Anglo Saxon Test Flashcards
a poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead.
a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.
A pause of break within a line of poetry, usually indicated by the natira rhythm of the language
Repetition of consonant sounds in words that are close to one another
A part used to express the whole, or vice versa
Special poetic renaming of things
The naming of a person, or human characteristics by some object or attribute with which is closely associated
Is jealous of Beowulf’s fame
Embodies the knowledge of the price paid for physical and spiritual survival
Is killed with Beowulf’s bare hands
Is killed using a giant’s magical sword
The Monsters Mother
Shows loyalty even though he faces certain death
Is the character responsible for mortally wounding Beowulf
Attacks and kills 30 men
Is defeated in an underwater lair
The Monster’s Mother
Goes seeking fame
Weapons are useless against this demonic creature
What were the two types of people dominate during early British history?
Anglo Saxons and the Celtics
After the Romans left, what two things happened to Britain?
Central government and protection from invaders
King Arthur was most likely based on whom?
Welsh Chieftain
“The Seafarer” was originally published in what book?
In Anglo-Saxon society who was considered the most important because of his promotion of heroes?
Bard or Scop
Beowulf’s tales of conquest are an example of the Pagan idea to seek what?
What does Beowulf do when he defeats Grendel in the mead hall?
Hangs his arms up as a prize
The dragon in Beowulf represents two things what are they?
Valley of the Shadow of Death (Christian) and Destiny (Pagan)
Two characteristics of Anglo Saxon literature are what?
Written in the Olde English Language
Dragon was a symbol of evil and death
What are two major characteristics of Celtic literature?
They were stories of adventure
Fairies were a common character
What are two things that King Alfred are known for?
Rid of all the Danes and He unified England with Christianity
Be able to identify three of the five major influences on the English Language.
French, Latin, and German
What are two of the five major topics in “The Seafarer”?
What are 3 examples of the use of 3 in Beowulf?
3 struggles against the forces of evil
3 monsters in demonic shapes
3 sites of fear
Be able to name 4 of the 8 parts of the Epic Hero.
The hero
The quest
The test
The Low Point
Be able to draw and label the Beowulf plot structure
Grendel’s Mother
Essay : Be prepared to answer the following question in a clear concise paragraph. You will be required to write the paragraph in class but you are allowed one notecard. This notecard may contain a quote(s) that you may wish to use for this essay.Does Beowulf contain more of a Christian influence or a Pagan influence? Be sure to back up your opinion with evidence from the story excerpts that you were required to read.Essay : Be prepared to answer the following question in a clear concise paragraph. You will be required to write the paragraph in class but you are allowed one notecard. This notecard may contain a quote(s) that you may wish to use for this essay.Does Beowulf contain more of a Christian influence or a Pagan influence? Be sure to back up your opinion with evidence from the story excerpts that you were required to read.
Beowulf is a mix between Pagan and Christian influences. Beowulf is filled with more Pagan influence than Christian. In the beginning of the story of Beowulf, there are multiple Pagan references to fate, it also gives Beowulf a look for fame through the Pagan influences. The Christian influence comes into play when Grendel comes into the story. Christain influences the authors religion. “So fame comes to men who mean to win it and care about nothing else”. Beowulf is essentially a Pagan influenced story since it is filled with more Pagan features than Christian.