Romans 7, Galatians 5, Matthew 5-6 Flashcards
What is the spiritual “law” that Paul is referencing in Romans
God created the world and everything in it.
What is the unspiritual condition that Paul states humans are in?
Our sinful nature
Why are we a slave to the law when we are a slave to sin?
Because sin is the consequence of depravity (which violated the law)
Are the law and sin separate entities?
How does Paul describe the internal situation between you and sin?
As a war
Is there an alternative to choosing between being a slave to sin or a slave to Christ?
What is the choice of depravity?
Choosing not to retain the knowledge of God
Win/Win People seek ________ ________ in all human interactions.
mutual benefit
Win/Win is a behavior based upon __________.
Win/Win is a behavior that supports the __________ model.
Win/Win behavior reinforces that all people are all _________ and __________.
loved; sinful
Win/Win behavior supports that all people are _________ and _________, to meet the ______________________.
called; gifted; needs of the age
Who displayed a leadership style that best illustrates a Win/Win by understanding who was best for the call of the moment regardless of who received credit?
John the Baptist
The other three options are based upon the __________ model.
The other three options support a ____________ philosophy
Win/Lose believes that in order for me to win, you must ______.
Win/Lose focuses upon who will get the ________.
The win/lose leadership style is _____________.
The win/lose thinker views other people as ______ (used to perform the task you want done).
The win/lose thinker damages ___________, because if both people aren’t winning, both are losing.
Lose/Win is termed the __________ philosophy.
In Lose/Win the individual seeks strength from __________ based upon their ___________.
popularity; acceptance
Their leadership style is __________, because they’ll go along with anything as long as they are ___________.
permissive; accepted
They take the role of being ___________.
Lose/Lose happens when people become __________ with making the other person lose.
They will work hard to make others look bad, even at their own _________.
List three of the five behaviors often associated with lose/lose people?
Jealousy Gossip Slander Create factions Envy
What are the five examples in Matthew 5-6 that teach us how to be Alive in Christ?
Don’t worry Prayer and Fasting Dealing with the needy Store up your treasures Love your enemies (serving)
Give three examples from Galatians 5 of living by the Spirit.
Love Joy Peace Patience Kindness Goodness Faithfulness Gentleness Self-control
Give three examples from Galatians 5 of living by the sinful nature.
Sexual immorality Impurity Debauchery Idolatry Witchcraft Hatred Dissensions Discord Jealousy Fits of rage Selfish ambition Factions Envy Drunkenness Orgies