Rome and the Greek East Flashcards
When did the Rs declare Delos a free port? What was motivation for this?
166/146 BCE
Challenge Rhodes’ trading dominance in southern Aegean
What appears to have been the main way in which R and Italy influenced Delos?
Italian merchants (negationes) travelling there and trading with ppl on the island
What was a key market on Delos? How did this come about?
The slave trade
Pirates captured the slaves and supplied the island with them to be bought by romans
What is a testament to Roman influence in Delos?
many honorific statues for roman indivs displayed in the ‘agora of the Italians’
What does Polybius record as an impact on Gs of Delos being made a free port?
‘The revenue we [the Rhodians] drew from our harbour has ceased owing to your having made Delos a free port and deprived our people of that liberty by which our rights as regards our harbour and all the other rights of our city were properly guarded’ (30.31.9)
What was the main instigator of Roman-G East cultural exchange?
Roman conquests in East Mediterranean
Who was a particularly important general in the roman activities in the east? His major success?
Titus Quinctius Flamininus ‘Flamininus’
Defeated Phillip V of Macedonia in 197 (end of 2nd maced war) upon which he declared ‘freedom for the greeks’
When did the Romans defeat the Antogonids/Macedonians for good? Under whose leadership?
168 BCE 3rd Macedonian war - Battle of Pydna
Aemilius Paullus
How did romans celebrate their final defeat of Antigonids/Macedonians?
victory monument at Delphi with frieze showing romans vs maceds
When was the Achaean League defeated by Rome? Under whose leadership?
146 BCE
Lucius Mummius
What are the potential functions of the agora of the Italians? (4)
agora in a commercial sense
more specific space for slave trade
recreational/social area
What is the evidence for Italians settling in Delos?
remains of houses dating to c100 BCE that have portraits w italian names
What is the character of Roman material evidence in Delos?
Hellenised, with Greek motifs and styles being used in the IDed Italian houses
What does the Madhia shipwreck evidence? What was part of the cargo?
v Hellenistic objects being taken to Rome c100 BCE
columns and capitals, candelabra, garden vases, marble statues, bronze statues statuettes and klinai fittings, votive relifs, G inscrips,
In what way was the Temple of Fortuna Primigenia at Praeneste Hellenised? When was it built?
construction involved local stone but the architecture was particularly Greek e.g. terracing, orders
c204 BCE
What are the two important mosaics found at Temple of Fortuna Primigenia at Praeneste?
nile and fish
late 2nd cents
Where was the Alexander Mosaic found? What is significant about this and other Hellenistic elements of the context?
House of the Faun, Pompeii
private display of philhellenism seen only by occupants (likely elites) and their select guests
around when was the initial time of trade between Rome and G east that resulted in cultural links?
4th-3rd centuries BCE, 3rd was when the interactions intensified
What were the dominant means by which Greek items got to rome in late 3rd cent BCE? Examples?
booty from military campaigns
art trade
Terme ruler and Terme boxer
What change meant Hellenistic art became securely part of Roman culture?
emigration of G artisans in Rome/Italy to produce there
How were Hellenistic items perceived by Romans?
as luxury
generally consumed by elites, even in private contexts
What was the conflict in the meeting of Hellenistic civic architecture with Roman?
hellenistic style generally grand and ornamental whereas R arch more focussed on practical and robust styling
What was given a lot of money and booty from Greek campaigns in Rome?
temple complexes - money invested in them and booty displayed there
What limited the public display of philhellenism by Roman elites?
Roman moral expectations of austerity and conservatism
What Hellenistic sculptural trend made its way to Roman sculpture? Example?
Individualisation and naturalism
Capitoline ‘Brutus’ - not acc him but displays individualistic features combined with Italic styling
What was an accepted and popular setting for the display of greek items and art in rome?
In triumphal processions
What changed as a result of the Hellenistic influence over cult statues? What was a distinctive feature of many of the cult statues emerging around 2nd cent? Examples?
material, subject, execution
colossal size
T of Fortuna Primigenia - colossal, acrolithic
Aesculapius, Ostia - parian marble
Hercules, Alba Fucens - acrolithic but mostly marble
Why was Theatre construction controversial for romans in 2nd century?
Permanent and v public displays of G culture
Senate didn’t support idea of a large open space where populus romanus could meet