auto pilot and auto throttle
Apply no down elevator. Apply as much elevator as needed to obtain nose
down pitch rate.
Apply appropriate nose down stabiliser trim
Reduce thrust
Roll (adjust bangle) to obtain a nose down pitch rate
Complete the recovery:
When approaching the horizon role to wings level
Check speed and adjust thrust
Establish pitch attitude
Call out attitude airspeed and altitude throughout the recovery
Verify all required actions have been completed and called out any omissions
Nose low recovery
Recognise and confirm the developing situation
Disengage auto pilot and auto throttle
Recover from stall if needed
Roll in the shortest direction to wings level. If bank angle is more than 90° unload and roll
Complete the recovery
Apply nose up elevator
Apply nose up trim if needed
Adjust thrust and drag if needed
Call out attitude air speed and altitude throughout the recovery
Verify all needed actions have been done and call out any continued deviation
Windshear caution
(Monitor Radar Display)
Manoeuvre is required to avoid the windshield
Windshear warning (predictive)
Prior to V1 reject takeoff
After V1 perform the wind escape manoeuvre. Rotating to 15° pitch attitude
On approach perform the Windshear
escape manoeuvre or at pilots discretion perform a normal go around 
Windshear escape manoeuvre
(You must be in TOGA pitch mode to get Windshear recovery guidance)
Call “Windshear TOGA”
Disconnect auto pilot
Push either toga switch
Aggressively maximum thrust
Disconnect auto throttle
Simultaneously roll wings level and rotate towards an initial pitch attitude of 15°
Verify the speed brakes are retracted
Follow flight director TOGA guidance if available .
Verify maximum thrust
Verify all required actions have been completed and call out any omissions
Call “Windshear TOGA”
Push either TOGA switch
Verify TOGA mode annunciation
Verify GA thrust
Verify the speed brakes are retracted
Monitor system performance
Verify GA thrust
Verify or actions have been completed and cool out any omissions
10deg pitch 85% N1 Gear up
MCP Speed intervene flap speed, A/THR, LNAV, FLCH, A/P
Do not change gear or flap configuration until Windshear is no longer a factor. Maintain wings level. Monitor vehicle speed and altitude. Do not attempt to regain lost airspeed. When clear, call “clear of Windshear”
PF calls for checklist when: Flight path under control, Not critical stage of flight, Memory items complete.
PM reads checklist title, airplane effectivity and as much of the objective statement as needed. (PF respond understood)
PM starts by confirming memory items (if any) are done. Items in green do not need to be read.
Do reference items PM reads precautions, response/action and any amplifying information. (PF respond understood)
”Confirm” A/T arm switch, Fuel control switch, Thrust lever, Fire or cargo fire arm switch, Generator drive disconnect switch. (Not required on ground)
Inoperative Items Read aloud by PM acknowledged by PF
Areas of Responsibility after moving the control in your area of responsibility the flight crewmember taking the action also states the checklist response.
Consequential alert messages shown for awareness without []. Checklist not carried out
Deferred Items if no deferred items, normal procedures and checklists are used. Where there are deferred item the non-normal checklist will have the words ”checklist complete except deferred items” these items are automatically added to the end of the applicable normal checklist.
Checklist Complete after completion of each non-normal checklist the pilot monitoring states checklist complete.
PF then asks for EICAS review. PM cancels then recalls it - discusses. PF then say Cancel EICAS
Cancelling the EICAS message list after checklists is complete (or on hold) ensures future messages are more noticeable. Then complete normal checklists (if any).
Engine Failure in the cruise
(Same procedure works in climb)
Confirm failure, fly a/c, Memory items (if any)
- MCP Alt down
- Get PM to select E/O on VNAV page, note ALT
and set on MCP, Execute
- Select ALT intervene (puts alt into VNAV cruise
- HDG turn to ALT
- Speed intervene Min Manoeuvre +15kts (min
ROD and manoeuvrable) Clear of airway LRC
approaching level off planned speed schedule
FMA VNAV SPD and CON thrust
ALTN page Direct to, Execute, LNAV
COMM. CPDLC Mayday. VHF all traffic.
Tidy up legs page
COMM as required
Rapid Descent
MCP altitude down
HDG as required
Speed intervene current speed
Thrust levers closed, Speedbrake Up.
Get PM to select ALTN page direct to.
Select LNAV
PM Datalink and VHF Mayday
Refine again on second pass
2000ft prior to level off select slower speed
1000ft prior to level off stow speed brake
Engine Failure after Take off
Positive climb - Gear UP
400ft “Restate the failure” understand issue
(Sev damage req abnormal indication plus vibration or bang during failure)
Memory items only.
PM state condition and whether there are memory items.
PF “x” memory items
With Turning flight path, either use SPD intervene or if you have selected TOGA select VNAV once turn is complete.
VNAV will ensure a level off and acceleration phase
Raise Flap.
When at flaps up manouver speed:
Continuous power
CDU engine out selected
Checklists (all) non normal, EICAS review
Checklist normal complete
Note/ If Severe Damage - unannunciated checklist.
Climb in segment 4 (clean) is assumed to be best angle. Speed given on VNAV best angle is higher (about 20kts more). Therefore may need to speed intervene to keep climbing.
Overweight Landing
Unannunciated Checklist
Consider Missed Approach climb gradient.
May require flap 20 landing (5 for go-around)
Note/ flap20 in G/A can do 2.5% at 30deg 240T Sea Level
May select speed 20kts below flap manoeuvre speed before extending to ensure below Vfe next. May be only partially manoeuvrable.
If emergency i.e. Land at nearest suitable or pax requiring immediate medical assistance can do overweight landing or fuel jettison. In other situations request approval.
Post ECL Decision making
EICAS review
Decision TDODAR. In operational include OPT
Approach load plus OPT (Get PM to do it)
Descent Procedure flap x, followed by TCTWO and checklist(s)
Remember to check entered Vref with OPT calculation
High Speed Return to Land (i.e. Cargo Fire)
Vmo 15nm on LOC at 2000ft
10nm 2000ft disengage A/T. Full Speedbrake
MCP Vref+5
260kts gear down full flap
G/S capture, reengage A/T
Stable approx 1300ft
Unreliable Airspeed
Additional notes to memory items:
Take off. Take off thrust 15 deg
Cruise 35,000ft 190T 70% 2.5 deg
230T 83% 3.5 deg
Descent. Idle 0.5 deg
Terminal. F5 57% 3.5 deg
Glideslope. Gear down Flap 20 49% 0.5
Start level off by decreasing ROD to 1000ft/min when 2000ft prior to altitude. At new altitude set new pitch and thrust.
Configure early via alternate flap. As with all alternate flap situations only reduce speed when flaps have reached new flap setting.
On Approach set pitch and thrust. Control ROD with thrust.
If IAS falls below 50 kts, will default to secondary mode.
Change in config, speedbrake will alter AofA and therefore AofA speed.
Low Speed Flight Envelope Protection
- Top of amber band is 1.3G, low level trim inhibited at this point (could be10-20kts below this speed at altitude). In addition more force is required.
- Below the minimum manoeuvre speed (top of amber band), get automatic auto throttle activation if armed but not active. In addition “Airspeed Low” warning.
Overspeed in Cruise
Overspeed warning when Vno/Mmo exceeded
Forward trim inhibited. Twice normal foward pressure required
VNAV amber lime MMO+16 (VNAV sub mode - pitches up)
Use speedbrake slowly as required
Underspeed in Cruise
Wind MCP altitude down
Select V/S 2000ft/min
Note/ AFDS designed to recover from low speed
“Airspeed Low” EICAS below min
manoeuvre speed
Aft trim inhibited when manoeuvre
margin limited, this occurs at approx
min manoeuvre speed at low altitude,
but could be 10-20kts below at high
Balked Landing
Disconnect A/T
Thrust Levers G/A
Speedbrake retracted
Speed greater than Vref
Rotate to 15 deg
Carry out normal G/A procedure
“GoAround Flap 20” etc
If annunciated by EICAS
- In air memory items then checklist
- On ground no memory item then checklist.
Possible evacuation
Unannunciated on ground
QRH checklist (back cover). Possible evacuation
Tailpipe fire
ECL Unannunciated Fire - Tailpipe Fire checklist