Roman soceity during the republic Flashcards
How did you become a roman citizen?
unless both parents were freeborn Romans.
• Slaves were not citizens; bought and sold as possessions and had very few rights.
AS rome extended to Italy, what changed with the citizen right?
• As Rome extended to Italy, people who were loyal to Rome could be granted a form of citizen.
Did women have citizen status?
• Women could have citizen status but it was never considered that they should vote as father or husband controlled them.
What were the 2 social groups?
- Patricians/upper class – rich landowners and nobles
* Plebeians/lower class – poorer farmers and workers and made up majority of population.
What were Equestrians?
wealthier members of the Plebeian class, business or tax collecting
The roman army during republic?
- Most disciplined trained and successful army in the ancient world.
- Expansion of the empire was the result of the efficient army and superior weapons
Who could become a soldier?
• Soldiers had to be Roman, male and between 17 and 46 years old. They could be conscripted.
What were they grouped into legion of?
5 000 men
Why did many young men join the army? How long were they employed for?
offered more to plebian boys than other forms of work.
• Employed for up to 25 years and on retirement, received land or cash
Where were most soldier stationed?
outside of Italy, around the Empire
Living conditions?
• Usually good living quarters and decent food
When a soldier marched what did he carry?
• When a soldier marched, he carried up to 30kg of weapons, utensils, food and tools
What could the soldiers be promoted to?
the position of Centurion (office in command of 100 men)
What are Praetorians?
• During the ‘Empire’ period, the emperor had his own special guards or soldiers called Praetorians, the elite troops of the army
Discipline was very tough. For disobedience what happened to the soldiers?
soldiers would be flogged. If the whole camp was disruptive, 1 in 10 men would be executed.