Romans 13; Authority Flashcards
What word is defined as “being able to understand a situation from another person’s perspective”?
When you have an I-centered view of authority, how do you view God?
As a ruling God
When you have a God-centered view of authority, how do you view God?
As a loving God
When you view God in an I-centered manner, you view God and the authorities over in which two manners?
They will be able to get me what I want
They will prevent me from getting what I want
When you view God and authority in a God-centered manner, you view God and the authorities your under in what manner?
As an opportunity to understand my purpose in any given situation
Choosing to view God and authority in an I-centered manner is an act of ______________
Choosing to view God and authority in a God-centered manner is an act of __________
Why is choosing to act in an I-centered manner described in Romans 13 as living in darkness?
Because you are unable to see or understand the world from outside your own self-centered viewpoint
Why is choosing to act in a God-centered manner described in Romans 13 as putting on the armor of light?
Because you have become aware of the grand designs and plans that God has for you beyond your selfish desires.
According to Romans 13, what is the “continuing debt” that we owe one another?
To love
What is the three-step process that we all go through upon trusting God’s teaching that He has blessed us all with irrevocable gifts?
To identify the gift
To sharpen the gift
To apply the gift for the needs of our age
When we choose to follow God and authority in a God-centered manner, how do we critique the people and problems we encounter?
With empathy
Why is our ability to see a problem unique?
Because it is an opportunity to apply our talents to the needs of the age
What action are we performing when we contribute to being a solution to the needs of our age?
When we choose to follow God and authority in an I-centered manner, what are the two circumstances that makes our negative criticism sound valid?
There’s an obvious problem
Our solution can’t be tested
Why are orgies, drunkenness, sexual immorality, debauchery, dissension, and jealousy examples of choosing the “deeds of darkness” over the armor of light?
These are deeds we try to keep hidden.
Why does Paul state in Romans 13:11 that “now is the time to wake up from your slumber”?
Once you accept truth, there is no reason to remain in darkness.
In James, Chapter 4 the teaching on “Boasting About Tomorrow” states that an individual with an I-centered view will make what type of statement going into each day?
I will do this or that today…….
In James, Chapter 4 the teaching on “Boasting About Tomorrow” states that an individual with an God-centered view will make what type of statement going into each day?
If it is God’s will I will do this or that today…….
What are the five (5) laws outlined in James 4 that provides us an outline on how to live in a God-centered manner.
- Don’t put off until tomorrow what can be done today
- Don’t allow too much planning to make you miss out on the call of the present
- Don’t worry (God has all in control)
- Humble yourself (avoid self-importance and the comparison trap – which leads to arrogance/depression)
- Life is but a mist (since life is short, have priorities that reflect your awareness of this)
Why is the conclusion in Romans 13:11 that “our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed” an absolute truth?
Because each day, is one day closer to the time we die and go the Heaven.
What system did the Jewish Leaders have in place to manipulate the people?
A religion that stated it was for the people, but really it was a set of rules designed to control the people.
Why were Jesus’ actions a threat to the Jewish system?
He didn’t require adherence to their rules in order to be receive the love of God.
What decision did the Jewish Leaders and chief priests make in order to deal with the amount of people following Jesus?
Decided to kill Jesus
What additional decision did the Jewish Leaders and chief priests make that further showed the depths they would go to in order to have the people stop following Jesus?
Decided to kill Lazarus
How did Judas try to manipulate the situation regarding the oil?
To make it look like he was concerned about “giving” to the poor, when he actually wanted to keep $ for his own greed.
What is the purpose of the Old Testament?
To tell of the coming Messiah
Upon Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem, why were the people spreading their cloaks and freshly cut branches on the road?
It was a testimony that the people believed that Jesus was the Messiah
Upon entering Jerusalem, how did the request by the Greeks show a genuine response to Jesus’ authority?
They want to know more about the teachings of Christ, which shows they value His authority to teach.
When Jesus overturned the tables and cleared the Temple of the money-changers, buyers and sellers, why didn’t the money-changers, buyers, and sellers challenge Him or try to stop Him?
True authority doesn’t need to declare itself. The buyers and sellers knew they were wrong
What are the three (3) lessons learned from the buyers and sellers response to Jesus?
- Jesus doesn’t follow the authority established by humans
- Jesus “smashes” the systems created by humans
- Jesus opens our eyes to the Truth that we are to follow His system, not humans
How did the blind and lame show support of Jesus’ authority?
By coming to Him and being healed
After Jesus cleared the Temple, why were the chief priests indignant over the children shouting in the Temple area “Hosanna to the Son of David”?
Because even little children were declaring Jesus’ authority over theirs – the children are the future.
When the Jewish Leaders challenged Jesus in Matthew 21 by asking “by what authority” and “by who’s authority” are you doing these things, what was the motivation of the Jewish Leaders?
Self-centered (to maintain their power)
What was the question Jesus posed to them?
John’s Baptism, was it from Heaven or by men?
What are the two problems the Jewish Leaders had if they answered the question?
If they said from Heaven, then they would have to accept John’s testimony of Jesus as the Messiah
If they said from men, they would have a revolt by the people who accepted John as a prophet
What is the lesson taught by Jesus’ refusal to answer the Jewish Leaders question on authority?
Reinforces the Truth that we are to follow God, not the manipulative system of humans