Romantics Test Flashcards
Facial expression
Very cowardly
Gesture of respect
A human chest; a person’s heart holding his or her deepest thoughts, feelings, or emotions
Harsh; severe; demanding or difficult
Having or showing keen judgment; intellectually quick;wise
Beyond what can be expressed or described in words;to terrible to be spoken
A state of ill-being due to affliction or misfortune; a state of being distressed; utter misery
Name that author:
Married his cousin
Edgar Allan Poe
Name that Author:
1st popular American writer
Name that Author:
Died mysteriously
Name that Author:
Addicted to Opium
Name that Author:
Gothic Writer
Name that Author:
Traditional American romantic writer
Name that author:
Developed Natty Bumpo
Name that author:
Wrote the Devil and Tom Walker
Name that Author:
1st popular American writer
Name that Author:
Died mysteriously
Name that Author:
Addicted to Opium
Name that Author:
Gothic Writer
Name that Author:
Traditional American romantic writer
Name that author:
Developed Natty Bumpo
Name that author:
Wrote the Devil and Tom Walker
Name that author:
1st popular American writer
Washington Irvin
Name that author:
Died Mysteriously
Edgar Allan Poe
Name that author:
Addicted to opium
Washington Irvin
Name that author:
Gothic Writer
Edgar Allan Poe
Name that author:
Traditional Romantic American writer
Washington Irvin
Name that author:
Developed Natty Bumpo
James Cooper
Name that author:
Wrote the Devil and Tom Walker
Washington Irvin
Who were the three fireside poets?
Short Answer:
What are the 5 I’s?
Intuition Imagination Innocence Inspiration from nature Inner Experience
Short Answer:
Explain the 3 levels of Poe’s writing
Short Answer:
Identify the 3 elements of a folk tale
Unlikely event-Making a deal w/ the devil
Stereotyped character-Tom and his wife were both miserly
Lesson-Cherish your time with you love ones (Rip Van Winkle)
Short Answer:
Infer a lesson that was taught to the reader in Devil and Tom Walker
Just because you have all the money in the world doesn’t mean you are happy, Tom had lots of money but was sad and disliked. This shows that money cant buy happiness.
Short Answer:
What is the single effect and who uses it?
He believed that every character,detail and incident in the story should contribute to the overall feel of the story
Edgar Allan Poe
Short Answer:
What is alteration, consonance, and assonance?
Alliteration-the repetition of beginning
Consonance-the repetition of constance sounds
Assonance-the repetition of vowel sounds in words.
Short Answer:
Name 3 uses of dark symbolism in The Raven
The Raven
December at midnight
The bird’s shadow
Name that Story:
Unnatural relationships between twins
Name that Story:
Setting December at midnight
The Raven
Name that Story:
Uses stock characters
The Devil and Tom Walker
Name that Story:
Refers to the devil as old scratch
The Devil and Tom Walker
Name that Story:
Features a narrator that has lost his love Lenor
The Raven
Name that Story:
A man who hangs his pet
The Black Cat
Name that Story:
Man finds a heart and liver in a tree
The Devil and Tom Walker
Name that Story:
Main character refuses to be a slave trader
The Devil and Tom Walker
Name that Story:
Sister buried alive
Name that Story:
Narrator is hopeless at conclusion
The Raven
Name that Story:
Alcoholism leads to Perverseness
The Black Cat
Name that Story:
Man sleeps through the Revolutionary war
Rip Van Winkle
Name that Story:
Animal reveals the narrators guilt
The Black Cat
Name that Story:
7 rooms hold symbolic meaning
The Masque of the Red Death
Name that Story:
A prince tries to cheat death but fails
The Masque of the Red Death
Short Answer:
Romantic literature is often a journey from the ___ to the _____.
City to country
Short Answer:
______ is the name given to schools of thought that value ____ and ____ over ______.
Romanticism,Feeling,intuition, reason
Short Answer:
The Gothics had roots in ____,_____ and ______ literature.
French,German and English
Short Answer:
The typical romantic hero is ______,______,______,and_____.
young,innocent,knowledge,and sense of humor