rotation test Flashcards
what test differentiates staph aureus from non pathogenic staph
principle of the catalase
differentiates between staph species and strep species
1ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide if bubbles appear, then it is +
what test is used to distinguish the coliform bacteria from the enteric pathogens?
TSI- pathogens are usually nonlactose fermenters
collection and transportation of anearobic specimens, what type of collection system is not suitable for anearobic cultures?
routine swabs
how could you differentiate listeria monocytogenes from cornebaterium dipetheroids?
motility - L is positive C is negative
CAMP test- L is positive C is negative
how could you differentiate alpha streptococci from S. pneumonia?
S. pneumoniae is P disc positive (suscpetible) all others are negative
what agar is used fro kirby bauer sensitivity testing?
which enteric pathogen would be last likely to survive if the stool is left at room temperature fro an extended period of time or refrigerated?
organisms that cause food poisioning?
campylobacter, E. Coli, shigella, salmonella, s. aureus
what organism is a gram neg, motile, oxidase pos, rod wth a grape-like odor?
pseudomonas aeruginosa
which genus contains, chormogenic, gram =, motile rods, which have been implicated in septicemia, pulmonary, and urinary tract infections?
what ist he most common oragnism in the human intestine?
bacteroides spp.
which genus and species is best cultured in an alkaline peptone medium and causes a severe type of diarrhea producing rice water stools?
vibrio cholera
to which lancefield group do most of the human pathogens which are beta hemolytic streptococci belong?
group A
how do you differentiate the genus Enterobacter from Klebsiella?
motility E is pos
K is neg
interpretation of TSI rxc?
K/K- alkaline/ alkaline- non fermenter
K/A - alkaline/acid- glucose fermetner
A/A- acid/acid- sucrose or lactose and glucose fermenter
h2s is black
how does a gram pos, and gram neg, bacteria differ?
gn are red and have more lipid in the cell membrane, preventing them from drying out during the decolorizer and acid alcohol allowing them to lose the primary dye and take up the counter dye
where as gp are purple and have less lipid so decolorizer and acid alcohol have littler affect
the “satellite phenomenon” indicates that staph has what factor?
V factor
what is beta-lactamase?
enzymes that a bacteria posses that makes them resistant to penicillin drugs
what sugar is fermented by all enterobaceriaceae?
meningitis due to Haemophilus influenzae is most common in which age group?
infants to young children
which genera of enterobactericeae are nonmotile?
klebsiella and shigella
which genera of enterobacteriaceae are resistant to many antibiotics and are frequently found in noscomial infections
serratia and proteus
which organism is most frequently isolated from a cat or dog bite?
pasteurella multocida
from what type of specimens are members of the genus lactobacillus isolated?
GI trac, vaginal and urines (female)
what steps must be taken to identify campylobacter in laboratory?
use campy plate in 42 degree microaeophillic environment, seagull gram stain, tumbling motility, ox and cat pos
what antibiotics are added to thayer-martin media? why are they added?
vancomysin - inhibits gram pos
colistin- inhibits gram neg
nystatin- inhibits fungal
to inhibit normal commensal organisms
what are facultative organism
microorganisms that can metabolize aerobically or anaerobically
in the performance of a gram stain, what effect would omitting the iodine step have on the final color of gram positive and gram neg organisms?
crystal violet would not adhere tot he cells and the stain will be pink
which organism can be normal in the upper respiratory tract?
small amounts of pathogens are normal, must be more tan the amount of NF to be significant
which sterilization method utilizing heat is the most effective and useful fro the clinical lab?
steam autoclave
which organism could young staph growing on SBA be confused with?
group A
appearance of Neisseria gonorrhoeae in a urethral smear
intracellular gram negative, coffee bean shaped diplococci
if oragism are seen on a direct gram-stained smear but are not recovered on routine culture, what type of organism is implicated?
which body fluid is often cultured in an effort to trace salmonella typhi carriers?
what ist he appearance of an encapsulated organism on blood agar and what effect does the capsule have on the organisms virulence?
mucoid and increased virulence
principle of the decarboxylase test
reactions: puple- yellow (=)-purple (+)