Romans 10-11 Flashcards
What teaching does Romans Chapter 9 end with, that sets up of Romans, Chapter 10?
The stumbling stone
What is Romans, Chapter 10 a summary of?
The battle of religiosity (finding one’s value through an I-centered pursuit of “works” they do that “prove” they follow God) vs. the God-centered humility of loving God and loving others
What does Paul mean when he says that the people are “zealous” for God, but that their zeal is not based in knowledge?
They are passionate about proving that they follow God by comparing themselves/denouncing others that don’t follow God.
What is the significance of Paul quoting Moses in Romans 10:5 “The man who does these things will live by them”?
Your actions will show what you really believe (God-centered, I-centered)
What is the danger of trying to find one’s significance and worth in pursuit of accomplishments, recognition, awards, etc.?
You’re in danger of falling into Manic Depressive tendencies, by taking any one moment as “evidence” that you are a success or failure.
How is Romans 10:9-10 an example of worship? “That if you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord’, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.”
Your words are worship because they humbly testify and give credit to God (encouraging others to seek God) rather than to yourself (which causes others to think they are not good enough).
Which parable reinforces the teaching in Romans 10:9-10?
The Pharisee and Tax Collector
Paul states that faith comes from hearing the message, and that hearing the message comes from where?
Word of Christ
What does Paul state is the reason why the people did not “hear the message”?
They choose not to
What does it mean to be disobedient?
Knowing what is right and choosing not to do it
What does it mean to be obstinate?
Active refusal and promotion of wrong behavior
What is the “remnant” described by Paul in Romans 11?
Those who know the Word of God and are called to share it with everyone
What is the false god of the Old Testament that Paul warns against worshiping?
What are the two ways that Paul describes those who find themselves in a “spirit of stupor”?
Blind and Deaf
What does Paul use as a metaphor to describe how to stay connected to God through Jesus?
Ingrafted Branches
In light of this connection, what is considered to be the sternness of God described in Romans 11:22?
God’s Divine Nature (unchanging/consistent) that result in consequences when choosing not to retain the knowledge of God
And what is the kindness of God in Romans 11:22?
A new opportunity each day to choose to love God and
love others.
What does irrevocable mean?
Something that cannot be taken away
Can the gifts you are given from God can be taken away from you if you don’t use them for the glory of
What is the Latin term Caveat Emptor mean?
“Let the buyer beware”
Who is the “buyer” and what are they “wary” of?
a. You are the buyer
b. You are to be wary of the lies being sold to you (of self-centeredness / the devil’s temptations)
The values of society are found where?
In who they admire
How can you discover what the values are?
By where people spend their time